Second Anniversary Of “The Progressive Professor” And Counting! :)

Today, August 11, marks two years of this blog, and one year since the name change on the new website!

Over these two years, there have been 1,320 entries, starting off slowly but accelerating rapidly, whereby the average month sees approximately 75 entries!

Over 24 months with 1,320 entries, it averages out to 55 entries per month so far, but again that average will continue to rise from a slow beginning!

Additionally, there have been 578 comments, and that number has been growing rapidly as well!

I appreciate everyone who participates, even those who are nasty and angry, as with the illegal immigration issue which led to my detailed response, but interestingly, not one of those critics ever reacted to my response!

As always, the purpose of this blog is to promote discussion, whereby readers learn and the author learns! There is no need for insults, or anger, and I hope that one event that was so sudden and shocking will not occur again, and instead, civil discourse can be promoted!

In any case, as the third year of “The Progressive Professor” begins, as always, good reading! 🙂

2 comments on “Second Anniversary Of “The Progressive Professor” And Counting! :)

  1. William Nigghtingale, Jr. August 12, 2010 8:16 pm

    Happy Birtherday Ron!

    Congratulations – for a great two years of Leftist Blogging on your new site!! What stands out the most about your blog is not the Leftist Insights or Progressive Rants – but the use of the Exclamation Point that now has replace your Periods!!! Leftist Leadership by Example!!!!

    You got to Love It!!!!!!!!

    Keep Blogging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Keep using your Exclamation Points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You have made it through the Terrible Two’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You’ve entered the Horrible Three’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    See you next year at the Furious Four’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Margaret Mitchell, MSRN,, CNS August 13, 2010 10:48 pm

    Happy Anniversary my favorite Professor! I am a huge fan and I check your blog daily for my regular liberal “fix” of the TRUTH in commentary. I quote and cite you incessantly! Keep up the terrific work …..and I am nominating myself for President of the Progressive Professor’s Fanclub!

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