
Nikki Haley Is Not A Panacea For Republicans Or The Nation At Large!

Former South Carolina Governor and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley is NOT a panacea for Republicans or the nation at large.

She certainly is qualified for the Presidency, and is ahead of Joe Biden in some public opinion polls, but she has demonstrated a lack of courage in refusing to condemn Donald Trump, and many obervers believe she is angling to be his Vice Presidential running mate.

Her refusal to understand the role of slavery and racism in the American past, and her suggestion that she would pardon Donald Trump after a conviction destroy any sense of respect that she has had in the past.

She is the only true “survivor” of the disastrous Republican Party of 2024, but it is clear that she has no real chance of getting past Donald Trump, and is still unwilling to challenge a man who professes to want to be a dictator, and destroy the Constitution and rule of law!

Republicans, Conservatives, And Disrespect For Immigrants: Infuriating!

America is a nation of immigrants, and all of us are “immigrants”, in the sense that our ancestors, if not us, migrated to America, and found the only true “natives”, native Americans, whose land and resources were taken from them by European settlers.

America, historically, has mistreated native Americans in a horrible, horrendous fashion, and still do so when they decide to do mining on native lands, one of the major reasons why organizations, such as the Conservation Lands Foundation, exist, to promote proper treatment of the “original” Americans.

But America is also a nation that constantly, throughout history, has treated various groups migrating to North America, in a totally unacceptable fashion.

This has occurred to the Irish; the Italians; the Polish; the Jews; the migrants from Japan and China and elsewhere in Asia; people from Latin America; and of course the treatment of people of African origin, both slaves and those who have migrated since the end of the ugly institution of slavery!

It is infuriating when Texas Governor Greg Abbott makes the comment about the horrendous gun murders in Cleveland, Texas, referring to the victims as “illegal immigrants”, as if their status matters, as if their lives do not matter!

Immigrants come to America to excape persecution, bloodshed, discrimination, looking for a better life, as generations of immigrants have done, and they contribute their talents and skills to their adopted nation.

Just because they speak a different language, are possibly of different skin color and religion, does not make them inferior or unworthy of our sympathy, empathy, compassion, and to be treated with respect!

People like Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, and others who are bullies and have no regard for human life, unless it is white European Christians, need to be drummed out of office by demand of decent Americans, who do not want such despicable people to govern us!

It is past time for Republicans and conservatives who are only pro-life on fetuses, but not for gun regulation, or women’s rights, to be repudiated, and allow American to move forward in a positive fashion, and stop promoting hate!

Ron DeSantis’s War Against Truth, Facts, And Vulnerable Victims!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, judged by many as a so called “Frontrunner” for the Presidency in 2024, is seen by decent people as a real threat to basic truth and facts, and as a person who promotes right wing groups and ideology to undermine the freedoms and rights of endangered Americans!

When one looks back to past demagogues, DeSantis comes closest to the late Alabama Governor George Wallace, who gained the backing of one seventh of the American people in his third party Presidential campaign of 1968, railing against African Americans and basic civil rights. But the danger is that DeSantis actually could end up the nominee of the Republican Party in 2024!

DeSantis has shown his demagogic tendencies by promoting censorship of educational curriculums in public schools, as well as at Florida public universities and colleges. DeSantis wants to prevent the teaching of the truth and facts about white supremacy, the reality of slavery and Jim Crow segregation, because of his assertion that it might upset some young white children!

He also wants to suppress the reality of sexuality, including the facts and truth about students, who are gay, lesbian, or transgender, endangering their emotional stability, as he demands teachers and counselors refuse to consult regarding the turmoil many young people are going through daily!

DeSantis has also made undocumented immigrants another target, sending some from Texas borders to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts without notice, a clear political stunt that promotes fear and hatred of those escaping persecution and crime in the nations of Central America!

Ironically, today is the 100th anniversary of the Rosewood Massacre in Northern Florida, where a massacre of horrendous proportions occurred, destroying an African American town, and little was done to compensate victims, and a decision to cover up the reality of what had happened, until 1993.

Thirty years ago, Democratic Governor Lawton Chiles arranged for some reparations for the few surviving elderly people who were still alive 70 years later, and for descendants of those who were victims, to be given financial support for a college education.

But will Ron DeSantis acknowledge it in 2023, when he seems so concerned that young white children might feel guilt, a totally preposterous assertion? It is the reason for his desire to suppress the history of racial discrimination, not only in Florida, but elsewhere, as part of his push to ignore the crimes against Native Americans and other people of color as well!

DeSantis is also emboldening ignorant and biased parents, to suppress through control of school boards and library boards, the enlightenment of children to confront the issues of racial discrimination and sexuality, and tolerance of immigration.

