Fox News Channel, infamous for creating news and promoting constant lies and deception, has been able to lure journalists and politicians to grace its channel, in an attempt to gain distinction and credibility, except it is not working!
Sure, more people watch Fox News Channel than CNN or MSNBC, no question about it!
But since when is “popularity” in electronic or print media a judgment as to quality and balance and fairness of coverage of news events?
Tabloid newspapers historically did better than major national newspapers in circulation, although now they are not doing better, because Fox News Channel is available for those who wish sensationalism and manipulation of the news!
So the decision of journalists such as Bill Hemmer, John Roberts, Ed Henry, and Howard Kurtz to leave CNN and go to Fox News Channel is clearly one of money over principle.
And the decision of former Indiana Senator Evan Bayh and Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich to join Fox News Channel, being well aware of their distortion of the truth, is also simply one of money over principle.
No one is saying that money is not a factor in decisions people make, and no one is saying that these individuals should not pursue as much financial gain as they can acquire.
But face the facts: principle and quality are not the goals of these journalists and former politicians, but personal financial gain alone!
Yeah right, we get principle and quality from “MSLSD”, NBC and CNN.. sure we do.Give me a break.