Liz Cheney

From Nelson Rockefeller (1963) To The January 6 2021 Insurrection: Right Wing Threats

Sixty years ago this week, New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller denounced the Right Wing threat working to gain control of the Republican Party, and he fought against Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater for the Republican Presidential nomination in 1964.

Goldwater lost massively against President Lyndon B. Johnson, but the seeds had been planted in a movement that now has become a menace to America under Donald Trump, leading to the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection.

But even Barry Goldwater was not as extreme as right wing Republicans now are!

If Trump or a Trumpite follower ends up as the Republican nominee in 2024, the concept of American democracy could be dissolved, as the threat of Barry Goldwater sixty years ago has been far surpassed by many Republicans since the 1990s.

Leading potential Republican nominees besides Trump in 2024 include such as Ron DeSantis, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, and Rick Scott, among others.

The alarm bell has rung, and the question is whether the diminishing band of mainstream Republicans–such as Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, Larry Hogan, Chris Sununu, Chris Christie, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger–many of them far from ideal–can mount a campaign and take the Republican Party back to the center of American politics!

Ten Alternatives To Donald Trump Begin To Emerge In Republican Party

It is now clear that Donald Trump will have challengers emerging in the Republican Party, those who have broken with him and are not afraid to challenge him for the Presidential nomination of the party in 2024.

These include the following ten individuals:

Former Vice President Mike Pence of Indiana
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan
Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie
Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse
Utah Senator Mitt Romney
Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger
Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney
Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley of South Carolina
Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson
New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu

Republican Party, 168 Years Old Today, Undermined By Competing Factions, Some Of Them Extremist In Nature

The Republican Party was born on this day in Ripon, Wisconsin, in 1854, 168 years ago.

The future of the party is in danger, due to these massive splits.

Among the members of these six groups below are the following:

Trumpism—including House members Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Madison Cawthorn, Jim Jordan, Paul Gosar, Matt Gaetz; Senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz; and Governors Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, and Kristi Noem.

Anti Trumpism—including House members Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Anthony Gonzalez; Senators Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse; and Governors Larry Hogan, Charlie Baker, and Phil Scott.

Christian Right—Mike Pence, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee

Libertarian conservatives—Senators Mike Lee and Rand Paul; Congressman Thomas Massie

Neoconservatives—George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, John Bolton

Moderates—Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Charlie Baker, Larry Hogan, Phil Scott, Chris Sununu

The hope for the long range is that the Anti Trumpists and Moderates will prevail, as otherwise, the Republican Party is an authoritarian, Fascist oriented party, abandoning the principles of the party at its founding!

CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) A Mockery Of Conservatism And The Party Of Lincoln!

The annual CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) took place for four days last week in Orlando, Florida, the home of three of the absolutely worst political leaders imaginable–Governor Ron DeSantis, Senator and former Governor Rick Scott, and Senator Marco Rubio!

White Supremacists and lovers of Vladimir Putin, who is waging war on Ukraine, dominated the four days of speeches, and showed just how authoritarian oriented these so called conservatives are, who have made a mockery of conservatism and the party of Lincoln!

There was no support of the brave Ukranians, fighting against the most dangerous man on the planet, Vladimir Putin, but lunatic support of Donald Trump, the most dangerous man in America, who keeps his legions of supporters loyal to his anti democratic, anti NAT0 and Fascist authoritarianism, which waged war on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021!

The CPAC poll for the 2024 Republican Presidential nomination had Trump winning 59 percent of the vote, to Ron DeSantis and 28 percent, second year in a row of CPAC still supporting the traitor and seditionist Donald Trump!

The true conservatives—the Lincoln Project—and such leaders as Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Larry Hogan, Charlie Baker, Chris Sununu, along with fellow former Republicans outside of government—are working to undermine the Trump legions, and save the party future!

The Poisonous Nature Of Fox News Channel Deadens The Brain!

Chris Wallace is no longer with Fox News Channel!

