
Anti Immigration Nativists Forget: Whites Took Away Land From Native Americans, Are Really The True “Illegals”!

In the midst of the growth of nativism in America, with whites attacking the concept of “illegals” being brought on buses for temporary location in Murietta, California and other locations in Texas and Arizona, under the orders of the Border Patrol and immigration authorities, one has to laugh at the lack of knowledge of these demonstrators to American history.

The true “illegals” are whites from Europe, whose descendants now demonstrate and terrorize Central American women and children trying to escape persecution and violence and death in their homelands, and who wish a better life, as much as those for generations past who escaped for the same reasons, and now claim they are “legal.”

What these whites fail to understand is that their ancestors stole the land from native Americans, killed them with impunity, and have no shame over the mistreatment of the descendants of native Americans who remain in America, and are the absolutely most oppressed group in America!

Amazing how ignorance and prejudice win the day, and allow people to “forget” conveniently the truth of the past, and this is also the case with Laura Ingraham, the despicable right wing radio talk show host, who demonstrates her bigotry on a regular basis on this issue, and has no shame or conscience! And she is not the only talk show host and propagandist on the Right who has their own version of American history. Witness the new propaganda film of Dinesh D’Souza, a convicted felon, who has his own sanitized version of American history out in the movie theaters this weekend!

More Years Of Education, And Yet High Levels Of Ignorance In America Persist!

More Americans have graduated high school and attended and graduated two and four year programs at colleges and universities, and yet high levels of ignorance persist in the most advanced nation in the world, or are we?

Examples abound:

40 percent of Americans are not even aware of the signature achievement of the Obama Presidency, what the critics have labeled “ObamaCare”! And some think the Congress repealed it, and others think the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional!

21 percent believe a UFO landed in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, and the government has covered it up!

14 percent believe in a monster called Big Foot, that it really exists!

65 percent cannot name even one Supreme Court Justice, not even the Chief Justice, when there are constant references to the “Roberts Court” in the news media!

30 percent cannot name who the Vice President of the United States is, and this has been shown on David Letterman many times!

35 percent do not know which century the American Revolution occurred in, and many cannot name who we fought in the Revolution!

6 percent do not know when Independence Day is, cannot find it on the calendar.

Many Americans cannot find any state of the Union on a geography map, or name the continents!

Many do not know who American fought in World War II, or point out where Korea, Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan are on the map, despite the fact that many Americans died in these wars.

Many Americans would be unable to pass the basic citizenship test all immigrants must pass, even though we are all insistent that they must know information many of our citizens born here do NOT know!

And many Americans persist in believing that Barack Obama is a Muslim, and think that Medicare is not a government program, when they say they do not want the government engaged in health care!

Many Americans do not know who their own Congressman or Senators are, and have no clue or understanding of the Constitution or Bill of Rights!

This is all very sad and disturbing, and makes one wonder about the “will of the people”, and their ability to make judgments about what American domestic or foreign policy should be!