For public libraries to censor any literature or other material focusing on these matters is reprehensible, and does not allow for a true understanding of reality. Instead, DeSantis’s goal and that of the Right Wing Extremists that he supports, is to promote narrow minded bigotry and ignorance in a nation that needs to confront reality, not be taught propaganda that covers up truth and facts!

The War On Learning Truth And Reality In Schools And Libraries: The Dangerous Censorship Movement!

American public education and public libraries are facing a massive crisis of extremist right wing ideology promoting censorship, preventing truth and reality of history, science, and free thought to flourish.

The attack is on against teaching the truth of racism against African Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and the widespread antisemitism against Jews over the history of America.

White Supremacists want to wipe clean the truth about slavery and racial segregation, mass extermination of native peoples, and even the facts and reality of the Nazi Holocaust in World War II.

They express concern for the feelings and insecurities of white children that they believe will have guilt over the historical past, when that is preposterous!

What all children should have is an awakening of their minds to the horrors of the past so as to be able to deal with them in a far better manner in the future, but covering up for past wrongs is never the answer, as ignorance is NOT bliss!

The same applies to sexuality, the thought that somehow children cannot handle the recognition of sexual expression, not only heterosexual, but also gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals, as expressed in literature. This censorship on such matters only endangers children who will be treated as if their inner feelings have no significance, and sadly, will lead to more suicides and mental illness!

And allowing religion to replace science, and to repudiate science, as so many antivaxxers promote, is dangerous in the struggle against the COVID 19 Pandemic, as well as undermining the fight against global warming and climate change!

Celebrating The Real Meaning Of July 4–Promotion Of Freedom, Equality, And Democracy!

Independence Day–July 4–is a holiday to celebrate the promotion of Freedom, Equality, and Democracy!

The 245th Independence Day is a sobering day, as the Republican Party is trying mightily to cover up the Fascist authoritarian attempt of Donald Trump and his treasonous and seditionist supporters to destroy the Constitution and rule of law, as they did on January 6, 2021, with the US Capitol Insurrection.

The Republican Party is also trying to destroy the ability of people of color to vote, something enshrined in the Constitution by the 15th Amendment in 1870, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

The right wing Supreme Court, with five of the six conservatives appointed by Presidents who lost the popular vote, and the sixth one (Clarence Thomas) accused of sexual abuse, along with Brett Kavanaugh, has also worked to destroy the Voting Rights Act.

And the danger exists that if one Democratic Senator is unable to vote on any legislative action or were to pass away, the possibility of the Democrats losing control of the Senate to Mitch McConnell is a horrifying reality.

And were Stephen Breyer to continue to ignore the need for his retirement from the Supreme Court, to insure that Joe Biden can select his replacement before the midterm elections, the threat exists that the Republicans then, if not sooner, would gain control of the Senate, and we could face a 7-2 Court, instead of a 6-3 Court!

On this 158th Anniversary of the third and last day of that turning point of the Civil War, the Battle of Gettysburg, the tremendous sacrifices of the three day battle which insured the eventual victory of freedom over slavery, let us NOT forget that the battle to preserve freedom, equality and democracy goes on!

21 States Are Mounting Efforts Restricting Education On Racism, Bias, Contributions Of Specific Racial Or Ethnic Groups!

It is extremely alarming that at least 21 states, and counting, are mounting efforts to restrict education on Racism, Bias, and Contributions of specific racial or ethnic groups in the teaching of American history (Social Studies) in public schools at all levels. This is occurring in Republican governed states.

This includes the Southern and Border States of Arkansas, Florida Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Kentucky, and Oklahoma.

It also includes the Midwestern states of Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Michigan, Ohio, and South Dakota.

It also includes the Western states of Arizona, Idaho, Montana and Utah, and the New England states of New Hampshire and Rhode Island.

At the same time, at least 9 states are working to expand education on Racism, Bias, and Contributions of specific racial and ethnic groups, including the Northeastern states of Connecticut, Delaware, and New Jersey; the Midwestern states of Illinois and Minnesota; and the Western states of Colorado, Washington, Wyoming, and California.

To forbid truthful discussion of Slavery; Jim Crow Segregation Laws; Racial Violence Against African Americans; Mass Murder of Native Americans; Anti Hispanic and Anti Asian discrimination; and Discrimination Against Women is promoting a Big Lie, that none of this happened, and continues to be a reality!

Truth and Facts matter, and to promote Right Wing propaganda is outrageous, and makes the job of teachers of History and Social Studies an impossible position!

Texas State Legislature Has Gone Totally Bonkers On So Many Issues!

Texas has a long history of racism against African Americans and Latino Americans, but the state has gone way beyond those reprehensible examples of prejudice and hatred.

Now they are making it ever more difficult for people of color to be able to vote in future elections.