Shepard Smith is no longer with Fox News Channel!

Any decent journalist would NOT work for Fox News Channel, which preaches lies, mistruths, misinformation, and promotes sedition and treason after the January 6, 2021 Insurrection at the US Capitol, inspired by Donald Trump!

Fox News Channel has anchors in the evening who are truly massive liars and deceivers, including Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham, all of whom are vaccinated but do not promote vaccination and masks!

All of these individuals were concerned and alarmed by January 6, and we know they tried to contact Donald Trump, but now they ignore reality and facts, and inspire the Republican Party in its self destruction!

All of these individuals denounce people of principle, who are strongly conservative, such as Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and the small band of Republicans who believe in the rule of law and the Constitution, and want Donald Trump and his minions held accountable!

Fox News Channel promotes fear, ignorance, and hate; sees the world as simple and black and white; distrusts science and education; supports government by the wealthiest, with no concern for the poor and middle classes; and endorses religion in schools and government, rather than the basic constitutional principle of separation of church and state!

Fox News Channel has become the “Bible” for a majority of people best defined as white supremacists, antisemites, Islamophobes, nativists, misogynists, and homophobes!

The poisonous nature of Fox News Channel, and also One America News Network (OANN) and Newsmax TV, which are even worse, imagine that, helps deaden the brain of common sense and common decency!

The Republican Party Of History Is Gone! 1854-2022!

The Republican Party of history once stood for human rights, civil rights, racial equality, in the age of Abraham Lincoln.

The Republican Party of history once stood for progressive reforms, in the age of Theodore Roosevelt, Robert LaFollette, Sr., and George Norris.

The Republican Party of history once stood for promoting internationalism and fighting the Cold War for democracy and against the threat of totalitarianism, in the age of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan.

The Republican Party of history once stood for Civil Rights in the age of Senators and Congressmen who joined with Democrats to promote political and social reform.

The Republican Party of history had its elements which were evil and divisive, but the party overall stood for basic principles of decency while promoting conservatism and the concept of limited national government.

But now, the Republican Party has promoted massive give aways to the wealthy, while having no concern about the needs of the middle class and the poor.

But now, the Republican Party consorts with authoritarian regimes of the Left and the Right, including collaborating with Vladimir Putin to fix the Presidential Election of 2016, and to make concessions to the Russian Federation during the era of Donald Trump.

But now, the Republican Party has the craziest conceivable elements in its party, who promote sedition, treason, and attacks on the Constitution and the rule of law.

Only a small element of the 2021-2022 Republican Party is part of the mainstream of American politics, and they are outnumbered and attacked for their commitment to decency, honesty, and the tenets of American democracy. Plaudits to Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Anthony Gonzalez, Peter Meijer, John Katko, Tom Rice, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Ben Sasse, Mitt Romney, Pat Toomey, and a small group of other courageous, principled Congressmen and Senators!

Donald Trump and his ilk, which include millions of ignorant, prejudiced white supremacists, antisemites, Islamophobes, racists, nativists and misogynists, represent a dire threat to the American republic, and must be combatted by every legal tool available, to allow America to reach its 250th anniversary in 2026 as a nation still keeping its values and heritage that are a model for democracy around the world in the 21st century!

The New “McCarthyism”: Kevin McCarthy’s Ambitions To Be Speaker Require Being Subservient To Donald Trump!

California Congressman Kevin McCarthy, the House Republican Minority Leader, is desperate to become Speaker of the House of Representatives in the 118th Congress (2023-2024).

This requires him being subservient to Donald Trump, and McCarthy will stop at nothing to promote himself, and in the process conduct himself as a charlatan, a man without common decency and any ethical principles!

McCarthy will do anything and everything to support Paul Gosar, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Madison Cawthorn, and the rest of the traitors and seditionists who were complicit in the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol, leading to the death of five people, and the physical and mental harm done to more than 140 US Capitol police!

McCarthy will lie incessantly through his teeth, displaying no sense of morality, and throws good people, such as Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and a small band of other House Republicans, “under the bus”, so to speak!

