The Urgency Of The Jobs Summit At The White House

On Thursday afternoon, a Jobs Summit will be held at the White House with businessmen and academics trying to figure out how to deal with the unemployment crisis, with 10.2 percent unemployed officially, but counting those who have stopped looking or are off unemployment compensation, making it closer to 17.5 percent, and even higher numbers in poorer areas, particularly in African American neighborhoods.

The Congressional Black Caucus is threatening, along with others, a jobless people’s March on Washington, unless strong action is taken to deal with this growing crisis.

Sixteen million are out of work, and one third of those are out of work for six months or longer. Six workers are competing for each job that is available. More people are out of work now than at any time since 1983.

There is no more important initiative for the unfortunate citizens who are unemployed, or for the Democrats and President Obama, than to solve the issue through rapid development of public works projects. It will be interesting to see what transpires at the summit.

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