
Donald Trump: Psychopath And Sociopath

Here we are nine months since the inauguration of Donald Trump.

It is as if a baby was conceived, and now, after nine months. the baby is born.

And who is this baby?

A literal MONSTER, dangerous to the civil liberties of the American people, and a menace to world peace and order.

We have a person in the Oval Office today who sees no reason not to use nuclear weapons and destroy a nation of 25 million people, because its leader is unstable and reckless, exactly what Donald Trump has demonstrated is his behavior.

We have a person who exaggerates everything,

lies all of the time,

refuses to ever admit a mistake and admit he is wrong and apologize,

attacks everyone imaginable in a concerted campaign to assassinate every critic’s character,

displays ignorance of facts and reality,

attacks freedom of speech and press,

displays totally narcissistic behavior,

has presided over the worst personal and administration corruption of any President since Richard Nixon, and greater in detail than Ulysses S. Grant and Warren G. Harding,

is actively working to create total chaos and anarchy as he splits with the party that put him into office,

promotes a policy of painting himself in a corner and burning his bridges behind himself,

and is clearly delusional and mentally deranged.

So who is Donald Trump?

Clearly, he is a psychopath and sociopath, who is a danger to the nation and the world, who must be removed promptly from office.

He has lost all moral and ethical authority.

He has become more like a Mafia leader, such as John Gotti or Al Capone, rather than a President, and is much more dangerous than any Mafia leader could ever be.

He and his family have already become the most corrupt Presidential family in American history.

It seems that Robert Mueller, Special Counsel, is rapidly gathering a strong case against Donald Trump, not soon enough for his critics, but a case that should be solid on why Trump must be forced out of office over the next few months, hopefully before he takes actions that totally destroy the world order, and gets America immersed in multiple wars and crises, and the total destruction of the accomplishments of Democratic and Republican Presidents since Theodore Roosevelt onward.

This is a bigger constitutional crisis than Richard Nixon presented, something hard to accept, but the truth!

Tea Party On The Defensive, And The Civil War In The Republican Party Begins!

The results of the off year election yesterday in New Jersey and Virginia demonstrate a defeat for the Tea Party Movement, and the beginning of the civil war in the Republican Party for its soul!

Chris Christie became the front runner for the GOP Presidential nomination in 2016, as a result of his smashing victory over Barbara Buono, the Democratic nominee, for Governor. Christie attracted Democrats, Independents, and Latinos, something no Tea Party advocate could accomplish, and he has become, clearly, the “establishment” choice for now in the Republican Party.

Meanwhile, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, who appealed to the Tea Party Movement, and came out with outrageous stands on interference with sexual privacy, abortion, and global warming, and was also involved in a financial scandal that also undermined Governor Bob McDonnell, lost to Terry McAuliffe, backed by Bill and Hillary Clinton, who he had raised money for in the 1990s. Cuccinelli’s “Puritan” and anti science views caused women, in particular, to vote against him, making clear that if the GOP continues its “war on women” and their rights, they will be slaughtered in Congressional races in 2014 and the Presidential race in 2016.

Before anyone gets too excited about Christie, though, one must realize that the New Jersey Governor is a definite conservative on the issues–health care, education, labor unions, abortion—and he gained most of his support from his reaction to Superstorm Sandy a year ago, including his willingness to work with President Obama directly.

That will be his Achilles heel, however, in GOP primaries and caucuses, as he competes against right wingers such as Ted Cruz and Rand Paul and Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan, and there is no guarantee that Christie will survive bruising, bloody primary and caucus fights.

But even if, somehow, he does make it through to the nomination, do not forget that Chris Christie has a short fuse; is highly temperamental when he does not like what one is saying, or opposes him; is still what this author said in the past (a bully); a man who could cause war with his bluntness, as he lacks all diplomacy and tact; and there are hints of corruption and inappropriate actions in his past record, and even some supposed connections to the Mafia.

One can be sure that ALL leads will be followed, and that Christie, who caused “red flags’ for Mitt Romney, making the 2012 GOP nominee pass Christie by for Vice President, will be fully vetted, and it could destroy any hopes he has for the Presidency.

To believe that Chris Christie will be the next President still means one has to be delusional. By comparison, he might be seen as “better” than Cruz, Paul, Rubio, Ryan and others, but ONLY by comparison, nothing more than that!