Total Slaughter Of Mitt Romney In Last Presidential Debate!

Barack Obama won a total victory in the last Presidential debate tonight, what could be called a slaughter!

Romney was obviously uncomfortable, and his typical smirk disappeared, and he ended up agreeing on most subjects discussed with the President.

Romney contradicted past positions, and seemed totally unprepared, while Obama had his best debate performance yet.

Romney was tongue tied at times, and spent time looking at his wife in the front row, and one could sense that he was wishing the debate was over, as in his heart, he realized he was out of his league by the midpoint of the debate.

Of course, the spin will be that Romney did very well, but the public opinion polls will not show that, and for anyone to claim that Romney “won” this debate would be evidence of hallucination.

Yes, Romney won the first debate. Yes, the second debate was close, but Obama won.

On this third and last debate, as with the Vice Presidential debate, the Obama-Biden tandem won handily, and they will be reelected on November 6, and be re-inaugurated President and Vice President on January 20, 2013!

9 comments on “Total Slaughter Of Mitt Romney In Last Presidential Debate!

  1. Ali Rahnavard October 22, 2012 11:28 pm

    I nearly fell off my chair from laughing so hard when Obama explained the modern Military to Romney. The horses and Bayonet comment was pure gold. The 80’s calling for their foreign policy also cracked me up another good shot. He totally made Mitt Romney look like someone living in an America that has not existed for over 100 years.

    Now I can’t be sure if it was just my eyes but did anyone else see Mitt Romney Sweating?

  2. Ali Rahnavard October 22, 2012 11:32 pm

    Also loved the way he explained aircraft carriers and submarines! You could just see Romney couldn’t think of anything to say. The only thing he did tonight was sit there and take every shot and agree with the President on almost every point. Heck sometimes in their exchanges Mitt Romney would change his mind mid debate and almost copy what the president had JUST said.

  3. Pete Turner October 23, 2012 1:44 am

    One thing I haven’t seen in the post debate talk is Romney’s lack of understanding about Geography. He called Syria, Iran’s path to the sea. Two problems with that statement. 1.) Iran has a sea coast on the Persian Gulf (Iran formerly Persia, Mitt). 2.) Syria doesn’t share a border with Iran – Iraq is in the way.

  4. Pete Turner October 23, 2012 1:48 am

    One thing I haven’t seen in the post debate talk is Romney’s lack of understanding about Geography. He called Syria, Iran’s path to the sea. Two problems with that statement. 1.) Iran has a sea coast on the Persian Gulf (Iran formerly Persia, Mitt). 2.) Syria doesn’t share a border with Iran – Iraq is in the way.

    Another point is Mitt’s op-ed piece in the New York Times. The first paragragh says that he believe a subsidy of the auto industry will devistate the auto industry. Later on he says that research and development on alternate energy for autos should be raised from $4 billion to $20 billion. Of course in the debate he said we shouldn’t do this.

  5. Ronald October 23, 2012 6:57 am

    Thanks, Pete, for making those points!

  6. Paul Doyle October 23, 2012 8:52 pm

    I wouldn’t count the election over yet. “The Donald” has announced that he is coming out with “big, big, news about the President” in the coming days.

    Rumor has it that “The Donald” has hard evidence that the President is black. LOL! ; )

  7. Ronald October 23, 2012 9:29 pm

    HAHA! The point is the Electoral College STILL favors Obama, so I am still confident!

  8. Paul Doyle October 23, 2012 9:37 pm

    Maybe “The Donald” is ready to release Obama’s transcripts from the Electoral College. ; )

  9. Ronald October 23, 2012 9:57 pm

    Paul, Have you considered a career in comedy? 🙂 LOL

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