The Final Exit Of Newt Gingrich From National Politics: Or Is It?

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has finally suspended his campaign for President, having won only South Carolina and his home state of Georgia.

Notice the word “suspended”, as Newt still sees himself as a future President, so we may not have seen the last of him.

Gingrich gave a very unflattering statement of support of Mitt Romney, simply saying that he was better than “the most radical President in American history”, as he describes Barack Obama.

Gingrich is insufferable, a braggart, a boaster, an obnoxious person, with a horrible record on morals and ethics, and a over inflated view of his own brilliance. It is hard to watch him, and wonder how he is not embarrassed by his own behavior, but he certainly is not a person who shows any shame!

So don’t be surprised that Newt will come back and try for the Presidency in 2016, when he would be 73, because his ego requires it, his need for attention is obsessive, and he will always think that he is the smartest person in the country.

His erratic behavior will always make him interesting, but he has a very high percentage of Americans who dislike him, and just wish he would go away!

Newt will be remembered as one of the most significant figures to come from the House of Representatives, but all of us who are sane would wish to say to Newt: “Please go away and don’t come back!”

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