Paul Manafort

Donald Trump Throws Everyone Who Worked And Supported Him “Under The Bus”, As His Only Purpose Is To Promote His Own Glory

Donald Trump is for Number One, himself, and has been so all of his life.

He bullied kids when he was a teenager, and he has bullied adults in his work and personal life ever since.

The problem is that he has never been held accountable for his behavior, both in business and in personal life.

He does not care about Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen. George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, Roger Stone, or anyone else in legal trouble, and in many cases, facing prison for the dirty deeds they did for Donald Trump.

He does not care about the multitude of people who have worked for him in the Presidency, and who he has dumped unceremoniously over his 16 months in office.

He uses everyone to advance himself, insults them, gets them to lie for him, and spends not a minute concerned about their welfare in any form.

He cares not about the nation, but only about himself, and that includes his mistreatment of his three wives, including Melania, who mysteriously has been “missing” for nearly three weeks without any explanation that makes sense. His lack of respect for women is worse than any accusations against earlier Presidents.

He cares only about money and glory, and will see his children in legal trouble and loss of reputation, due to his own selfish, narcissistic nature.

He does not care how much he hurts women, racial minorities, immigrants, children, workers, farmers, and undermines the rule of law, social justice, and basic ethics and morality. He lacks the capability to have compassion, empathy, and common decency toward fellow human beings.

Donald Trump is a very sick man mentally, and a threat to American values, and the urgency to remove him from power and make him legally accountable for his crimes must fuel momentum for a Democratic takeover of both houses of Congress this November in the midterm elections.

Growing Evidence Of Many More Trump Staff And Advisers Facing Prosecution In Most Corrupt Administration In American History

So far, only four people surrounding Donald Trump have been implicated in the scandals of the most corrupt President in American history, bar none.

But Robert Mueller is, after eight months, clearly investigating many others for various violations of the law in many different areas

So far, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, and Michael Flynn have been brought to legal action by the Special Counsel.

But there is growing evidence that many more Trump staff and advisers are facing prosecution, and soon.

Expect criminal prosecution of Attorney General Jeff Sessions; Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke; Environmental Protection Agency Head Scott Pruitt; former aide Stephen Bannon; Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin; Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross; White House Counselor Kelly Anne Conway; White House economist Gary Cohn; former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer; former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus; among others. Some clearly will cooperate with Mueller to avoid prosecution or, at least, to have minimum liability legally.

But also expect Donald Trump, Jr; Ivanka Trump: Jared Kushner–Trump family children—to face legal problems, and possible indictment.

And racist, white supremacist, nativist aide Stephen Miller, will probably be shown to be engaged in illegal activities as well, a gut feeling on the part of the author, as Miller comes across as more of a sleaze ball than many.

And Donald Trump will not escape charges, and will be forced out of office for his various crimes–including potential charges of obstruction of justice, abuse of power, violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, money laundering, treason, as well as the corruption involving payoffs to Stormy Daniels and other women he has engaged with in sex scandals.

And do not be surprised if his wife, Melania, the First Lady, becomes the first case of seeking a divorce from a sitting President, or even a former President.

Mueller Investigation Will End The Trump Presidency

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is an exceptional prosecutor, a Republican, and someone not any smart person would want to tussle with.

Donald Trump’s Presidency will end as a result of the revelations that are forthcoming, including the unknown, obscure George Papadopoulos, who has pleaded guilty, and agreed to help the prosecution on Russian collusion and obstruction of justice.

It is always the unknown factor that reveals crimes, and Trump is already attacking Papadopoulos as a minor figure, insignificant, and a “liar’.

Imagine, the most magnificent liar in American Presidential history calls someone else a “liar”, a term he loves to use against everyone imaginable, instead of looking in the mirror at himself.

Trump is cracking up in the White House, ranting and raving, furious that he cannot get away with this as he has with his business dealings throughout his privileged life.

Mike Pence could also be in trouble, however, as he remained very close to Paul Manafort, even after Manafort left the Fall campaign months before the election, and could be implicated in lying, along with his running of the transition period, and should have known about the Russian collusion of General Michael Flynn.

This scandal will dwarf the Nixon Watergate and related scandals, and will make Trump perceived as the most corrupt President in American history by far!

Massive Liar Donald Trump And The Mueller Investigation: Lying Before Grand Jury Or Mueller Would Lead To Impeachment And Removal

It is well known that Donald Trump is the “Liar in Chief”, and is the most massive liar ever to occupy the Oval Office.

This lying could, ultimately, do him in, as if and when he is called upon by voluntary means or subpoena to appear before Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Russian collusion and obstruction of justice inquiry, Donald Trump would be under oath, and if he lied before the grand jury, as Bill Clinton did in 1998 before Ken Starr, he could, like Bill Clinton, face impeachment charges.

Trump does not have ability to tell the truth, and keep his story straight, but inconsistency in a legal proceeding would put him in jeopardy.

With evidence mounting, and with Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone and others already in legal jeopardy, the future of Donald Trump is gloomy, and has helped to make his first nine months as President a total disaster with no major legislation, and only the Supreme Court appointment of Neil Gorsuch, with a changed filibuster rule, as something he can claim has been accomplished.

Donald Trump is a man in great danger, and the likelihood of succession by Vice President Mike Pence is growing.

Can Donald Trump Survive As “Independent” President? NO, As His Future Is Predetermined Already By His Earlier Actions!

Donald Trump is acting more irrationally by the day, and his movement toward an “Independent” Presidency will not work, as his future is predetermined already by his earlier actions.

The intellectual conservative Right has abandoned him.

Many Republicans in Congress are moving to abandon him.

