Iowa, the Hawkeye state, started Barack Obama off toward the Presidency in January 2008, with his caucus victory.
Iowa was the state in which Barack Obama began his reelection effort after announcing for a second term.
And now, the indications are that early voting in Iowa is starting Barack Obama off to victory for the Presidency for a second term, after Iowa voted for Obama over John McCain in 2008.
Iowa might very well be seen in history as the ultimate state that mattered the most in so many ways to Barack Obama’s successful run for two terms as President!
And remember that Iowa is a state more white than the national average, but also a state that is becoming less rural, more suburban, and is the state that has accepted gay marriage, the only one outside the coastlines at this point, so Iowa is a path breaker in so many ways!
Maybe it’s just me but ever since I was a kid I have believed it to be a bit odd that some states are allowed to vote early. I honestly believe there is no real need for people to vote early anywhere unless you have a certain set of circumstances. Maybe I just don’t understand all the reasons early voting is allowed or even necessary, but to me everyone should vote at the same time. At the very least I think it’s criminal that Election Day is not a holiday so more working people can get in to vote. But then if more normal people had the ability to go and vote that probably wouldn’t be so good for Republicans now would it lol