Day: June 19, 2016

On Father’s Day, Is Donald Trump A Role Model Dad? NO!

Today is Father’s Day, a day to celebrate dads as role models.

But Donald Trump is clearly NOT a role model father!

Of course, his five children would, vociferously, defend their dad, and who would not, when dad is a billionaire and all his children have secure financial futures as a result?

But deep in the recesses of their minds, his four adult children KNOW he is far from an ideal role model dad!

He is a man who has cheated others–employees, fellow businessmen and women, contractors, banks, and the “little people”–with impunity!

He is a man who has has been a serial adulterer, and has mistreated his wives and shown disdain and lack of respect for women as individuals and as a group!

He is a man who has lied consistently during this Presidential campaign, at least 91 percent of the time, knows he is doing it, and has no conscience about what he says and does!

He is a man who thinks bullying, insulting, degrading, mocking, belittling is perfectly acceptable behavior!

He has no compassion for those less fortunate, and looks down on minority groups, and promotes racism, nativism, and xenophobia, encouraging violence and intimidation, not unlike Fascists in other nations who let their egotism and narcissism lead to destruction of their nations, as his ambitions and cravings are all that matters in his mind!

He has promoted the ideas of materialism, greed, selfishness, as virtues to his children, and they already display evidence of having learned very well, showing lack of conscience on what their father is doing to promote discord and division, because they are only mercenary, worrying about their own selfish personal agendas!

He has been a horrible role model to young men and boys, making their most aggressive and exploitative tendencies seem normal, therefore undermining the future relationships of men and boys to women and girls, affecting the long term future of millions of American families!

Donald Trump is a menace to ethics, morality, and common decency, and is not be applauded for being a dad, particularly one who was often absentee in nature!

He should be confessing his shortcomings and asking forgiveness, but it is not part of his makeup, a disgrace to fatherhood as a concept!