BP Oil Spill Crisis

Skepticism That BP Oil Spill Is No Longer A Crisis! :(

Just as the BP Oil Spill Crisis seems to be reaching its end, in regards to capping the well, the US government is informing us that the oil spillage, the massive amount of 4.9 million barrels by latest estimate, poses very little threat, as only 26 percent of the oil spilled is still in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico or onshore in a form that could do harm! Supposedly, the damage that could be done on the surface or under the surface of the waters is minimal, and the oil is evaporating and dispersing rapidly!

Of course, no one knows for sure the effect on the people of the Gulf and their livelihoods, which seems long term! Also, there is no answer yet to the effect on sea life–fish, crabs, shrimp and birds–that have been affected by the oil spill, as to their long term impact on the eggs and larvae of these species!

The damage to the environment and economy of the Gulf States, long term and short term, cannot yet be measured! The relief effort by BP and the federal and state governments may have succeeded to some extent, but still one has to wonder whether the government scientists and experts are correct, or if BP will be somehow let off the hook for long term damage that cannot yet be assessed! ๐Ÿ™

It seems to the author that the media must continue to monitor and report on the situation, and not let the company or the federal government dismiss the issue as no longer a big deal, as the suspicion is clear that both want to get past this issue without clear cut responsibilities being taken for the damages done! ๐Ÿ™

The British Media, BP And Anti American Sentiments: Shocking To An Anglophile! :(

The author wishes to make it clear that he is an Anglophile, who admires and appreciates everything British, even though historically, as with any country, there are certainly criticisms that can be made of a nation’s sins in its past!

Therefore, it is very shocking to the author to witness the depth of the resentment expressed in the British media toward the United States, over the Oil Spill Crisis caused by the accident involving British Petroleum Corporation!

The BP mishandling of this environmental and economic disaster, and the insistence of the US government that BP is totally responsible for all costs of the resolution of this matter, has managed to cause a rift unseen in a long time!

The US and Great Britain have had a special relationship for a long time, going back to World War II. While the two nations have not always agreed on everything, and sometimes their leaders have been on different wavelengths on different foreign policy matters, it is something new to have the British media, famous for being extremely emotional on many issues, to make the United States government and its President the center of harsh criticism over something that even they should realize we as a nation have every right to be furious about!

To be demanding answers from BP at a Congressional hearing is not unreasonable! What is unreasonable is that BP acted in a totally aloof, evasive way, and has conducted terrible public relations on the Oil Spill Crisis in the past two months! ๐Ÿ™

If Great Britain had suffered the same tragic economic and environmental disaster as a result of the mishandling and abuses of an American corporation, would not they be just as furious and demanding of action as our country is with BP? ๐Ÿ™

Therefore, the British media reaction arouses resentment and anger in this country, rightfully, and it seems to the author, that their conduct is reprehensible!

Thank goodness, the British government has been more circumspect in its behavior, even thought it is obvious that British Prime Minister David Cameron is certainly uneasy and uncomfortable with how the United States citizenry, media and government have been expressing growing frustration with BP!

Neither nation, however, should allow the Oil Spill Crisis to undermine relations between two countries, which have been as close to “bosom buddies” as any two nations could possibly be over a long period of time!

BP And “The Little People”: Insulting And Condescending! :(

The Chairman of the Board of BP yesterday, after meeting with President Obama, and agreeing to a $20 billion escrow account for victims of the Oil Spill Crisis, spoke to the media outside the White House, and managed to show total lack of sensitivity about the ordinary Americans hurt by the crisis!

He said that BP wanted to demonstrate that it cared about “the little people”! ๐Ÿ™

Is there anything more insulting than to call other human beings “the little people?” ๐Ÿ™

That is an indication of what wealthy people tend to consider those who serve them, or those who just work for a living, rather than having obscene salaries and wealth! ๐Ÿ™

It is totally outrageous and condescending to use such language, and has rightfully angered many people living on the Gulf Coast who are victims of the BP Oil Spill! ๐Ÿ™

Unfortunately, people who have major assets tend generally to act this way, and it is a disgusting practice that needs to be condemned to the extreme, and BP should apologize for such poor use of language! ๐Ÿ™

Congressman Joe Barton: Favoring BP Over Victims! :(

Republican Congressman Joe Barton of Texas, at the beginning of the committee hearings today with BP Chairman Tony Hayward, was highly critical of the Obama Administration for gaining a $20 billion “slush fund” and “shakedown” from BP yesterday in the Oval Office! ๐Ÿ™

What an outrage, for Congressman Barton to be more concerned about a corporation which has caused so much economic and environmental damage in the Gulf Coast, destroying the livelihoods of fishermen, small businesses of all kinds, and the shorelines of four states dependent for a lot of their state income from tourism! ๐Ÿ™

The Obama Administration has already issued a denunciation of Barton, well deserved repudiation of his greater concern with big business, rather than the average American harmed by the BP recklessness! ๐Ÿ™

Barton is following a trend begun by Michele Bachmann, and rapidly being voiced by conservative talk show hosts and other Republicans and Tea Party activists! ๐Ÿ™

This is good news for the Democrats and President Obama! Let conservatives and Republicans and Tea Party people continue to denounce what President Obama has accomplished, as that can only help sustain the Democrats as the party of the people, concerned about average Americans and ready and willing to make corporations be held accountable!

It is hard to imagine in November that being critical of the government and for BP is going to be a winning campaign for Tea Party favorites and Republicans! So, go right ahead and dig your own demise, is what progressives and Democrats should be encouraging right now!

