In the past two weeks, we have seen three Republican Presidential debates, and we have witnessed the obscenity of debate audiences.
What is wrong with these people?
In the first debate, the audience cheered at the mention of Rick Perry’s all time record of 234 executions of prison inmates while Governor, as if this is a great accomplishment!
In the second debate, when the idea of a person in a coma needing medical care but having no medical insurance was brought up, a few in the crowd yelled that the unfortunate gentleman should just die!
Yesterday, in the third debate, when a question came up about the end of “don’t ask, don’t tell”, and a gay member of the military was shown on screen, a portion of the audience booed him, and then Rick Santorum added insult to injury by suggesting that he would re-institute the policy if he became President! Why was there no respect for this man serving in the military and recognition of his sacrifices fighting for this nation, so that wealthier, privileged people do not have to serve?
What is wrong with these people,who have such hate, and take such SICK stands on capital punishment, health care, and gays in the military? Is this what we face if the Tea Party radicals gain control of the Republican Party?
Does the party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan really want to gain the support of these whackos?
It is time for the party to repudiate these hate mongers, and for any further outbursts at future debates to witness ALL the candidates make it clear that they consider it reprehensible!
If they do not, then all of them deserve to be repudiated overwhelmingly by the American people!