Month: June 2016

Growing Possibility That Donald Trump Will Eventually Resign From Presidential Race When He Realizes He Cannot Win The Election!

There are growing rumors that Donald Trump, who hates to lose, will eventually resign from the Presidential race, when he finally realizes that he cannot win the Presidency.

Of course, Trump is all bluster, and claims all of the polls are wrong, and that he will win “Blue” states, as well as “Swing” states.

But it is hard to believe that Trump is as clueless as he makes himself out to be in public gatherings!

Supposedly, there is a offer to pay Trump $150 million to withdraw, but Trump seemed to say that even five times that much would not make him withdraw, although if he were to be offered $5 billion, he would consider it!

In any case, Donald Trump has damaged the Republican Party irreparably, and the nation as well, with his poisonous candidacy!

On Father’s Day, Is Donald Trump A Role Model Dad? NO!

Today is Father’s Day, a day to celebrate dads as role models.

But Donald Trump is clearly NOT a role model father!

Of course, his five children would, vociferously, defend their dad, and who would not, when dad is a billionaire and all his children have secure financial futures as a result?

But deep in the recesses of their minds, his four adult children KNOW he is far from an ideal role model dad!

He is a man who has cheated others–employees, fellow businessmen and women, contractors, banks, and the “little people”–with impunity!

He is a man who has has been a serial adulterer, and has mistreated his wives and shown disdain and lack of respect for women as individuals and as a group!

He is a man who has lied consistently during this Presidential campaign, at least 91 percent of the time, knows he is doing it, and has no conscience about what he says and does!

He is a man who thinks bullying, insulting, degrading, mocking, belittling is perfectly acceptable behavior!

He has no compassion for those less fortunate, and looks down on minority groups, and promotes racism, nativism, and xenophobia, encouraging violence and intimidation, not unlike Fascists in other nations who let their egotism and narcissism lead to destruction of their nations, as his ambitions and cravings are all that matters in his mind!

He has promoted the ideas of materialism, greed, selfishness, as virtues to his children, and they already display evidence of having learned very well, showing lack of conscience on what their father is doing to promote discord and division, because they are only mercenary, worrying about their own selfish personal agendas!

He has been a horrible role model to young men and boys, making their most aggressive and exploitative tendencies seem normal, therefore undermining the future relationships of men and boys to women and girls, affecting the long term future of millions of American families!

Donald Trump is a menace to ethics, morality, and common decency, and is not be applauded for being a dad, particularly one who was often absentee in nature!

He should be confessing his shortcomings and asking forgiveness, but it is not part of his makeup, a disgrace to fatherhood as a concept!

Middle Class “Rust Belt” Voters (Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin) Favor Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

Many Republicans seem to think that middle class “Rust Belt” voters in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin will abandon their strong support for Democrats in Presidential elections and vote for Donald Trump in 2016.

That is totally delusional, as Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin have been strongly “Blue” for the past six Presidential elections, and will not change this November.

Ohio is a different story, as it is the ultimate “Swing” state, and that is why Sherrod Brown, Ohio Democratic Senator, might be selected as Hillary Clinton’s Vice Presidential running mate.

If Donald Trump was able to convince Ohio Governor John Kasich or Ohio Senator Rob Portman, to be his running mate for Vice President, the odds of the Republicans winning Ohio would be vastly improved, but there seems to be zero chance of either Ohio Republican office holder taking up such an offer.

Polls so far make it clear that Hillary Clinton is strongly favored to carry all four “Rust Belt” states.

Republican Party Born Over Race And Immigration Controversies, And Dying Over Race And Immigration Controversies!

The Republican Party was born in 1854 over the issue of race and immigration controversies, and now, 162 years later, it is dying over the issue of race and immigration controversies!

The difference is that in 1854, the Republican Party was created on the basis of open mindedness and tolerance on both the issue of slavery and the discrimination against Catholic immigration from Ireland and Germany.

Now in 2016, the Republican Party is destroying itself after years of promoting racism and nativism, and finally nominating a Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, who is tearing the party to shreds, and will be held responsible for the party’s demise!

