Mitt Romney Might Be Mentally Unbalanced And A Threat As President! Something To Consider As Presidential Election Approaches!

Mitt Romney has been the most consistent liar of any Presidential nominee in American history, if one examines the way he has run his campaign for President, and also looks at his background, both in public office, in the business world, and in his life experiences.

Romney is considered worrisome as a future President because of his hypocrisy, his deceit in words and actions, and his consistent pathological lying about everything imaginable!

Psychologists would term Mitt Romney as having ASP, Antisocial Personality Disorder. This means that he can be charming and is handsome, and uses those factors to confuse people as to his intentions and motivations. He is consumed by his own mad need to increase his personal wealth, no matter who he hurts in the process, and when demonstrated that he is lying or deceptive, he doubles down on his lies, until, as in the Presidential debates, he confused everyone with his quick switch to the opposite views of everything he had run on in the Presidential primaries.

Romney feels “entitled”, displays narcissism to the extreme, and likes to dominate and control others. And he has no regret, and claims not to remember, bullying a young classmate and leading a gang in forcibly cutting his hair; or using his father’s position as Michigan Governor to wear a police officer’s uniform and stop motorists; and having the gall to back the war in Vietnam, but make sure that he did not serve, by using the excuse of doing a Mormon mission in Paris, France!

With Bain Capital, he caused the collapse of businesses, the laying off of workers, and did whatever would advance his own fortune, having no compassion for those who were victims of his “Robber Baron” Gilded Age mentality!

Romney wiped out records of his work at the Salt Lake Olympics and his Massachusetts Governorship, which meant that there had to be unethical, if not illegal, activities being covered up, because if not, why do that?

Romney has shown no concern for the rights of women; the plight of the poor; the struggles of the middle class; and is unwilling to show his own financial records and taxes, and to discuss his role in the Mormon Church. He feels the American people are not entitled to know anything about his background, and that the news media are the enemy, and that means he will be the most uncommunicative President since Richard Nixon!

Romney is willing to do anything to harm those not his friends, and looks with disdain upon the “47 percent” in his Boca Raton presentation, when he thought he was safely able to express his true views and personality. That event is a warning of what would likely be one of the most corrupt administrations in American history, were he to be elected to the White House!

Mitt Romney is a chameleon, a charlatan, a massive liar, a narcissist, and in many ways a sociopath who would be dangerous with the power to be Commander in Chief, likely to take us into more foreign wars, and violate the Bill Of Rights with impunity!

Who is the true Mitt Romney? No one knows, and to elect him is to take a massive gamble which would likely lead to disaster on many fronts!

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