Randy Neugebauer

Texas Tea Party And Conservative Republican Dominance Today, But Long Range, Democrats Have Advantage

Texas has become a solid Tea Party-Conservative Republican state, arguably the most right wing state, although with strong competition from Florida, South Carolina, Idaho, Utah, Oklahoma, Arizona and Kansas.

It has the longest serving Governor in the nation, Rick Perry, who has endorsed the idea of state secession, even though that was supposedly resolved 150 years ago!

It is the home of Senator John Cornyn, and Congressmen Louie Gohmert, Joe Barton,  Randy Neugebauer, Jeb Hensarling, Pete Olson, Ted Poe, Pete Sessions,  Lamar Smith, and of course, the best known of all, libertarian Ron Paul!

It is also a state in which two Democrats just switched parties and gave the GOP a two thirds plus one margin in the State House, making it a veto proof legislative body.

This is a state which has promoted secession and states rights; propagandized in the History curriculum so as to distort and omit large portions of history and de-emphasize historical personalities and events; worked to undermine the study of evolution in favor of Christianity on the state level; became the leader of anti abortion and anti gay rights crusades; and has an oligarchy of powerful financial interests who aim to keep Hispanic, Latino and African American populations in a dependent state and deny them bilingual education, equal job opportunity, and even the ability to study their own heritage, as it may lead to immigration raids to arrest illegal immigrants.

It is hard to believe that Texas was the state that gave us Sam Houston,Lyndon Johnson, Sam Rayburn, and many others who made the state renowned!

The problem for the GOP is that while now they have a tremendous edge, there could be a complete collapse of the Republican dominance within a generation in the state.

This is due to the fact that there are so many Hispanics in Texas, along with African Americans, that as time goes by and as the modern Republican Party manages to turn off most minority people, the likelihood of Democrats regaining majority status in the House of Representatives and in state government grows greater, particularly due to the present economic downtown, in which there are inadequate efforts to provide jobs and educational opportunities as government cuts back social services.  So although the GOP is more dominant than ever, Texas is going into turmoil which bodes for a change of the leadership statewide as Hispanic and Latino population become citizens and go in droves to the Democratic Party!  So Texas is likely to go “blue” in the near future, meaning by 2025-2030!

The Republican Party Shamed Itself : John Boehner And Randy Neugebauer

The Republican Party will look bad in history by the way they conducted themselves in the Health Care debate over the past year.

Being the party of “NO!” and obstructionism, they resisted any cooperation with the Obama Administration, and even at the end yesterday, they acted in a disgraceful way!

John Boehner, the Minority Leader, shouted at the top of his lungs in anger that the bill was being voted on, making himself look very mean spirited and nasty, which seems to be his basic public persona.

At the same time, Congressman Randy Neugebauer of Texas did a “Joe Wilson”, shouting “Baby Killer!”, as Democratic anti abortion Congressman Bart Stupak spoke up in support of the legislation after an agreement with President Obama to issue an executive order banning any public funding of abortion under the legislation. Doesn’t Texas have enough embarrassment by the conduct of its governor, Rick Perry? Now one of its many outrageous Republican congressmen has further disgraced the state, which in many ways is becoming second to South Carolina for reputation of having politicians that destroy the state’s image!

Add the racist, sexist, and homophobic comments of Tea Party activists as they demonstrated against the bill’s passage, and one has to ask: Is anyone in the Republican Party NOT embarrassed by their membership and their followers? Can anyone be proud of being a Republican?