Father Charles Coughlin

Republican Isolationism Rears Its Ugly Head As It Did Before World War II!

The nation is back in the 1930s, when primarily Republican Party isolationism ignored the threat of Nazi Germany, and many embraced Adolf Hitler.

Back then, we had Charles Lindbergh, Roman Catholic Priest Charles Coughlin, auto magnate Henry Ford, Ohio Senator Robert Taft, and innumerable others resist the idea that Nazism and Fascism were a threat to American democracy and national security, even after Germany started World War II and conquered France and started the air assault on Great Britain.

Today, we have Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, Fox News Channel commentators, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, Ohio Senator J D Vance, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, and most other Republicans in Congress who resist the idea that Vladimir Putin and Russia’s war against Ukraine is a threat to American democracy and national security!

Just as Franklin D. Roosevelt had to battle against these isolationist forces back then, now Joe Biden must do so in 2024, as Donald Trump and his ilk represent a dire threat to the future of the nation!

The Mid Third Year First Term Presidential Slump: Perfectly Normal!

When one looks at the history of the Presidency, in the third year of the first term of a President, it is very normal that he suffers a loss in public opinion support, and is usually the low point of his first term, but often has had no effect on future electoral success.

Witness the following examples:

1, Franklin D. Roosevelt in his third year (1935) was denounced as a socialist, a communist, a fascist, and every other dirty name by opponents, including the American LIberty League, Huey Long, Dr. Francis Townsend, Father Charles Coughlin, and others. He went on to a smashing reelection victory, winning all but two states in 1936.

2. Harry Truman in 1947 was very unpopular and predicted to have no chance at reelection, particularly with the opposition party in control of Congress, and some members of his party suggesting he resign, because of the vote of no confidence represented by the Republican 80th Congress. He proceeded to win a miracle upset victory for reelection!

3. John F. Kennedy in 1963 was in deep trouble in the South because of his stand on civil rights, and he was on a campaign swing in the South, trying to mend fences, when he was assassinated.

4. Richard Nixon was at a low point in 1971 over the Vietnam War, with the Pentagon Papers being revealed and attempts of Congress to end the war by cutting funds. It was fear that his Democratic opponent might be strong that convinced Nixon operatives to become involved in the Watergate scandal, but Nixon won all states but one in 1972.

5. Ronald Reagan in 1983 had the highest unemployment rate since FDR, and low public opinion ratings similar to those of Barack Obama now (low 40s), but went on to win all but one state in 1984.

6. Bill Clinton had low public opinion ratings in 1995, particularly after the Republicans took over both houses of Congress, but won reelection in 1996.

7. George W. Bush had a lot of opposition and criticism about the war in Iraq in 2003, but went on to win reelection in 2004.

So it is not a danger sign that Barack Obama is suffering a low point in the summer of 2011, as despite many problems, he still has strong popular support personally, and the opposition Republicans are being blamed by many for the Debt Ceiling Crisis and its aftermath!

So don’t count the President out by any means, as the odds still strongly favor his reelection in 2012!

Glenn Beck: The Most Dangerous Demagogue Since George Wallace!

Dana Milbank in the Washington Post yesterday pinpointed the fact that radio and TV talk show host Glenn Beck has become the most dangerous demagogue since George Wallace in the 1960s and early 1970s.

Even more than Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Bill O’Reilly, Beck has become the true promoter of division and anarchy in this country through his rantings and ravings on Fox News Channel and his radio show.

Beck has claimed his belief in “death panels” under the Health Care Reform legislation, an idea first promoted by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. He has claimed the government is organizing FEMA concentration camps for those opposed to Obama’s government. He has stated that President Obama wants to create an equivalent of Hitler’s SS or Saddam Hussein’s Republican Guard. He claimed Rockefeller Center has secret meanings that are Communist, Socialist, and Progressive in its architecture and sculptures on the walls. He asserted that the government wants to promote forced abortions. This is just a selected list of his crazy assertions!

As the Anti Defamation League stated, Beck is willing to give credence to conspiracy theorists and anti government extremists.

Beck talks about Nazism and Marxism as if they are one and the same. He appeals to his ignorant audience that is too easily made emotional by his acting performance which borders on the insane much of the time.

The fact that the Gallup poll last week showed him more popular than anyone, except former South African leader Nelson Mandela, is terrifying news. His being more popular than Billy Graham, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, and George HW Bush shows how ill informed and emotional the American public has become.

This reminds me of the appeal that Father Charles Coughlin, the “Radio Priest”, had in the years of the Great Depression. It also brings back memories of Senator Joseph McCarthy, who promoted the Red Scare in the 1950s. And, of course, it brings back bad memories of Governor George Wallace of Alabama in the 1960s and 1970s, who promoted race hatred and insecurity as he ran for President.

Face the facts: Glenn Beck is the new menace to American freedom and stability, and the fact that many advertisers have withdrawn from supporting his show on Fox News Channel is a good thing. This man has nothing positive or encouraging to say, and it is obvious he is just out to enrich himself at the expense of the gullible Americans who are rightfully concerned about their future, but are being told by this recovering alcoholic to have fear and hate for their government and many of their fellow citizens.

It is time for Americans who believe in truth and positive thinking to denounce and boycott this spewer of poison and hate, who is laughing all the way to the bank at our expense! 🙁