As one starts to look ahead to the 2012 Presidential election, it seems likely that it will be a governor or former governor who will be the GOP nominee for President.
The Republicans in the Senate are a pitiful lot, totally opposed to anything Barack Obama promotes, or too out of date to appeal to the future, or actually retiring in 2010, or being too moderate (such as Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins) to have any chance of consideration. The one exception at this point is Senator John Thune of South Dakota, who has some chance of being touted for President after he wins back his seat in 2010 for another six year term.
But it is former Governors Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, and Mitt Romney who most stand out now, as well as sitting governors Mitch Daniels of Indiana and Haley Barbour of Mississippi, as well as Bobby Jindal of Louisiana and Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota.
Additionally, possible future governors such as John Kasich in Ohio (with a long career in the House of Representatives previously) and former EBay CEO Meg Whitman in California could be added to the list, as well as new Governor Bob McDonnell in Virginia. Some even see Rick Perry, ten years Governor of Texas and facing a very difficult primary against Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, as a possible alternative despite his secession talk this past summer, which should likely destroy any chance of considering him seriously, were he to keep his governorship for another four years.
There is talent here, but so many have strong weaknesses and the last few might not even win or retain their seats as governors, so speculation may be rampant, but it is certainly too early to say who will rise from the pack to leadership of the GOP.