He has just set a record for more than an eight and a half hours speech overnight on the floor of the House of Representatives, putting on a performance for the extremist right wingers in his caucus, and displaying every bit of poison and hate imaginable!

He calls for the defeat of the Build Back Better bill of President Joe Biden and the Democrats, which would improve the lives of millions of Americans!

There is only one conclusion about Kevin McCarthy!

That is, that Kevin McCarthy should be roundly condemned by all decent people as the leader of the new “McCarthyism”, possibly worse if successful in his quest than his namesake, Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy, seven decades ago!

Kevin McCarthy is willing to destroy anyone who stands in his way on his mission to become a demagogue, and if bad luck occurs, easily the worst, most dangerous Speaker of the House in 234 years of the history of the House of Representatives!

And finally, ironically, there are indications that the disgraced, twice impeached, two time popular vote loser of the Presidency, Donald Trump, is working to undermine McCarthy’s hope to be Speaker, and would wish Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, who is even more unprincipled and dangerous, to become Speaker of the House in 2023!

Even if one is not “religious”, God Help Us! 🙁

Only 9 House Republicans Voted To Hold Insurrectionist Steve Bannon In Contempt Of Congress

To demonstrate how corrupt and hypocritical the Republican Party has become, only NINE House Republicans had the guts and courage to uphold a contempt of Congress on former Donald Trump aide Steve Bannon, the true epitome of a full fledged Fascist-Nazi type character, who has long preached and promoted violence, bloodshed, and seizure of the government by extremist white supremacists.

These are the nine brave souls:

Liz Cheney of Wyoming
Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington
John Katko of New York
Peter Meijer of Michigan
Fred Upton of Michigan
Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania
Nancy Mace of South Carolina

The first two named are on the House January 6 Committee investigating the horrid events of that day, two weeks before Inauguration Day of Joe Biden.

The next five are five of the ten, including Cheney and Kinzinger who voted to impeach Donald Trump in the second impeachment trial.

The last two are newcomers to expressing opposition to Donald Trump and his lackeys in Congress.

They are all going to be targets of Donald Trump and his supporters, as they work to cover up and act as if nothing unusual occurred on January 6, 2021.

Republicans In Leadership And Many In Congress Continue To Perpetuate the “Big Lie” About 2020!

It is shocking and dismaying that nine months after the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States, we still have Republicans continuing to perpetuate the “Big Lie”, that Donald Trump won the election, and it was “stolen”!

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise refused to acknowledge that Joe Biden is President this past weekend on a news interview show, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has disgraced himself in backing Donald Trump, with both Scalise and McCarthy and a multitude of other Republicans afraid to alienate Trump.

The Republican Party is full blown Fascism in its intent and strategy, and they make it clear that they will not cooperate in the investigation of the January 6 US Capitol Insurrection, except for two House members, Liz Cheney of Wyoming, and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, who have shown guts and courage to go ahead and join the investigatory House Committee on January 6, undermining their own hold on their seats in Congress.

Rational Republicans Are Deciding To Abandon Office, Or Leaving The Party!

Rational Republicans, facing bitter attacks, and threats, are deciding to abandon office, or leaving the party.

There is a need for a strong, alternative party in a democracy, so the need is present for those who are Republicans to stay and fight.

But Congressman Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio has decided not to run for reelection after four years in the House of Representatives, after having voted to impeach Donald Trump after the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection.

And New Hampshire state legislator William Marsh has become so disgusted that he has announced he is becoming a Democrat, after attacks on him for insisting on an appropriate COVID-19 Vaccine and Mask Mandate, bitterly opposed by the Republican Party locally and nationally.

Others, such as Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois have joined the January 6 House Committee investigation, with Cheney being Vice Chairman, working with Democrats to push the probe.

Both face a difficult path for reelection, as do the other House Republicans and Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, who also voted to impeach Donald Trump, and face the voters in 2022.