Day: August 13, 2010

Barack Obama, Religious Freedom, And The Ground Zero Mosque!

President Obama has just weighed in on the controversy in Lower Manhattan over the building of a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero, the site of the former World Trade Center that was destroyed by Muslim terrorists on September 11, 2001.

The project was approved by the appropriate agencies in New York City, and has been supported by Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Obama issued a statement tonight calling for the understanding that religious freedom allows the building of houses of worship, whether they are churches, synagogues, or mosques. America’s values require the right for all people to worship freely at buildings constructed for promotion of their faith, the President asserted.

The author totally agrees with the sentiments of the President, as to the right to worship freely, no matter what religion is involved. The whole concept that some right wing nuts have made, that would refuse to allow the building of ANY mosques on American territory, is totally outrageous and discriminatory!

No one should associate themselves with such despicable evidence of hate and prejudice! It is amazing how so called believers in the Constitution are so easy at destroying that document, and the Bill of Rights, if it is convenient for them to do so!

However, having made clear my agreement with the President, and my denunciation of those who would ban the building of all mosques, I will still, without any pause, make clear my view about the Ground Zero mosque!

My thoughts remain the same: It is NOT a good idea to build a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero, as it fails to consider the sensitivities and emotions of the families of those who died on September 11!

Why is it that there is such insistence that the site must be that close to Ground Zero? There are many other sites further away, not as easily associated with Ground Zero, where such a mosque could be built!

There are already many mosques elsewhere in New York City, but this particular site, so close to the horrible event, should be given up in respect to those who died! Good will would be promoted if the proposed building was moved further away to another site!

Tolerance and good will would be promoted better if this particular project took into account the broader public opinion, which clearly, in New York City and nationally, opposes this project!

Religious freedom does not mean that a particular site MUST be a place for a mosque, considering the history of the area! It is time for reconciliation, and it can be done in a decent manner, with the backing the President has just given to religious freedom!

The Suicidal Nature Of The Republican Party: Why They Have No Long Term Future!

The author has written plenty on the faults and shortcomings of the Republican Party, and how they have stood in the way of promoting necessary reform and change in the midst of the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression!

The Republican party, by embracing Tea Party Movement favorites, such as Sharron Angle of Nevada, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Mike Lee of Utah, Dan Maes and Ken Buck of Colorado, and Marco Rubio of Florida, have painted themselves in a corner!

Some, or possibly all of these candidates, might win office this fall, in the mood of discontent that exists in this country, but particularly for those running for the Senate, all of the above except Maes, their victory would only have the effect of weakening the Republican appeal for 2012 and beyond, and would lead to total chaos and anarchy in the Senate, worse than now exists, as these people have no desire to work at solving anything! 🙁

All they are interested in doing is “stirring up the pot”, and promoting whacko, loony ideas that will never make it to law or the Constitution! Their behavior, as Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post published this morning, is unpredictable and outside the mainstream, unwilling to work “across the aisle” or even with other Republicans! 🙁

This is NOT what we need at a difficult time for our country, and the Republican leadership in both houses of Congress will come to regret the fact that they have flirted with these Tea Party extremists who are just as willing to work against the establishment leaders, as against the Democrats!

In addition to their destructive behavior, which will undermine the party, the fact that the GOP is gaining a reputation as the party against African Americans, Latinos and Hispanics, gay and lesbian Americans, women, and young people, will doom them long term!

More than ever, they seem to be the party of WHITE older Americans and rural Americans, but the long term reality is that African Americans, Latinos and Hispanics, gay and lesbian Americans, women, and young people (both white and nonwhite) will reject this party that represents a past that cannot be revived, and promotes a message of division, hate, racism, prejudice, and concern only for the wealthy and privileged! 🙁

The Republican party as we knew it no longer exists, and is in the process of imploding! 🙁 This is a serious, and at the same time, sad matter, as the GOP in the past had much to offer as a legitimate alternative to the Democrats!

But now the Republican party is a shell of its old self, and an embarrassment to mainstream Republicans who can no longer be proud of where their party is headed! 🙁