The Tension Is Rising On The Vice Presidential Debate: Can Joe Biden “Save” Barack Obama And Himself From Likely Historic Oblivion If They Lose Election?

Vice President Joe Biden, who has faced many crises in his life, has always been a man of principle and courage, and he now faces the greatest challenge of his entire political career: resuscitate the Obama-Biden Presidential ticket from possible historic oblivion if they lose the election 27 days from now!

It is sad, but true, that when Presidents lose reelection, they end up in the historical wilderness—not appreciated, to a great extent forgotten, taking generations for any historical recognition.

Ask John Adams, William Howard Taft, Jimmy Carter and George H. W. Bush–all of whom have not been treated well historically–because they came in between George Washington and Thomas Jefferson; Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson; and Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, in the cases of Adams, Taft and Bush, and before Ronald Reagan in the case of Carter, with Reagan being mythologized in a unrealistic way! Only Adams has finally been recognized, due to the work of David McCullough, as a President worthy of respect and admiration!

It would be a tremendous shame to history if the contributions of Barack Obama were to be relegated to the dustbin of history, particularly if much of what he has accomplished was reversed by a right wing Republican Congress and a President, Mitt Romney, who has no principles or beliefs beyond simply being President!

5 comments on “The Tension Is Rising On The Vice Presidential Debate: Can Joe Biden “Save” Barack Obama And Himself From Likely Historic Oblivion If They Lose Election?

  1. Zach October 10, 2012 11:59 pm

    I have spent the last hour or so catching up on your blog. I don’t think I need to get my political updates from anywhere else. Right on in every post!

    Can’t wait to see the Ole’ Boy from Scranton take it to my shifty Fraternity brother Paul Ryan

  2. Maggie October 11, 2012 12:09 am

    Ummmm..don’t sound as confident as I remember Professor…

  3. Ronald October 11, 2012 12:14 am

    I am confident, just concerned by these crazy outlier polls!

  4. Ronald October 11, 2012 8:28 am

    Thanks, Paul, for making all of us aware that Joe Biden is not the only Vice President or Vice Presidential candidate to make gaffes, or be an embarrassment in a debate!

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