People who claim to be knowledgeable about politics, if they are Republicans, love to make fun of Vice President Joe Biden, emphasizing his flubs, his errors, his blunders, as if he is the only politician who is imperfect!
And they love to talk about the brilliance of Sarah Palin and Paul Ryan, as if they are both intellectuals who have real solutions to America’s problems!
Then, they are secretly embarrassed by the total ignorance and stupidity of Sarah Palin, and by the lack of details and facts and accuracy of Paul Ryan, but of course spend time attacking Biden for his refusal to suffer fools quietly!
Yes, Joe was more respectful of Sarah Palin, because, after all, she was a woman, and one had to think about antagonizing a very large constituency which might not like what seemed like male chauvinism.
But Biden was not about to suffer the silliness of Paul Ryan, who claims to be a great intellectual expert on budgets and conservative philosophy, even though he did not even understand the truth about the life of Ayn Rand, his long held ideal ideologue, that she was an atheist, who would look with disdain on Ryan’s hard hearted Catholic viewpoint, that one should not concern oneself with the poor, therefore coming into conflict with the millions of Catholics who believe the true message of Jesus Christ, to care about the poor!
So Joe laughed and challenged the “malarkey” of Ryan, more than was the case with Palin.
But what comes out of both debates of Biden with the “best” the Republican opposition had to offer, is that he WON the debate over both of them handily!
This shows that the “older” generation of Democrats, often ridiculed, understands America and the lives of ordinary Americans far better than the ignorant and arrogant “best” of the GOP “younger” generation!
Just as the fear of a Palin Presidency helped defeat John McCain in 2008, the fear of a Ryan Presidency will help defeat Mitt Romney in 2012!
Were an emergency or tragedy to occur, we would want the experienced, knowledgeable, and yes, brilliant, Joe Biden to be ready to take the reins of the Presidency!
Hello Professor,
As I have been very busy here of late (working 10 ½ to 11 ½ hours per day) this is the first time in a while to be able to respond to one of your postings……and BOY WHAT A SUBJECT to come back to. 🙂
I am pleased to report that Columbus is a progressive viewpoint area of Ohio. As I ride along I see President Obama political signs in the yards of people but even with Mittens making campaign stops even here in Westerville, about 10 miles from my apartment, I have only seen two to three Romney political signs and they were place between curbs and sidewalks which would be public land areas. Republicans are reduced to putting pro-Romney signs in areas where the citizen land owners have no choice to reject.
Where they do have a choice, it is President Obama’s signs in their yards.
That being said, there is a draftsman at work who has not lived anywhere long enough to claim any area as home. He is also a hard right wing conservative who reads the “Drudge Report†and the “American Thinker†(which there is no thinking on that site at all) on a daily bases and believes the crap writtenas verbatim. Yes he truly thinks he is well informed. You know the type, there is no global warming, we all had better vote for Romney if we are going to save the nation, and (this is my favorite) “there is no evolution because if man evolved from monkeys then why do we still have monkeys?†as proof of disclaiming evolution.
The person I sit next to in the adjoining cubical has his Doctorate in Electrical Engineering. He confides in me that he cannot believe that there were people like that in an educated environment with which we work in. My only reply is, “Yea it is quite sad but you also have to take into consideration that his education is that of a technical school in drafting and not a true science education degree.â€
With regards to Joe Biden whose home is in Wilmington, DE. (1 ½ hour north from my farm) I had a feeling that Joe would take the fight to Ryan and call him out on the Republican misstatements and outright lies.
Here is another personal story. I have a brother-in-law (married to my wife’s oldest sister) who is another nihilistic right wing conservative nut job whose last name we will call “Waters.†Well his oldest brother was a bully and “picked on / beat up†on the younger and smaller Joe Biden in their neighborhood at the time. Well little Joey got his brothers and neighborhood friends, went back to the “Bully Waters.” When they met back up with the Bully, they all attacked, restrained and held, then let “Little Joey Biden” wale away on the “Chicken Shit Bully Waters” who was only brave when he was picking on someone smaller than and not as strong as the older “Bully Waters.”
Needless to say Joey Biden did not have any more trouble from “Bully Waters” as “Bully Waters run very shallow.”
I would suggest that President Obama take the life’s lesson that Joe Biden learned at a young age. He needs to challenge, confront, and call out Mitt Romney’s lies and misleading statements because…….the President has a lot of backers helping to attack, restrain, and let Obama wale away on Mitten Romney. We have the President’s back!!
Wow, what a wonderful testimonial story to tell about Joe Biden! I really appreciate it, and my readers will, also, I am sure! 🙂
It is amazing how many people are so easily bamboozled, and yet think they are intelligent, even though they repudiate science. A very sad commentary!
Obama must stop being a “nice guy”, and maybe needs to be an “angry black man”, and scare the wits out of the racists and bigots out there who hate him, because he has accomplished, and is such a gentleman of culture!
Hello Professor,
As it has been a while since I posted anything new, I thought that I would pass on that I have just completed a piece called, “How the GOP Destroyed Its Moderates.†It goes on to explain the tact’s of the extreme aspects of the current Republican Party and the purging of any Moderates.
The posting contains this plus the warning to any “Moderates of the Political Spectrum†not to be swayed here of late to vote based on the calmed down rhetoric from the Republican Party Candidates. Should these candidates win their offices; the Middle Working Classes will in the end ultimately be harmed and degraded in their standard of living.
I am inviting you and others to please stop by.
To my readers: Go to Engineer of Knowledge website to read this outstanding analysis of “How the GOP Destroyed Its Moderates”, as it is a major contribution to understanding the tragedy that the GOP has become!
Hello Professor,
Below is the link you requested.
The pleasure is mine and hope all come to check out the posting, “How the GOP Destroyed Its Moderates.”