Mitt Romney And “DAY ONE”

Mitt Romney, the Republican Presidential nominee, has utilized one term in his speeches and comments so often that it is irritating beyond belief.

Romney has pledged to do so many things, and all on “Day One”.

This man could not have enough time to do all that he pledges to do on “Day One”, even if he had four years.

It is part of the phoniness, and constant deception, of this man, and how any intelligent person could believe anything he says is beyond human understanding.

But it will not matter, as Mitt Romney, on “Day One” will be watching the inauguration of Barack Obama for a second term as President of the United States!

2 comments on “Mitt Romney And “DAY ONE”

  1. Paul Doyle October 19, 2012 3:07 pm

    Never mind Day One, IF Romeny gets in, his promises are destined to be broken. The government will hit the debt ceiling early in 2013. Romney had pledged not to raise it unless a constitutional amendment to limit fed spening to 18% of the economy passes. That would take a two-thrids vote to pass. Fat chance.

    I would think that Democrats would then take the “go pound sand” attitude and would find him in a position to probably make concessions on other issues: tax rates, defense spending.

    Obama will also have tough dealings with the same issues, but Thurston Howell will face even more credibility problems based on his campaign promises.

  2. Engineer Of Knowledge October 19, 2012 4:00 pm

    Hello Professor,
    I LOVED your concluding statement!! 🙂

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