Urban And Suburban Areas

Marjorie Taylor Greene Promoting Secession Of “Red” From “Blue” States!

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, a true whacko, is promoting the idea of secession of “Red” states from “Blue” states.

She is clearly crazy, as she fails to realize that Blue areas are found in most states that are not rural–meaning urban and suburban areas–and so called “Blue’ States contribute much more to the national economic system than do so called “Red’ States.

The so called “Red” states are mostly rural, and in 2022, they are the poorest, most dependent on the redistribution of income primarily coming from wealthier, more urbanized and suburbanized “Blue” states.

The poorest states are almost completely “Red” states—West Virginia, New Mexico, Mississippi, Alabama, Alaska, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Wyoming, Montana–with only New Mexico and Maine being “Blue” states based on state government control.

What makes America the nation that it has become is the diversity of America–the industry, the universities, the culture of varying groups who live in cities and suburban areas—not the isolation of “Red” rural America, which lives, in many respects, in the 19th century, while “Blue” America represents the 21st century!

Rural America Being Harmed By Trump’s Tariffs

Rural America is Donald Trump’s major base.

The 20 states that backed Trump the most in percentage of votes in 2016 are also the most rural states in the nation.

Only a few middle sized cities exist in this group of 20 states:

Missouri—St. Louis and Kansas City

Tennessee–Nashville and Memphis


Louisiana–New Orleans


These 20 states also have the most people engaged in agriculture and coal mining, and both are areas of the economy heavily suffering from lack of concern by Donald Trump, with the protective tariffs that hurt soybean and corn farmers, as well as other areas of agriculture, and the dying coal industry, where coal miners are petitioning for protection of their hard earned pensions, but having no response from the Trump Administration.

So rural America, trying to hold back the future of an urban and suburban America that has the dominant part of the population, is suffering mightily from a Trump Presidency which does not give a damn about them and their future.

So the question arises whether even in these states, or some of them, will there be a rebellion against Trump as he seeks reelection!

Rural, Blue Collar, Poorly Educated Vs Urban, Suburban, White Collar, Well Educated: The 19th Century Vs. The 21st Century

After the British vote to leave the European Union, and the support that Donald Trump has gained in the United States, one thing is very clear!

We are in the midst of a revolt of the rural, blue collar, poorly educated against the urban, suburban, white collar, well educated who promote modernization and tolerance on the issue of immigration and race.

It was urban Londoners against the rural parts of England who voted to exit Europe, as it is the major urban centers and surrounding suburbs of America against the hinterland of Appalachia, the rural South, the Great Plains and the Mountain West, who love Donald Trump.

It is really nostalgia for the 19th century against the modernization of the 21st century, and a desire to isolate oneself from outside influences and nations.

The effort must be made to prevent the narrow mindedness of what happened in the United Kingdom from spreading, like a disease, to the United States in this year’s election.

All progressives must unite around Hillary Clinton and help to shape her progressive agenda, assuredly more than under her husband, Bill Clinton, in the 1990s!