The Leading Political Lie of 2009–Sarah Palin And “Death Panels”

PolitiFact, the organization which tracks politicians’ statements for their veracity, has determined that former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin had the leading political lie of the year 2009.

Palin’s contention that the pending health care legislation would promote “death panels” for senior citizens and the handicapped had a dramatic effect this summer and fall, encouraging and stirring the Tea Party/Freedom Works crowd, and causing the rowdy town halls during August and September.

A total fabrication by Palin, it promoted an ugly atmosphere and delayed health care reform, and is totally untrue as every thinking person realizes. But there are still morons in this country who will continue to believe what they want to believe, such as there is no global warming, and the earth and mankind was created six thousand years ago, and man never went to the moon from 1969-1972, and September 11 was a government plot! For some people, there is no hope of rational thought! 🙁

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