They have also made abortion practically impossible with their newly enacted laws that prevent a woman after six weeks, long before most would even know they are pregnant, from being able to have an abortion, and already, the number of abortion providers has been restricted in recent years.

Also, all restriction on guns are coming to an end, which alarms law enforcement professionals.

And the state is making it clear that teachers of the social sciences are not permitted to teach about the true history of America and of Texas, the realities of slavery, Jim Crow segregation, and about the extermination of native Americans, and other unpleasant truths, what the opponents call “critical race theory”. Instead, only a patriotic version of history is to be taught, which will hamstring teachers, and yet will not, necessarily, prevent students from learning the truth elsewhere, and wish to discuss it in classes.

As an historian and political scientist for a half century, if this author and blogger were much younger, he would be unable to “practice his craft”, teach truth and facts, and this is totally outrageous!

Lawsuits on all of these issues are essential, as Texas is undermining the rule of law in so many ways!

Open White Supremacy And Racism In The American Presidency

The reality of the history of the American Presidency is that white supremacy and racism is rampant.

Nine of the first twelve Presidents owned slaves, and many of them mistreated them, including cruelty and separation of families by slave sales.

Also, many Presidents clearly saw native Americans as subhuman, and had no concern about the loss of life and the stealing of native American lands.

Additionally, many Presidents saw people of Asian or Latino heritage as being inferior, and treated them in openly racist ways.

The story of American history is of widespread massacres of people of color, no matter what their ancestry, and not just in the South, but nationwide.

Most American Presidents ignored what was going on, but some were more vocal and outspoken in their white supremacy and racism, enunciating their hateful, prejudiced views.

The vocal group, willing to make it part of their Presidencies include Andrew Jackson, regarding native Americans and African Americans; Andrew Johnson, toward African Americans during Reconstruction; Woodrow Wilson, who made clear his disregard for civil rights for African Americans, and open disdain for people of Asian ancestry, as well as the nations they originated from (China and Japan); and now Donald Trump, who has used the racist and white supremacist language to appeal to his base in a gross manner.

Since Trump has the advantage of modern media reporting and social media, particularly Twitter, which the others did not have, his white supremacy and racist rants are much more dangerous than those of Jackson, Johnson, and Wilson.

Vandalism Of Confederate Statues,Works Of Art, Is Outrageous, While Renaming Military Forts Can Be Done By US Government, And Schools And Streets If Supported By Popular Vote

A major controversy has developed about removing statues and renaming schools, military forts, and streets of those who were involved on the Confederate side of the Civil War.

There is no debate that the Confederate States of America was based on the preservation of slavery and white supremacy.

So it is perfectly appropriate to rename schools, military forts, and streets that honor such political and military figures of the Confederacy. The US government can simply decide to change the names of the forts, but to rename schools and streets should be up to popular vote of those in the communities.

At the same time, the Confederate Flag should not be permitted on public property.

However, should the destruction of statues be promoted?

My answer is absolutely not, as statues are works of art, and should be respected, and should not face damage, vandalism, and destruction.

There should be a vote of the appropriate population that decides if such Confederate statues should be peacefully removed, and put in museums.

And this move to destroy statues of non Confederate leaders, including Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, as well as other historical figures, must be resisted forcefully.

Yes, the early Presidents were slave owners, and yes, many Presidents had racist backgrounds, but it is all part of history, and we cannot allow so called “purification of history” to please radicals who wish to destroy the American past!

Rather, teach the truth, but honor the important contributions of Presidents and others who also did good deeds.

We are not going to allow destruction of Mount Rushmore, but also, we are not going to allow destruction of Stone Mountain, which honors Confederate leaders. This is part of our history which needs to be taught and exposed, but not allowing violent action to suppress!

We cannot deny our past, and we cannot destroy our past, clear and simple!

Trump Rally In Tulsa, Oklahoma A Reckless Act In Midst Of Pandemic

Donald Trump is once again proving his lack of basic decency, by following through on a massive indoor rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the day after the celebration of the end of slavery on June 19, 1865, when African Americans in Texas were informed that the Civil War was over, and that they were free men and women, what is called Juneteenth.

But it is also the 99th anniversary of the worst race riot in American history, destroying the prosperous black community in Tulsa, and at least 300 people killed.

But Donald Trump, being an open racist, does not care about the history, and also the exposure of a large number of Trump followers who will be close together, without social distancing and no requirement to wear face masks, in the middle of the CoronaVirus Pandemic, that has killed 120,000 people so far.

How much more immoral and unethical could Donald Trump be? But he has shown a total lack of concern for human life, and loves to promote hate and division.

So expect a major increase in the pandemic in Oklahoma and nearby states in the days and weeks after this massive rally!