As sad as this crisis is, it is an opportunity to show the true colors of the GOP and their allies! ๐Ÿ™

Barack Obama And The BP Oil Spill Crisis: A Major Triumph And Accomplishment! :)

President Obama scored a great victory over a multinational corporation, British Petroleum, today, when he got them to apologize for the tragedy of the oil spill; to agree to $100 million to cover lost wages; and a minimum of $20 billion to cover economic and environmental damages in the Gulf of Mexico, to be administered by a third party, and with no cap on the ultimate amount that might be paid out!

This is a massive victory that the President can be proud of, and will stand out as one of the most outstanding triumphs in American history against big business corporations!

It came about after the President was unable to gain an increase in corporate liability from Congress, from the present $75 million to $10 billion, due to the opposition of Republicans, who don’t as a party want to hold big business accountable for its transgressions!

Think about it: If John McCain had been in the White House, or George W. Bush, or Ronald Reagan, would we see such strong action and results on a crisis such as this? The answer is NO, and once the understanding of what has happened becomes evident, it will help improve the public opinion ratings for President Obama and his party, as it will be further proof of the difference between the two major political parties!

As horrible as this Oil Spill Crisis is, and as sad a situation as it presents to the country over a long period of time, it is also a reaffirmation of how fortunate we are to have Barack Obama in the White House!

While the “chattering class”, the news media, on both the Left and the Right, has been critical of last night’s speech as not doing enough, I think it is time for reassessment, at least on the Left, of their hasty judgment!

The Right will not change its view no matter what, but any fair minded assessment of what has happened should lead to a positive impact by the American people relating to the President’s handling of this crisis!

Michele Bachmann And The BP Oil Crisis: Supporting BP, Not The Victims! :(

Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann can be counted upon to speak up as a whacky, loony embarrassment to the Republican Party and the nation on a regular basis, and she has done it again! ๐Ÿ™

At a time when British Petroleum Corporation, the company responsible for the horrific oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, which has destroyed the economy and environment of the area for a very long time, is ready to take action in a responsible way, Michele Bachmann is suddenly advising them to be uncooperative! ๐Ÿ™

BP has agreed to a $20 billion escrow fund to pay for damages done and lost income that so many people have suffered, and they have also agreed to suspend dividend payments of more than $10 billion to shareholders of the company for the rest of the year. President Obama was able to gain this agreement, and despite the criticism of talk show hosts ranging from Fox News Channel to MSNBC to radio shows, he is to be commended for obtaining the concessions by BP!

But Bachmann instead has condemned the escrow fund as a way for government to gain more control over people’s lives, as a way to promote redistribution of wealth, and said BP should not be “fleeced” and become “chumps” to pay for “perpetual unemployment”!

Bachmann spoke to the Heritage Foundation, not famous for having any understanding of the lives of ordinary Americans or having sympathy for those less fortunate! ๐Ÿ™

Bachmann and the Heritage Foundation, and assuredly, the many other conservatives and Republicans who will back what she says, needs to be condemned by all fair minded people! ๐Ÿ™

This is the greatest man made disaster we have seen, and it is essential that the national government be involved in the resolution of this matter!

After a slow start, President Obama is finally taking a strong position which, hopefully, will lead to the beginning of resolving this horrible situation! But of course, the capping of this massive oil leak is of even higher priority to stop the hemorrhaging that we observe on television and the internet 24 hours a day, seven days a week! ๐Ÿ™

The Upcoming Oval Office Meeting Of BP Executive Tony Hayward And President Obama

Next Wednesday, British Petroleum CEO Tony Hayward will meet with President Obama in the Oval Office!

Such a meeting should have been held earlier than 58 days after the Oil Spill Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico! ๐Ÿ™

BP has lied and deceived on the amount of oil leakage, and has been unwilling to allow free access by the news media to report the disaster! This is totally unacceptable behavior by any corporation, when what has occurred is a tremendous economic and environmental disaster for the nation! ๐Ÿ™

President Obama must be tough and demanding at this meeting, and must make it clear that if BP does not follow through on total responsibility, both legally and financially, short term and long term, then the long arm of the national government will come down on them with a sense of total wrath! ๐Ÿ™

For too long, we have allowed powerful international corporations to manipulate our government at all levels, and to do great harm to the average American! ๐Ÿ™ This must NOT be allowed to continue, and we know that the Republican Party will not do anything to harm their close association with these corporations, so it is essential that the Democratic Party and President Obama take a stand for the American people, and make the disciplining and tight regulation of BP and other corporations a priority! ๐Ÿ™

Otherwise, the future of American democracy is at stake! We need our President to act like Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and John F. Kennedy conducted themselves in confrontations with big business, making it clear that they were not going to tolerate abuses by corporations against the American people! ๐Ÿ™

The Republican Party And The BP Gulf Oil Crisis: A Total Disgrace! :(

It is indeed shocking, but not surprising, that Republicans past and present are working very hard to back British Petroleum in any way they can, and to have them avoid full financial and legal responsibility for the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico! ๐Ÿ™

Former Vice President Dick Cheney, former Bush Chief of Staff Josh Bolton, Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma, Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Congressman Don Young of Alaska, and House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio are among the GOP leaders who are working behind the scenes, and also in public statements, to whitewash BP’s legal and moral responsibility, and to make it out that the environmental disaster not be totally placed on BP stockholders by a loss of dividends paid by the corporation! ๐Ÿ™

When one wants to think that the GOP is maybe worth some slack, the party leaders work very hard to make it impossible to have such sympathies! ๐Ÿ™

How can any of these leaders, and others in the party, have other than total outrage at BP? And yet they go about their merry way justifying, defending, belittling criticism, and conspiring to help the oil company and put the burden of the disaster on the American people! ๐Ÿ™

The Republican leadership has lost all morality and decency, if they ever had any! ๐Ÿ™