Jonathan Turley

4th Indictment Of Trump And Total Of 91 Charges: Having No Effect On Many Who Live In Alternate Universe!

Donald Trump has been indicted on 13 new counts, this time in Georgia on RICO (Racketeering) charges, along with 18 others being indicted, including:

Rudy Giuliani
Mark Meadows
John Eastman
Sidney Powell
Jenna Ellis
Jeffrey Clark

And 12 others not as notable publicly, including many attorneys and Georgia Republican officials.

At the same time, many Republicans in Georgia resisted Trump’s attempts to change the election results in that state illegally, including the sitting Lieutenant Governor and sitting Secretary of State among others.

If Trump or any of the other 18 defendants are convicted, they cannot be pardoned federally, and the minimum sentence on racketeering charges is five years in prison, and even state officials, such as the Georgia governor, cannot give a pardon.

In the midst of all this, already, in just a few hours, we are hearing such individuals as the following who are claiming the charges are foul, and just a partisan attack provoked by Joe Biden:

Ted Cruz
Lindsey Graham
Caitlyn Jenner
Newt Gingrich
Jonathan Turley
Alan Dershowitz

And this is just in a few hours time, and one can be quite certain that almost all Republicans in Congress and many state governors, including top leadership of the national party and Republican Presidential contenders, will prove to be unwilling to back away from support of Donald Trump!

This is clearly a cult, a worship of an authoritarian, and puts the Republican Party at a crossroads, where they may finally be destroying themselves, as democracy and rule of law clearly does not matter to vast numbers of the party, who only want power at any cost, and will lie and cheat incessantly!

So now, after four indictments, the total number of counts against Donald Trump has risen to 91 charges!

Doug Wead, Jonathan Turley, Alan Dershowitz–Three Rare Academics Who Support Donald Trump

As the impeachment of Donald Trump moves forward, there are those academics who support Donald Trump, but very few indeed.

Historian Doug Wead, who has no actual college degree, attending a Bible College, and gaining an honorary degree from Oral Roberts University, became noted for his books on Presidential children and on Presidential parents. He has become the official biographer of the Trump Presidency, and is just out with a new book on Trump. But he has been repudiated and denounced by many conservatives, and even some evangelicals, and was criticized for lack of ethics by the Bush family, and denounced when he ran for a Congressional seat in Arizona, by former Senator Barry Goldwater in 1992.

Law professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University testified recently as the only law professor of four, who felt the impeachment against Donald Trump was faulty. At the same time, he had supported the impeachment of Bill Clinton a generation ago. He is called by many a liberal on many issues, but many conservatives have embraced him, and he has been totally contradictory on just about every imaginable issue in the past thirty years.

Law Professor Alan Dershowitz of Harvard Law School has been highly controversial with his constant support of Donald Trump, and his own scandalous words and actions on many legal matters, including his past defense of O J Simpson, and his support of Donald Trump in the impeachment crisis the President now faces. There are rumors he might be added to the defense team for the upcoming impeachment trial.

Meanwhile, over 500 law professors around the nation have called for Donald Trump’s impeachment and removal from office, and a list of hundreds of historians is also in the works on this, including this author and blogger.

Among the famous historians advocating impeachment and removal from office are:

Doris Kearns Goodwin

David McCullough

Douglas Brinkley

Jon Meacham

Michael Beschloss

Later today, the House Judiciary Committee will formally impeach the President, becoming the fourth time in American history that this has happened.

Law Professors, Lawyers, And Donald Trump: A Time For Patriotism Over Sycophancy

In the midst of the national and international crisis of Donald Trump’s “love affair” with Vladimir Putin, we are seeing law professors and lawyers who are acting like sycophants, and in the process harming their reputations, at a time when patriotism should win out over sycophancy.

Law Professors, including Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley are finding ways to justify Trump’s illegal, immoral, and unconstitutional behavior, while Laurence Tribe is adding to his reputation as a respectable and legitimate scholar.

Meanwhile, well known attorney Joseph diGenova is promoting conspiracy theories about the “Deep State” and is undermining the FBI and the intelligence agencies, while Theodore Olson is showing how dignified, decent and credible he has always been.

And these are just the best known law professors and attorneys, splitting and dividing, as we learn who the legitimate law professors and lawyers really are, in this greatest of all constitutional crises.

Dershowitz, a former professor at Harvard Law School, and a renowned attorney in the O J Simpson case and many others, has said that Special Counsel Robert Mueller should never have been appointed, and that a “witch hunt” is being conducted against Donald Trump, using the exact language of the President. Dershowitz sees no evidence of any crimes by Trump, but also does not see it as likely that Trump would fire Mueller, although last June, Trump came close to firing Mueller, a month into the investigation. This is crazy legal judgment, and makes one wonder what Dershowitz’s whole purpose is.

Turley is a professor of law at George Washington University, claims there is no evidence of collusion by Trump with Russia, and he agreees with the idea of a second Special Counsel to investigate the FBI, a mind boggling example of sycophancy by Turley, undermining the ability to investigate the illegal actions by Trump. Turley has become a favorite to be on Fox News Channel, and it undermines his whole career as a law professor.

Tribe, a renowned professor at Harvard Law School, has been a strong critic of Donald Trump, and has advocated his impeachment, and is publishing a new book on that topic, out in May, but already number one on the Amazon list of best selling books. Tribe has been a credit to his profession and to the law school community for decades, and is not selling his soul to the Right Wing which has no problem with the disgraceful Presidency of Donald Trump.

diGenova has long been seen as an attorney who relies on conspiracy theories and undermining of respect for the law, so it is not surprising that he has now joined the Trump legal team, out to destroy the FBI and the intelligence community, and overlook the facts on the case against Trump.

And Olson is a well respected attorney, who defended George W. Bush in the 2000 Presidential election controversy; then lost his wife Barbara in the plane that crashed into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001; followed by joining fellow attorney David Boies, his rival in the 2000 election controversy in fighting the case for gay marriage in court, leading to the Supreme Court decisoin in 2015. Olson has rejected the idea of joining the Trump defense team, and adds to his stature by doing so.

This is a time for patriotism and justice over sycophancy and demagoguery, so Tribe and Olson are to be commended, while Dershowitz, Turley, and diGenova are to be condemned!