His right wing propagandists (such as Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin) are abandoning him over his deal with the Democrats on the “Dreamers”, as he now seems to have agreed to allow DACA kids to stay in America, after making a statement through Attorney General Jeff Sessions that was hard line, and almost immediately reversing himself.

The Democrats might be, seemingly, cooperating with Trump on some matters, such as DACA, and the extension of the debt limit, but they are eager to take over the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm elections, and to impeach him.

The intelligence community and the diplomatic community and much of the civil service bureaucrats are only too willing to undermine him for his attacks on them.

The news media, with facts, is on full scale attack, except for Fox News and Breitbart.

Many of his original staff and leading figures have either been forced out or have resigned, with more to come.

The trio of military people around Trump–John Kelly, H. R. McMaster, James Mattis–are very unhappy, and it could be that they are working to undermine him.

Trump has few true friends left, and even his family is enmeshed in scandal with him.

So the clock is ticking, and Trump will not survive in office for long, as impeachment resolutions loom, and Robert Mueller is closing in with Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort the lead figures in the undermining of the foundation that Trump thought he had control of, but does not, in fact. Do not be surprised at the coming likely resignation of Donald Trump from the Presidency.

Expect that Donald Trump will be gone within the next six months, with a good target date being the Ides of March, the 15th of March, the anniversary of the demise of Julius Caesar in 44 BC!

Eight Months Of Donald Trump: Destabilization Of Domestic And Foreign Policy

Today marks eight months of the Donald Trump Presidency, eight months of destabilization of domestic and foreign policy.

One wonders how much more of this America and the world can stand.

The good news is that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is steaming ahead in his investigation of the Trump scandals, including Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.

Mueller has his sights on Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort, and has gained a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) wiretapping order that indicates evidence that can be used against many Trump associates and the President and family members as well.

This author published an article in February on HNN, picked up by Newsweek, that went viral, stating the belief that Trump would leave office between the James A. Garfield assassination death after 199 days and the Zachary Taylor natural cause of death after 492 days, which is matched on May 27, 2018.

Now this author would change the date to predict that by the Ides of March (March 15), the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BC, that we will see Trump leaving office, which would be 419 days.

The clock is definitely ticking for Donald Trump, but meanwhile, there is great concern that Trump could launch a nuclear attack or declare martial law, and it is essential for the military people around Trump–John Kelly, H. R. Mcmaster, and James Mattis–to work to prevent such actions as the investigation continues toward resolution.

The Trump Pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio An Outrageous Miscarriage Of Justice, And Encourages Abusive Law Enforcement!

One of the multitude of outrages of the Donald Trump Administration is his pardon of former Maricopa County (Phoenix) Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was about to be sentenced for his conviction of crimes perpetrated while he was in office for 24 years from 1993 to 2017, including mistreatment of prisoners, mistreatment of women, abusing the 4th Amendment, racial profiling of Latinos, and general abuse of power.

Trump pardoned Arpaio before sentencing, and without a review of the case by the Justice Department, and we now know Trump tried to stop the prosecution, interfering with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who refused Trump’s attempt.

If this is not obstruction of justice, and abuse of power, then nothing is!

And it encourages abusive law enforcement, as it is a outrageous miscarriage of justice that Arpaio avoids accountability!

This man in the White House is out of control, and might be signaling Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort not to worry, that he will pardon them if they refuse to cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, which, if true, would be further evidence of obstruction of justice and abuse of power.

Trump, by trying to prevent Mueller’s investigation, is clearly showing signs of guilt on Russian Collusion, and yet his followers continue to assert there is no such collusion.

The nation is suffering under this corrupt President, and let us hope the Mueller investigation is nearing the point of bringing charges against the most corrupt President in American history!

Chaos, Anarchy, Tumult, Disarray, Fury, And Sniping In The White House: Unseen In All Of American History

The Trump White House is in crisis, with chaos, anarchy, tumult, disarray, fury, and sniping going on constantly, unseen in all of American history, not even in the darkest days of Richard Nixon and the Watergate Scandal!

The Trump White House is fortunate that no major domestic or foreign crisis has emerged, because if it did, the reaction would be hard to predict, as there is total distraction, as the survival of the Presidency is at stake, with fighting among staff members, and even family members quite evident.

The Cabinet and top staff know they will be contradicted by their boss’s tweets, as he is very willing to “throw anyone under the bus”, as his own ego and narcissism rule over loyalty to hard working, committed staff, who if they were smart enough and considered their own survival and happiness, would resign en masse, leaving him in the lurch.

Trump does not deserve the loyalty or commitment of his appointees, and the split between his son Donald Trump Jr. and his son in law Jared Kushner is testing family loyalties too.

Donald Jr has caused a total crisis in the White House, with his decision to meet in June 2016 with Russians, who supposedly had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, and brought along his brother in law with him, along with then campaign manager Paul Manafort.

The Russian “collusion” is clear, and could lead to charges of treason, along with other charges against the President, his son and son in law, and many others around the Trump circle.

Many are seeing the six month anniversary of the Trump Presidency a week from now, as a marker, and with a steady down hill descent in the next six months, if Trump even lasts that long.

And apparently, Vice President Mike Pence is trying cautiously to separate himself from the disaster, as he could be realizing that a Pence Presidency is more possible sooner, rather than later.

One scenario is that Trump would pardon his family members before resigning, and that Pence would then pardon him, a la Gerald Ford pardoning Richard Nixon in 1974.

How that would affect public opinion is hard to predict, including the Trump loyalists, who continue to live in a “parallel universe” of their own making, demonstrating how dangerous such ignorance and stupidity can undermine American democracy!