Senate Democratic Caucus Meeting At White House: Is This The Last Opportunity To Gain Health Care Reform?

For the first time since the health care debate began months ago, President Obama has invited the entire Senate Democratic caucus to visit the White House on Tuesday.

Obama needs to push for what he wants at this meeting, as he is often criticized for being too willing to let the Senate do its own thing without major intervention by the White House. He has to be much more assertive than he apparently has been up to this point.

He must act like Lyndon Johnson in overcoming the Senate filibuster over the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Remember that to overcome the opposition forty five years ago, Johnson needed two thirds of the Senate, sixty seven votes, while now only sixty votes, or three fifths of the Senate is needed.

This may be the last opportunity to accomplish the signature program that Obama wishes as his legacy for his Presidency, at least in the first term. The time for active assertiveness is NOW!

2 comments on “Senate Democratic Caucus Meeting At White House: Is This The Last Opportunity To Gain Health Care Reform?

  1. Fred December 14, 2009 5:44 pm

    Have you ever tried to herd cats? Herding Senators probably is more difficult. Lyndon Johnson had several aces in his pocket Barack Obama does not have – years of experience in both the House and Senate, a little mischief in his heart and willing to promise anything to get something and a long list of IOU’s that Obama never developed. I’m not sure what arm-twisting is available to President Obama.

  2. tate December 15, 2009 5:23 pm


    Your post makes a lot of sense. I think Obama is at a great disadvantage in this area. He was a Comm. organizer, left state politics because he was not happy doing it, and moved on to national politics where more deal-making, promises, andsalesmanship is needed to get things done. LBJ had his couch, the intimidation factor, and probably blackmail plans if all else failed. Obama has non of these things.

    Additionally, LBJ was Senate majority leader and very well respected. He knew, both professionally and personally, the men he was asking to vote his way. Obama has none of these things….many (most) had never heard of him until he burst on the scene.

    Biden may have more of these “friends” and “personal relationships”….maybe he needs to take the lead on this?

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