It is exactly 44 years since the New York police raided the Stonewall Inn, leading to the Stonewall Riots, often seen as the beginning of the modern gay rights movement.
And today, exactly 44 years to the day, and as I write this, the first gay marriages in California, our most populated state, are being performed since the Supreme Court decision this week overturning Proposition 8, which stopped gay marriages in California after they had taken place for a few years, going back to then San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom marrying the first gay couples in 2004.
There is still great opposition to gay marriage among Catholic leaders, evangelical Christians, Orthodox Jews, and many Muslim groups, but with 13 states allowing it, the trend is toward eventual acceptance legally in the other states, probably by a future Supreme Court decision, similar to Loving V. Virginia, which made it mandatory that all states accept interracial marriage in 1967.
This is not a question of whether one agrees with gay marriage, but rather a question of tolerance, open mindedness and acceptance of the right of two adults to marry whom they choose. Hatred and condemnation is unhealthy and poisonous, and it will not succeed in prevention of the promotion of human rights!
The gay marriage movement will not be stopped by anyone, but will be looked upon in future years as something that should NEVER have been so bitterly opposed, and those who oppose what has happened will be condemned in history as hate mongers, as much as those who promoted slavery, racial segregation, subjugation of women, nativism against immigrant groups, and anti labor actions against the workers of America!
Wow Professor I just noticed you gave Juan the old heave ho! WONDERFUL! I am sure there are several who will agree it’s about time! You have more patience and are a much nicer person I guess than I am because you put up with that thug way longer than you should have. He added absolutely nothing to this blog, in fact actually I felt he hijacked it. He seemed to always be looking for a fight. LOL! Like any other rethuglican troll.
Anyway, hopefully he will go play elsewhere and we can get back to interesting discussions on politics, history, presidents and other topics.
BTW–a friend of mine from your area tells me the ole Professor is in great demand for lectures all over your area! She tells me you’re pretty hot on the lecture circuit and you are bringing out the big crowds to hear you! Congratulations on that! Somehow I get the idea you thoroughly enjoy lecturing on politics and presidents! LOL!
Thank you so much, Maggie, for your kind words of support. YES, I have had audiences who really appreciate me when I give lectures, and my students also appreciate it, as I put my “ALL” into everything I do!
And yes, I have told Juan I will not block him, but will NOT answer him anymore, and give him more publicity. I am very tolerant, but finally have had enough, and already feel better knowing I do not need to waste lots of time answering his often ridiculous statements!
Freedom of speech, yes, but not freedom to hijack a blog, so freedom on my part to say NO MORE!
Hello Professor,
Tonight I was made aware of the song lyrics from a song that Leonard Cohen sang called, “Anthem.”
The refrain goes:
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.
Well that light is the light of illumination. The darkness of wanted ignorance will never keep out the light. A fact that the reactionary right, and those whom support it, has never learned.
Yes, “That’s how the light gets in.”…… I love that part! :-D. I’m gonna use this on this Sunday’s blog radio broadcast. It’s a good message.
I should add that I am a Fremason. Illumination means enlighment.
Oh, but are not the Free Masons a great conspiracy? HAHAHA!
Why yes Professor….Yes we are. I am right now working on a project to take over the world that is as good as any evil James Bond plot. LOL … 🙂
“those who oppose what has happened will be condemned in history as hate mongers, as much as those who promoted slavery, racial segregation, subjugation of women, nativism against immigrant groups, and anti labor actions against the workers of America!”. Support of traditional marriage = Hate mongers. Pope Francis= Hate monger. Every single great moral philosopher/thinkers in human history=hate mongers. Every single one of the greatest theologies/religion=hate mongers. Every single society since the dawn of history that were based on Male/Female marriage/union/family=hate mongers.Bill Clinton 17 yrs ago=Hate monger. Even our own Barack Obama 18 months ago=Hate monger. Support of traditional marriage = support of slavery. Support of traditional marriage = support of racial segregation. Support of traditional marriage=support of subjugation of women. Support of traditional marriage=support of nativism against immigrant groups. Support of traditional marriage=anti labor. Liberal logic at its best!