One Year Of Presidential Candidate Donald Trump: A Nightmare That Is Never Ending!

A year ago today, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States.

It has been a difficult year, since no one in their right mind believed Trump was serious, or that he would be able to overcome all 16 opponents for the Republican Presidential nomination.

Trump has been totally underestimated, and he has said and done so many horrible things that one would think he would have eliminated himself from the race, but instead, it seems as if nothing until recently has had any effect on weakening him.

But now public opinion polls are starting to show him substantially behind his opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

His own mouth and terrible, destructive behavior seems finally to have resonated, and his own party is exasperated, wishing there was a way to deny him the nomination that he will formally gain in just about a month from now.

Trump is about to destroy the Republican brand totally, and the likelihood of a massive progressive victory, maybe the greatest since 1964, is in the offing.

Trump has caused many Americans to have high blood pressure and stress, at the thought that this narcissist and egotist, with no government or military experience, has the gall to seek the Presidency, and for voters in the Republican Party to be stupid and ignorant enough to nominate him over other candidates who were highly qualified to lead our nation!

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