But really, the party has been headed in this direction for the past generation, and has been a total disgrace in its promotion of hate and intolerance which has besmirched the good name of innumerable Republican—Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, Governors, state legislators—who were proud of their commitment to the principles that led to the rise of the Republican Party and its defense of freedom, liberty, and open mindedness!

One Year Of Presidential Candidate Donald Trump: A Nightmare That Is Never Ending!

A year ago today, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States.

It has been a difficult year, since no one in their right mind believed Trump was serious, or that he would be able to overcome all 16 opponents for the Republican Presidential nomination.

Trump has been totally underestimated, and he has said and done so many horrible things that one would think he would have eliminated himself from the race, but instead, it seems as if nothing until recently has had any effect on weakening him.

But now public opinion polls are starting to show him substantially behind his opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

His own mouth and terrible, destructive behavior seems finally to have resonated, and his own party is exasperated, wishing there was a way to deny him the nomination that he will formally gain in just about a month from now.

Trump is about to destroy the Republican brand totally, and the likelihood of a massive progressive victory, maybe the greatest since 1964, is in the offing.

Trump has caused many Americans to have high blood pressure and stress, at the thought that this narcissist and egotist, with no government or military experience, has the gall to seek the Presidency, and for voters in the Republican Party to be stupid and ignorant enough to nominate him over other candidates who were highly qualified to lead our nation!

Republicans Unifying Around Donald Trump Are Self Destructing As A Result! Destroying Their Careers And Reputations In The Process!

Donald Trump is a total disaster for the Republican Party, and many office holders are backing away as rapidly as possible, but it may not be enough to save them and their careers and reputations in the process.

Many are still unifying around Trump, and will suffer ever more, including Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey and Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama as two examples, because they both have the ambition to be Vice President.

Many others clearly have no desire to run with Trump, and to serve under him would be a nightmare.

The only way to hold on to one’s career in the Republican Party is to repudiate Trump, and condemn his racism, nativism, xenophobia, and misogyny. Republicans in “Blue” states are showing signs of doing so, as for instance, Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland and Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker.

Many Republican Senators running for reelection are seeing their likelihood of reelection going down the drain, and are in crisis mode.

Of course, Republicans in solidly “Red” states, particularly in the South, probably do not need to worry as much, although there is no certainty that the “Red” states will all remain “Red”, as there are signs that North Carolina, Georgia, Indiana, Missouri, Arizona, and even Utah might abandon the Republican Presidential candidate.

Tone And Temperament Harm Donald Trump With Voters, Will Prevent Expansion Of His Base!

Donald Trump’s tone and temperament are harming his Presidential campaign, and will prevent expansion of his base beyond a percentage of Republican voters.

A Bloomberg poll shows Democrat Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump 49-37 today, and that includes Libertarian Gary Johnson with 9 percent.

So if one assumes that Gary Johnson will wither in support, then it seems likely that Hillary Clinton will have a larger lead in the future than just 12 points.

If that happens, then we are on the way to an electoral landslide of massive proportions.

It is still, of course, much too early to predict that, but it is clear that Donald Trump’s tone and temperament are greatly undermining his candidacy, and if he does not pivot very soon, and change his tune of misogyny, nativism, racism, and xenophobia, there is no way that Trump can possibly win the Presidency.

He has very little of an organized campaign in the “swing” states, and lives in delusion that he can, somehow, compete and win in California and New York, the two largest “Blue” states.

Donald Trump is self defeating, and his failure to change his tone and temperament will doom him in November!

War On Gay And Lesbian America In Full Swing By Religious Fanatics And Republicans!

The shocking murder of 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, along with 53 others wounded, many of them in serious condition, is a sign of the war on gays and lesbians raging in America by religious fanatics and Republicans!

The perpetrator was a Muslim fanatic, a person devoted to ISIS, but it is not just Islamic terrorism that is guilty of this crime.

It is religious fanaticism of all religions, which refuses to treat gays and lesbians as human beings with basic human rights, as much as straight Americans.

It is white Americans, black Americans, Hispanic Americans who use their religious fanaticism to hate gays and lesbians, with many people repudiating their own children and other family members.

It is evangelical Christian extremists, Catholic extremists, Jewish extremists, Hindu extremists, Mormon extremists–extremists of all religions—who promulgate hatred and prejudice and discrimination.

