The Upcoming Oval Office Meeting Of BP Executive Tony Hayward And President Obama

Next Wednesday, British Petroleum CEO Tony Hayward will meet with President Obama in the Oval Office!

Such a meeting should have been held earlier than 58 days after the Oil Spill Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico! šŸ™

BP has lied and deceived on the amount of oil leakage, and has been unwilling to allow free access by the news media to report the disaster! This is totally unacceptable behavior by any corporation, when what has occurred is a tremendous economic and environmental disaster for the nation! šŸ™

President Obama must be tough and demanding at this meeting, and must make it clear that if BP does not follow through on total responsibility, both legally and financially, short term and long term, then the long arm of the national government will come down on them with a sense of total wrath! šŸ™

For too long, we have allowed powerful international corporations to manipulate our government at all levels, and to do great harm to the average American! šŸ™ This must NOT be allowed to continue, and we know that the Republican Party will not do anything to harm their close association with these corporations, so it is essential that the Democratic Party and President Obama take a stand for the American people, and make the disciplining and tight regulation of BP and other corporations a priority! šŸ™

Otherwise, the future of American democracy is at stake! We need our President to act like Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and John F. Kennedy conducted themselves in confrontations with big business, making it clear that they were not going to tolerate abuses by corporations against the American people! šŸ™

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