Jon Kyl

Time For National Action On Illegal Immigration!

The pending signing of discriminatory legislation in Arizona that allows any person of Hispanic ancestry to be stopped on the street by police and asked for his proof of citizenship is an alarm bell, and an attack on civil rights and civil liberties!

It is guilt by appearance and racial profiling, and that is unacceptable! ๐Ÿ™ And once Arizona is able to enforce this outrageous law, it could lead to other states adopting the same strategy! This cannot be allowed to occur!

While dealing with illegal immigration has been an issue many would prefer to avoid, it is now urgent that the US government, through the Congress and the President, act to set up a national standard of what is to be done!

The states cannot be allowed to do whatever they want, as civil liberties and civil rights cannot be permitted to go back to the old days in seventeen states, where segregation, lynching, and violation of voting rights to African Americans was able to be practiced!

Arizona cannot be given the opportunity to become the Mississippi or Alabama of the 1960s! And Senators Jon Kyl and John McCain, who both had a more open minded attitude on immigration in the past, cannot be treated other than as senators who should be condemned for their turn toward bias, prejudice, and discrimination, all for the goal of staying in public office!

This despicable action in Arizona, now being investigated by the Obama Administration, must be negated, and the Republican party,which supports it in that state, should be punished by a massive Hispanic turnout, putting the Democrats in power as the party which has a fair minded attitude on the subject!

If the Republican party nationally chooses to make this an issue, it will only add to their growing image of being a narrow based, prejudiced party, which will be on the losing side of history, as the nation become more ethnic minorities every decade. Trying to be an all white Anglo party is a losing proposition in the long run, strategically and ethically!

Arizona And Hispanic Discrimination

Arizona has had many problems with the constantly growing drug war conducted by the Mexican drug cartels along its borders, along with the illegal immigration influx, which led to the death of a rancher recently, supposedly by an illegal immigrant who escaped across the border.

It is understandable that the citizens of Arizona are alarmed about these matters, but that does not justify the new law about to be signed by Governor Jan Brewer, which allows racial profiling, the stopping of anyone by the police on pure whim, and the demand for proof of legal citizenship.

This is a denial of basic civil liberties, making everyone who looks at all Hispanic a marked person, who law enforcement has the right to question and intimidate just based upon appearance.

If this is not fought in the courts, it will spread across the country as a means to fight illegal immigration in an extremely discriminatory matter! How can Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl justify this in any shape or form? ๐Ÿ™

Arizona is quickly, by this action, and the recent signed gun law that allows anyone to carry a hidden weapon without a permit, becoming a state that will carry a negative image that will match the horrible reputation that Mississippi and Alabama carried on the issue of civil rights in the 1960s! Is that what the good, fair minded citizens of Arizona want? ๐Ÿ™

Tom “The Hammer” DeLay Is Back: Please Go Back Into Obscurity! :(

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas, forced out of office, and facing a federal trial on corruption charges in the future, was back in the spotlight on CNN State of The Union with Candy Crowley this morning, and after his appearance, the best advice one could give him is GO AWAY! ๐Ÿ™

Already controversial for promoting the “Birther” movement which has questioned the birthplace of Barack Obama, DeLay now has the gall to defend those senators, including Jon Kyl of Arizona, who claim that unemployment compensation promotes laziness and lack of interest in seeking work! ๐Ÿ™

DeLay expands this idea of Kyl to say that everyone knows that most people on unemployment compensation like being unemployed, and will only look for work a few weeks before it runs out! So in other words, the fact that unemployment compensation only covers up to half of a worker’s salary up to a certain level, is motivating to have people sit around and enjoy their unemployment period! ๐Ÿ™

What an insult this is to the millions on unemployment compensation, many who are desperate to feed their families, pay their rent or mortgage, and have no health care in most cases while unemployed! ๐Ÿ™

I hope the Republican party continues to promote this hard hearted, Social Darwinism concept of those who are unemployed and poor. In the midst of the Great Recession, the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression, primarily caused by Republican Congresses and the Bush Administration through their advocacy of massive tax cuts for the rich and deregulation of business corporations, they have the nerve to advocate such views! ๐Ÿ™

This kind of mentality will, if there is any common sense left in this country, lead to the GOP NOT gaining massive numbers of new seats in Congress, as they have the cocky belief is about to happen! ๐Ÿ™