Donald Trump is acting more irrationally by the day, and his movement toward an “Independent” Presidency will not work, as his future is predetermined already by his earlier actions.
The intellectual conservative Right has abandoned him.
Many Republicans in Congress are moving to abandon him.
His right wing propagandists (such as Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin) are abandoning him over his deal with the Democrats on the “Dreamers”, as he now seems to have agreed to allow DACA kids to stay in America, after making a statement through Attorney General Jeff Sessions that was hard line, and almost immediately reversing himself.
The Democrats might be, seemingly, cooperating with Trump on some matters, such as DACA, and the extension of the debt limit, but they are eager to take over the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm elections, and to impeach him.
The intelligence community and the diplomatic community and much of the civil service bureaucrats are only too willing to undermine him for his attacks on them.
The news media, with facts, is on full scale attack, except for Fox News and Breitbart.
Many of his original staff and leading figures have either been forced out or have resigned, with more to come.
The trio of military people around Trump–John Kelly, H. R. McMaster, James Mattis–are very unhappy, and it could be that they are working to undermine him.
Trump has few true friends left, and even his family is enmeshed in scandal with him.
So the clock is ticking, and Trump will not survive in office for long, as impeachment resolutions loom, and Robert Mueller is closing in with Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort the lead figures in the undermining of the foundation that Trump thought he had control of, but does not, in fact. Do not be surprised at the coming likely resignation of Donald Trump from the Presidency.
Expect that Donald Trump will be gone within the next six months, with a good target date being the Ides of March, the 15th of March, the anniversary of the demise of Julius Caesar in 44 BC!
New Poll: More than half of Americans say they are “embarrassed” by Trump presidency.
Trump’s tax plan is a sham.