It is ministers who promote hate, and priests who promote hate from their pulpits.

It is Republicans who refuse to accept gay rights and gay marriage, and refuse to mention that this terrorist event involved gays and lesbians, as if the people killed do not matter.

It is Donald Trump refusing to acknowledge until just now that gays and lesbians were killed, only bragging that he was “right” that this was another example of radical Islamic terrorism, and calling on Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to resign for refusing to use that term. It took Trump two days until now finally to show concern that it was gays and lesbians who were the victims.

Donald Trump should resign from the race if he refuses to accept that gays and lesbians have the same rights as anyone else in America, including marriage rights, as decided by the Supreme Court of the Unites States.

This is a human rights crisis of massive proportions, and the religious fanatics and Republicans cannot be allowed to triumph, as this would be a crime on the scale of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust against gays and lesbians, often forgotten!

A Donald Trump Victory’s Effect On Civility and Manners In American Society, Including Its Schoolyards: The Promotion Of Bullying!

Donald Trump is such a destructive force in so many ways!

One of the worst aspects of the Trump success so far is its effect on civility and manners in American society, including its schoolyards.

Young people are seeing a candidate who uses foul language, and who says whatever comes to his mind without any filter, utilizing insults, and employing racism, nativism, xenophobia, and misogyny.

Trump makes bullying and narcissism and egotism seem normal and acceptable.

Rudeness and lack of consideration of the effect of language on others has become a norm.

The effect on young males of school age and even in colleges is to show less respect for others who are different than them in their race, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation.

Why should young men and boys have respect for girls and women when Donald Trump does not?

Why should bullies in school yards stop their harassing of others when Donald Trump is the champion bully?

The Trump effect will be to create new social problems for parents, teachers, law enforcement officials, and society in general, as boys and young men with heightened testosterone will have license to say and do whatever they wish, as, after all, Donald Trump has been accepted as the Republican Presidential nominee by hateful, ignorant, poorly educated people who represent the worst elements of American society.

God forbid that Donald Trump becomes President, as the cancer he represents will permeate American society and undermine American internal domestic security, as well as national security in dealing with the outside world.

We will have to worry that we will alienate our friends in the world; encourage military confrontations and war with our enemies; and face the likelihood of growing tensions and possible warfare at the US Mexico border of 1,989 miles!

Most certainly, we do not need problems with our neighbors, as we already have enough challenges with other nations around the world!

A Businessman Knows How To Run A Government Successfully? The Case Of Herbert Hoover As A Rejoinder To Donald Trump!

Donald Trump loves to say that his business experience qualifies him to be President. But his business experience has mostly been failures and bankruptcies, and he inherited money from his father, which gave him an unfair advantage, compared to 99 percent of Americans, and he set out to take advantage of every legal trick and method of manipulation to enrich himself at the expense of others, including often not paying his bills.

We have had only one businessman, Herbert Hoover, as President, and he became a total disaster after he was elected in 1928. But he was not born to wealth, was orphaned before age 10,and accomplished his great business career with his own efforts and intellect, and became a multimillionaire in the mining industry by age 40, and then devoted himself to public service.

But the difference between Trump and Hoover is that Hoover served many years in government, working for Democrat Woodrow Wilson, and Republicans Warren G. Harding and Herbert Hoover, before he ran for President.

He had never been elected to anything, but he had been an extremely successful and outstanding figure in the First World War effort, and served eight significant years as Secretary of Commerce. Hoover stands out as one of the small group of really exceptional cabinet officers, which usually includes other agencies, such as the State Department, the Treasury Department, the Justice Department, and the Defense Department as the major areas where notable cabinet members serve a President.

Unfortunately, he had no ability to overcome the Great Depression that began in October 1929, as he was tied to a laissez faire political philosophy, and did not know how to gain backing in Congress. He was also a poor communicator, who was unable to inspire the American people with his public speeches and radio addresses. Hoover’s personality was very introverted, and he did not inspire confidence. So his business background failed him when it mattered, as President of the United States.

One can be sure that if Hoover was alive today, he would be shocked and stunned at a con artist, Donald Trump, who has had four bankruptcies, and has no understanding of government or world affairs, would have the gall to think he was qualified to lead America in the 21st century.