Right Wing Conspiracy Theorists

Vicious, Unwarranted Attacks On A Great Man, Dr. Anthony Fauci!

Fox News Channel host Jesse Watters has issued a call for threats on Dr. Anthony Fauci, calling for him to be “ambushed” with a “kill shot”! He spoke at a right wing conference (Turning Point USA) over the weekend, stirring the crowd with ridiculous, unfounded conspiracy theories about Fauci being involved in a Chinese lab that purportedly produced the COVID 19 Pandemic. Watters also talked about filming any confrontations with Fauci, and puts the brilliant doctor under growing death threats!

This is symbolism that could inspire crazy right wing conspiracy theorists to promote an assassination threat, with Fauci already needing security!

No media figure should ever threaten the lives of public figures without being prosecuted, and Fauci has called for the firing of Jesse Watters, but Fox News Channel, predictably, has defended him!

When a person issues a threat that is a “clear and present danger”, he or she should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, as “freedom of speech” has its limits, when it presents a danger to others!

Seven Factors Which Could Defeat Barack Obama In 2012

Despite all of the evidence that Barack Obama has a great advantage for re-election in 2012, there certainly are factors which could lead to his defeat.

These include:

If the economy has another backslide of notable proportions, and gasoline prices continue to rise.

If a war breaks out in the Middle East or elsewhere, and the President is seen as handling the foreign crisis poorly.

If the Republican attempt in many states to limit the vote by discriminatory voter registration legislation succeeds in cutting voter registration and participation down dramatically.

If the enthusiasm of voters for Barack Obama is toned down, because of disillusionment that he has not been able to solve all of the problems he faced upon taking office.

If the effects of the growth of SuperPACS, encouraged by the Citizens United Case of the Supreme Court in 2010, are able to propagandize enough with less informed voters who react to negative commercials.

If a major political scandal erupts that undermines faith in the President’s leadership, with the opposition already starting to blame Obama for the Secret Service scandal.

And finally, the issue of race, as electing the first African American President is a path breaker and milestone, but re-electing would be an even more path breaking milestone, with the constant reference to race by right wing extremists, conservatives, and a majority of Republican officeholders, all designed to instill fear, panic, and conspiracy theories into the heads of white working class voters in Pennsylvania and the Midwest.

So there is no guarantee, and six months is an eternity in American politics!