Congressional Elections 2024

Republican House And Senate Leadership In Disarray As Congressional Elections Of 2024 Occur In Nine Months!

The Republican Party in Congress is in disarray, bitterly split whereby they cannot accomplish their goals in the House of Representatives or in the US Senate.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is an abject failure, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is facing a massive attack on his leadership by critics, including Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Florida Senator Rick Scott, Utah Senator Mike Lee, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, and Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.

The Republicans are not in good shape as they face Congressional elections coming up in nine months!

Goodbye And Good Riddance To Kevin McCarthy!

Former briefly Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is quitting Congress at the end of this year, not fulfilling the commitment to finish his 9th term in the lower chamber.

This is not surprising, as Kevin McCarthy has spent his House career seeking power, and being aggressive and nasty toward critics in both parties.

His Speakership was brief and disastrous, and he leaves with a chip on his shoulder, and planning to work to defeat his Republican critics.

His 17 years in the House showed no principle, no decency, no concern about those in his California district or nationally, who had difficult lives.

He was an example of the worst elements of selfishness and greed imaginable, and will not be missed!

His leaving, and the expulsion of George Santos, leaves only a two seat margin for the Republicans, so the party could, in theory, lose their majority sometime in 2024 before the next elections!

A Turning Point Crisis In Israel Will Affect Presidential Election Of 2024!

The horrendous massacre and mass murder of Hamas against civilians in Israel, including the kidnapping of hostages, is uniting most Americans around the great, compassionate, and dedicated support of President Joe Biden and his administration toward the Jewish state in this moment of existential crisis.

Even many conservatives and Republicans are applauding President Biden’s statements and actions on this most significant crisis of 2023.

Meanwhile, the Republicans cannot even select a Speaker of the House, and former President Donald Trump has demonstrated that he is willing to attack Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on petty grounds that he accepted and acknowleded Joe Biden’s victory in the Presidential Election of 2020.

Additionally, Trump praised Hezbollah, the terorrist group in Lebanon, as being “smart”, alienating many Republicans with such an outrageous statement.

So one can expect that Joe Biden will gain mightily from his handling of the Israel-Gaza War crisis, not because of the fact itself, but instead the continued demonstration of compassion, decency, competence, and experience that Joe Biden has brought to the Presidency.

The Republican Party, and its likely nominee, Donald Trump, truly the equivalent of a “suicide mission” for the party, will suffer dearly as they well deserve to do so a year from now, by what is likely a smashing defeat in the Presidential and Congressional Elections of 2024!

22nd Anniversary Of September 11, But Republicans Undermine National Defense!

It has been 22 years since the shocking Al Qaeda attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and the nation is still reeling from divisions on national defense and national security.

We have many Republicans who work against assistance to Ukraine in its war provoked by the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin.

We also have Alabama Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville still blocking confirmation of military promotions in the armed services, now for seven months, over the military’s decision to allow women in the military to gain reproductive services, including abortion.

With so many Republicans supporting Russia, a mind boggling development, that party is undermining national security in a massive way, and that needs to be emphasized by Democrats as we look ahead to the Congressional and Presidential Elections of 2024, just 14 months away!

Republican Party On Wrong Side Of History And Public Opinion On Abortion And Guns!

The 2023 Republican Party is clearly suicidal in nature, resisting the tide of American history and public opinion toward the concept of tolerance, freedom, and advancement.

Clearly, public opinion is for abortion rights to be retained; acceptance of different ethnic, racial, and religious groups; and for protection of society from weapons of war being limited as a danger to all Americans!

And yet, the Republican Party has bowed to the extremist religious and conspiracy groups, in taking away the rights of women; of racial and religous minorities; and the right of Americans to protection from the evils of the gun lobby, which promote a state of war in America waged by evil forces that insist on total access to weapons of war in the hands of demented and dangerous criminal elements!

Only a smashing defeat of Republicans in 2024 and beyond will end the cancer of a party beholden to Donald Trump, and against the best interests of the American people at large!

President Biden And The State Of The Union Address: A Grand Slam Homerun!

President Joe Biden hit a grand slam homerun last night in a magnificent State of the Union Address before a joint session of Congress, lasting more than an hour, and touching on all issues that needed to be addressed.

And the MAGA Republicans hurt themselves by their horrendous behavior and lack of respect for the President, including heckling and jeering, something Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy tried to prevent ahead of the gathering, but failed in his mission to do so.

The scene of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and other extremists misbehaving in a way that was totally inappropriate in this venue will be used by Democrats in the upcoming Congressional and Presidential campaigns of 2024!

Biden confronted the Republicans on the debt ceiling issue; on the danger to Social Security and Medicare; on immigration; on the issue of gun regulations and police abuses; on climate change; and so many other issues.

The Republicans were on the defensive and denied reality that they had caused one fourth of the entire national debt under Donald Trump, and had raised the debt ceiling three times, but now are being resistant on doing so this time!

Anyone who had doubts about Joe Biden’s ability to deal with complex issues saw a President highly energetic, giving a fantastic speech that put the Republicans on the defensive.

Biden is ready to take the case of his reelection to the nation, and he will, clearly, give the opposition “hell”, as Harry Truman did in the Presidential campaign of 1948!