
Growing Erratic Behavior By Trump Alarming, A Sign of Mental Deterioration (Dementia Or Bi Polar Disease)

One does not have to be a mental health professional to see that Donald Trump has signs of alarming mental deterioration, either dementia or bi polar disease.

Such evidence is seen by many psychologists and psychiatrists as danger signs of the threat of Donald Trump in the Presidency, leading to possible foreign wars against North Korea and Iran, and breaking up of the long term alliances with Europe, Japan and South Korea.

Examples of the problems Trump represents include:

His loss of temper so often;

his irrational rants against his “enemies”;

his insults of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un;

his inappropriate comments in so many Presidential ceremonies and speeches;

his alienation of our allies;

his extreme anti Muslim rhetoric on a constant basis;

his attacks on his own party membership;

his obsession with fake facts and conspiracy theories;

his incessant lying, on the average five to six times a day throughout his Presidency;

his belief that his critics are out to “get” him;

his insistence on having sycophants surrounding him and worshiping his every utterance;

his lack of a sense of reality;

his obsession with hating Barack Obama and his desire to destroy all remnants of his predecessor;

his total ignorance of science, history, and knowledge of basic international affairs.

Donald Trump’s mental state is clearly the most dangerous of any President, and far more than Richard Nixon, the best case of a comparison.

So America, every day, is endangered by the Presidency of Donald Trump as we near the end of his first year in the Presidency.

Trump’s Public Opinion Rating Continues To Fall Despite Growing Economy, And A Growing Fear Of His Mental Instability

Donald Trump’s public opinion polls continue to plunge, down to the low 30s, and likely to fall further over time.

This is happening despite the growing economy, including the stock market, low unemployment. and strong job growth.

Trump has been very irrational in his behavior, and it is starting to become an issue discussed on cable news, whether the President is fit to serve, with much evidence that he is often inattentive; wanders off at ceremonies when he is supposed to remain present; and rages and fumes so much about the unfairness of how he is treated by fellow Republicans, who are pushing ahead on the investigation of his Russian collusion. And his public speeches are very unnerving as he makes a fool of himself, and demonstrates how much of a massive liar he is, and the horrible disposition he puts on display.

It is not uncommon for men and women in their 70s to start having mental issues, as the brain ages, but we are not talking here about just any man or woman, but the President of the Unites States, who has control of the nuclear codes, but may indeed be delusional.

Such a condition could undermine the entire country, and so it is time for Vice President Mike Pence and the cabinet, all loyalists to the President, to arrange a mental exam by psychologists and psychiatrists, as to the mental state of Donald Trump.

The nation comes before Donald Trump’s own ambitions and desires, and it is the responsibility of Pence and the Cabinet to put loyalty to the nation ahead of their support of Donald Trump!

The Growing Evidence Of Mental Deterioration, Instability, And Pure Madness Of Donald Trump!

Many supporters of Donald Trump are living in denial, in a state of refusing to accept reality.

The man has been mentally deteriorating with the pressures of the Presidency over the past five months, and now there are reports that he plans to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading an investigation of the Trump scandals on Russia, on the firing of FBI head James Comey, and on Trump’s breaking of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.

His instability and erratic behavior is alarming, as he could start a nuclear war in a fit of anger.

He is capable of declaring martial law, if and when a September 11 type attack occurs, or even one far less significant and damaging than that event was.

He is even capable of staging such an attack, copying the strategy of Adolf Hitler, who staged the Reichstag Fire within months after his accession to power in 1933, using it as a pretext to destroy the German Constitution and traditions, and establish his dictatorship.

In many ways, Trump shows signs of madness, and many psychiatrists and psychologists have warned us of the dangers he presents to America and the world.

Many critics would say how can any medical doctor or psychiatrist come to such conclusions without “examining the patient”?

They forget that his staff and others he interacts with see him every day, and have expressed alarm anonymously, at the state of chaos and anxiety in the Oval Office, as Trump thinks things are running smoothly and everything is being accomplished splendidly, and as he rants and raves on Twitter at all hours of the night.

There is enough evidence of how dangerous Donald Trump is, and it is not as if he is just your “crazy uncle” or the next door neighbor.

He is the President of the United States, with the ability to start a world war and destroy our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and it is high time that political leaders of the majority Republican Party come to grips with reality, and do what they should be doing—moving to force Donald Trump out of office as necessary for the nation’s welfare.

In other words, put nation ahead of loyalty to a man, as the American Presidency and American government are more than any person’s advancement or glorification.

We do not wish to see the destruction of the international order, or the dissolution of all of the wonderful programs domestically put into law under administrations of both Democratic and Republican Presidents!