Sixty three years ago, Joseph McCarthy, Republican Senator from Wisconsin, became infamous, as he began his nearly five year tirade with false accusations, accusing great numbers of people of being Communists. He became an “ism”, and was ultimately repudiated by the US Senate, but only after most Republicans remained silent for years, even though they knew he was a demagogue!
Well, now we have California Congressman Darrell Issa and Texas Senator Ted Cruz, both of whom are engaged in demagoguery on a massive scale, just like McCarthy six decades ago!
And, interestingly, it is not just their tactics that are similar to McCarthy, but if one examines their faces and appearances, it is amazing how similar both are to their infamous predecessor! It is eery and weird to the extreme!
Issa is himself a person with a criminal background in his youth, and very easy at issuing accusations without substance!
Cruz is alienating and terrifying his Senate Republican colleagues, just as McCarthy did, with his wild, reckless statements and high level of arrogance and egotism!
It is likely that both will, at some point, “crash” in ruins, as McCarthy did in December, 1954!
Meanwhile, however, they will be destructive forces, with absolutely no ethics or sense of morality in their outrageous attacks on Barack Obama, Democrats, and moderate Republicans, the few which are left in the party!
Exactly right Professor!
LOL! Oppose Obama and you are an extremist! Oppose the Establishment Republicans and you are a “Wacko”! Oppose Obamacare, Big Government,or any other extreme statist agenda and you are a racist,bigot, and homophobic who also must hate minorities, children, the elderly and the poor! I find it interesting how those who claim to want to take the country “Forward” are always looking “Backwards” and stuck in the “New Deal” era. Of course they always look selectively to past.
You want to hear a true indictment of Obama? It’s not long, but short and factual. Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) on the floor Monday:
“The president’s Justice Department sold weapons to narco-terrorists south of our border, who killed one of our finest.
The president’s State Department lied about Benghazi with false information provided by the White House.
The president’s attorney general authorized spying on a Fox News reporter and his family for reporting on a North Korean nuclear test.
The president’s Justice Department confiscated phone records of the Associated Press because they reported on a thwarted terrorist attack.
The president’s Treasury Department uses the IRS to target political opposition.
The president’s Health and Human Services secretary pressures insurance companies she is supposed to regulate to promote ‘Obamacare,’ which is the same law she uses to force citizens to pay for abortion inducing drugs against their religious liberties.â€
Mr. Speaker, the president dishonesty, incompetence, vengefulness and lack of moral compass lead many to suggest that he is not fit to lead.
The only problem is that his vice president is equally unfit and even more embarrassing,â€
Short and to the point. I’m sure Ron, you will accuse this representative of at least being a “racist” ,hateful homophobic, extremist, wacko, bigot who must also hate minorities, children, the elderly and the poor!. If so then I must be also because I agree with every single word. Anything goes as long as we don’t address the issues put forth, by either Cruz, Issa, Bridenstine or anyone else who opposes this administration’s policies.
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I think that Senator Cruz “alienating and terrifying his Senate Republican colleagues” is a good thing.
With our Republic on course for terrible ruination in almost every area, the light of day needs to be shown.
The current banana republic like administration, appointees and many sitting democrats and republicans need to be ousted.
Cruz is doing what pelosi only promised “draining the swamp” the muck is deep with a putrid stench.
Lulz @ Davy No Nothing. Just as loony as Guano.
Enjoy those tin foil hats guys! Lulz! 🙂
Someone lives and someone dies. Disgusting, that a life of a child should be in the hands of a bureaucrat who has the power to determine whether of not to waive a regulation. Whether or not the child lives or not. A regulation! A regulation that should not exist in the first place! ( )
“Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius rebuffed an appeal from Rep. Lou Barletta on behalf of a girl who needs a lung transplant but can’t get one because of a federal regulation that prevents her from qualifying for a transplant.
“Please, suspend the rules until we look at this policy,†Barletta, a Pennsylvania Republican, asked Sebelius during a House hearing Tuesday on behalf of Sarah Murnaghan, a 10-year-old girl who needs a lung transplant. She can’t qualify for an adult lung transplant until the age of 12, according to federal regulations, but Sebelius has the authority to waive that rule on her behalf. The pediatric lungs for which she currently qualifies aren’t available.
“I would suggest, sir, that, again, this is an incredibly agonizing situation where someone lives and someone dies,†Sebelius replied. “The medical evidence and the transplant doctors who are making the rule — and have had the rule in place since 2005 making a delineation between pediatric and adult lungs, because lungs are different that other organs — that it’s based on the survivability [chances].â€
Barletta countered that medical professionals think Murneghan could survive an adult lung transplant. During the exchange, he also said that the girl has three to five weeks to live.
Sebelius reminded Barletta that 40 people in Pennsylvania are on the “highest acuity list†for lung transplants.”
So there you have it, we are no longer individual but a statistic. We are no longer individuals with certain singularities but are subject to the average survivability chances. Never mind what the doctors who treat you say or know about your specific case, what is important is what the Federal Regulations established. Despicable.
Juan, on this issue, I am ONE HUNDRED PERCENT in agreement with you! I call on President Obama to use his executive authority and overrule Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius! This issue should not be dropped, and we need a massive campaign to help this young girl before she dies. This is government bureaucracy gone MAD! 🙁
Ron: I’m glad we agree on this one and given the present situation in the US, I hope Obama does something. Now having said that, don’t you find it troublesome that currently in America we find ourselves in a situation where the life of a child should depend on a decision made by a President of the United States on whether or not the child qualifies for a medical procedure? That the President of the United States has to override the power of the bureaucracy on this issue. Wouldn’t it be better if the bureaucracy didn’t have that power in the first place, and that a President should not be involved in such everyday medical decision? Wouldn’t it be better that such decisions be left to the doctor and patient? And if there is a stupid law/regulation like this, wouldn’t it be better if the Courts intervened and suspended or declared unconstitutional this regulation which should not have existed in the first place. In other words, don’t you think the parents of this child would rather be left alone with the medical community to solve this problem without having to beg for government authorization? Just imagine for a minute if you were in those parents shoes. How would you feel?
Good news! “A federal judge has ordered HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to allow Sarah Murnaghan, a 10-year-old in Pennsylvania dying of cystic fibrosis, to be moved to the adult lung transplant list. Normally federal policy prevents children younger than 12 from receiving donated adult lungs, but Sebelius has been under pressure to change the policy.”
Read more:
Again, Juan, I TOTALLY agree with you on this, and am pleased to hear that Sebelius has been ordered to do what she should have done herself on her own. Frankly, her reaction is such that I think it is time for her to leave, and a new HHS Secretary be appointed. She demonstrated VERY POOR judgment, and quite frankly, stated something more appropriate for one of the Republican Congresswomen, such as Michele Bachmann or Marsha Blackburn with their moronic statements, or one of the right wing men who think women should enjoy rape! Sebelius has lost ALL credibility!