Dennis Rodman

The “Low Lifes” Come Out Of The Woodwork To Endorse Donald Trump! An Even “Dirty Dozen” Despicable Public Figures!

Sarah Palin, former Alaska Governor and Republican Vice Presidential nominee in 2008–Willie Robertson of the “Duck Dynasty”–David Duke, former Ku Klux Klan leader–Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio—Jerry Falwell, Jr, evangelical leader of Liberty University–John Rocker, former Atlanta Braves relief pitcher–Ann Coulter, political commentator—Ted Nugent, musician and songwriter who has threatened Barack Obama—Dennis Rodman, former basketball player—Michael Savage, right wing radio talk show host—Phyllis Schlafly, conservative activist—Mike Tyson, former professional boxer.

These are an even dozen of “public figures” who have now endorsed Donald Trump for President, all of them “lowlifes” who no rational, sane person would EVER respect or believe they have ANY legitimacy.

In this group are hypocrites, bigots, racists, nativists, misogynists, abusers of the criminal justice system, religious extremists, right wing political commentators who spew hate, and purely stupid people!

The reader can figure out which categories fit each of this “dirty dozen”, with several having multiple descriptions of those mentioned above.

Anyone who supports Donald Trump after awareness that these disgraces above have endorsed him are people who have lost their minds or never had one, or indeed are people that one is newly learning just how terrible a character they really have!

Celebrities And International Affairs: Ignore Them!

In the last few days, we have seen a number of “celebrities” become engaged in international affairs actions and commentaries, an embarrassment to themselves and America.

These include:

National Basketball Hall of Fame player Dennis Rodman
Actor Sean Penn
Director Oliver Stone
New York Congressman Jose Serrano

It is inadvisable for public celebrities in sports and the entertainment industry to speak up in support of anti American foreign dictators, as the first three have done, with Rodman trying to play the role of a “diplomat” with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, a man who has been developing nuclear weapons and threatening his neighbors; and Sean Penn and Oliver Stone publicly mourning the death of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, a person they call a “good friend”, despite his collaboration with Moammar Gaddafi, Fidel Castro, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other enemies of the United States.

It is also reckless and loony that Congressman Jose Serrano should act as if Chavez was good for his people, and to ignore Chavez’ s rants and raves against both George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Of course, nothing can or should be done about these utterances and statements, as we all have freedom of speech, but any decent American should repudiate these people and their irresponsible and toxic behavior!