Racial DIversity

A Different America In 2040: More Young Minorities, More Muslims Than Jews, Older Average Age Population

In just one more generation, America will be a very different nation than it was when I was born at the time of the Battle of the Bulge (December 1944) in World War II’s last few months.

This blogger was born in New York City as a minority, a Jew in a primarily Protestant white America, with large percentages of Italian and Irish Catholics as the so called “minority”, along with Jews.

Yes, there were some African Americans in my graduating class, along with a few Puerto Ricans and Asian Americans, and even one native American young man.

But the idea that a century or so after my birth, in the 2040s, that we would have a population of aging white people in a nation rapidly rising in average age, and with a majority of young people being Latinos, Asians and African American ethnicity, and with more Muslims than Jews in the population, is indeed astounding.

But this is not something to mourn over, but see it as a challenge, to make a nation truly international in origin, not just from Europe, prosper and move ahead toward future challenges with optimism.

So the future is NOT the racist, nativist, white supremacist, antisemitic, and Islamophobic message sent out by Trump supporters, who also wish to control women and gays and lesbians, but rather to embrace the diversity of our nation and lead the world in tolerance.

This is something I wish for as I am now part of the aging population that wants a great future for the nation he loves!

Gerrymandering, Creating Barriers In Many States To Vote, And Changing Census By Adding Citizenship Question, All Designed To Help Republicans Overcome Future Diversity Of American Population!

The Republican Party has dedicated itself to using every possible method, no matter how unethical it is, to keep themselves in power, by curbing voting by racial minorities the poor, and college students, knowing they would be unlikely to gain the support of such groups in the voting booths.

So they have utilized gerrymandering to create districts that will always favor the white majority in as many congressional districts and state legislative districts as possible, although some such gerrymandering schemes have started to be repudiated by state and federal courts recently.

They have created as many barriers as possible to different groups being able to vote, as a result of the backtracking of the Supreme Court in 2013, on the enforcement of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 under President Lyndon B. Johnson.

And now, they are trying to mandate a 2020 Census question on citizenship, designed to insure that undocumented immigrants will not fill out the census forms, out of fear of deportation.

All this, being challenged, will lead to the downfall of a party that has lost all morality and ethics, and many decent Republicans and conservatives outside of government positions have already done so.

The future diversity of the American population toward a non white majority within about 25 years is certain, and the Republican Party is fighting a losing battle in that regard!