Imagining Speaker Of The House John Boehner: Not A Pleasant Thought! :(

Congressman John Boehner of Ohio, the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, has served in Congress for twenty years. He is the Speaker in waiting, meaning if his party wins 39 or more seats beyond what they have now, then he will become Speaker of the House for the 112th Congress in 2011-2012!

The question that arises is what kind of Speaker he would be if the GOP did indeed gain 39 or more seats and have a majority!

Would John Boehner be any less partisan than Nancy Pelosi, Denny Hastert, or Newt Gingrich before him? Based on observations of others and the record of how he has conducted himself in opposition during the 18 months of the Obama Administration, the answer is NO!

Would he accomplish positive change for the nation, including cutting spending and promoting movement toward a balanced budget? Based on the GOP experience for the twelve years (1994-2006) that they controlled the House, the answer is NO!

The reality is that Boehner’s intention is to repeal the Health Care Reform law, and cut back ruthlessly on the entitlements brought about by the New Deal and the Great Society! It is no secret that the aim of the GOP leadership is to be negative, and begin the attack on the Democrats and President Obama, in order to get ready for a full scale assault in the Presidential Election of 2012! 🙁

There is no good will, no desire to compromise, no willingness to concede in any form, on the part of John Boehner and his colleagues! 🙁

If the American people allow themselves to believe that a GOP takeover will bring heaven on earth, they will have a rude awakening come January 2011! And as outgoing GOP Senator Robert Bennett has stated, the Republicans might win, but then rapidly lose power, if they continue to have no vision, no agenda, no program, other than to block any change or progress promoted by Barack Obama and the Democratic Party! 🙁

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