Barack Obama decided early on in his administration that he was NOT going to use the term “War On Terror”!
But forget what it is called: Barack Obama has waged a very effective “War On Terror”, has shown he is tough and decisive, has demonstrated aggressiveness in military matters, and has protected the homeland more effectively than George W. Bush and Dick Cheney before him!
His military and intelligence people have hunted down and eliminated dozens, if not more, terrorist leaders of Al Qaeda and the Taliban, and related groups. Of course, the most famous is Osama Bin Laden!
He has utilized drones effectively, and made arrangements for new drone locations to go after terrorists in Somalia and Yemen.
He has given private warnings, now becoming public, to Pakistan and Afghanistan about connections to terrorists.
He has made Iran aware that we will not tolerate their connections with Hamas and Hezbollah in the Palestinian territories and Lebanon, and while we are trying to withdraw our involvement with ground troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, we are not abandoning the fight against terrorist elements.
Barack Obama is often called too nice, lacking in aggressiveness in dealing with Republicans, but even that is starting to change as he pursues an economic plan to promote fairness in taxation, and stop victimizing the middle class in favor of the rich!
He cannot quickly create jobs, but he is showing his intent for the long term, and while he is doing this, he has made perfectly clear his aggressiveness and single mindedness to protect us from terrorism and root it out wherever it exists!
This is a long battle that may never fully end, but the waging of the War on Terror worldwide is the ultimate reason why, no matter what the economy, he will win reelection in 2012! The Republican Party will be helpless on this issue, unable to criticize Obama, and they will lose the election and seats in Congress, and possibly control, because of that reality!
I listened to Boehner and Cantor and Ryans comment today…and boy or boy are they screeching like little children who had their candy taken away! They are not enjoying the way the President is acting now…LOL! They don’t like this new guy who is fighting back and showing America exactly what the republicans are doing to this country and the boys are livid!!!! I had to laugh listening to them.
When I hear the words “war on terror”, I no longer have thoughts of Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden or even Alkida; is since been replaced with visions of Eric Cantor , John Boehner and the House of Representatives.