Illegal Immigration

“We Are Taking Mexico’s Problems”: The History Of American Immigration!

Donald Trump has become infamous for his racist, nativist statements about Mexican immigration and Mexico.

He tells us that “We are taking Mexico’s problems”!

The history of American immigration is that the United States has ALWAYS taken on the “problems” of other nations’ oppressed populations, with the image of America being the Statue of Liberty, that we welcome those who are denied economic opportunity, civil rights and civil liberties, and are trying to escape war in their homelands.

America is a land of immigrants, and not all of them have been “legal” or “documented”.

People have fled to the Unites States in desperation, to escape deprivation, crime, war, discrimination, prejudice, and hatred.

And each group that has come, there has been fear that some of those arriving might bring in crime, and a small percentage have done so.

But that does not mean that we should hold 98 percent of immigrants who are good people and just want a better life from coming in to America, as the land of opportunity.

If we had done that, our nation would not have been blessed with the major contributions made by millions of immigrants.

And for those who did not get special notice for their contributions, they were still law abiding citizens, bringing up their children to be Americans, and helping the economic growth of the American republic.

We had Irish gangs; Italian Mafia; Jewish gangsters; Chinese opium dealers; and bad elements from every ethnic and nationality group that has become part of the American fabric.

But the overwhelming positive accomplishments of America’s immigrants far outweigh the few cases of criminal elements, and we should not allow stereotyping of any immigrant group to be spread by hateful propaganda.

We have seen the discrimination and prejudice seen in the immigration laws in the 1920s against Jews, Italians, and others from post World War I Europe. We have seen the anti Oriental immigration laws against the Chinese in the 1880s and the Japanese in the 1920s; we have seen the riots and bloodshed against many different immigrant groups over time. We have seen the nativist movements that led to the Know Nothing Party in the 1850s, the anti Semitism of the 1930s and 1940s, and now the Islamophobia of the past decade.

The fact that we have Congressman Steve King of Iowa; former Congressman Tom Tancredo of Colorado; past Presidential contender Pat Buchanan; Islamophobe Pamela Geller; and a whole slew of right wing talk radio and Fox News Channel commentators who are nativists and racists, does not mean we should take it lying down.

We need to fight back vigorously against such hatemongers, and while we need to work on ending illegal immigration, we should welcome those who are here, and only deport those shown to be engaged in criminal conspiracies.

The Long Range Potential Beneficiary Of Donald Trump Candidacy: Ted Cruz, Or Is Cruz The Possible Long Term Loser?

It has been noticed that many of the Republican Presidential candidates have finally spoken out against Donald Trump’s racism and nativism.

This includes George Pataki, Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, and Chris Christie, although some of them reacting quite tamely.

Others have avoided touching the subject, but then there is Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who has specifically avoided criticism of Trump, and in fact, has praised him for his stance on illegal immigration.

Rick Santorum and Dr. Benjamin Carson have also praised Trump to a lesser extent, but Cruz’s gushing about Trump makes it likely that Trump would promote Cruz when it is clear that Trump is ready to leave the race.

But, of course, Cruz’s support of Trump could backfire on him and kill him off as the potential Republican Presidential nominee. The Trump-Cruz connection is a double edged sword!

Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert Becomes More Of A Lunatic Than Congresswoman Michele Bachmann: No Easy Feat!

Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert of the First Congressional District of Texas is rapidly gaining notoriety as more of a lunatic, more outrageous, than even Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, who was considered to be the leading wing nut in the Republican Party for the past few years.

But Gohmert is challenging her for certain, as with the following examples:

He has stated that women are coming into the nation illegally to have their babies, then take them out of the nation and breed them, as they are growing up, to be terrorists, and to be able to return to the country in 20-30 years to commit terrorist acts!

Barack Obama is a Muslim, and is encouraging terrorism, and hates Christianity and the American way of life!

If the principal and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School had only had guns, they could have stopped the massacre of 20 children and six teachers in Connecticut. The same goes for the Aurora, Colorado mass killings in the movie theater, that if patrons had had weapons on them, they could have stopped the mass killer dead in his tracks.

The US government is in cahoots with the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East, and is undermining America’s defenses, including Attorney General Eric Holder!

There is no such thing as climate change, and drilling in the Alaska Arctic Wildlife Refuge is a good idea to pursue. And a Trans Atlantic pipeline also encourages caribou to have sex!

Former Congressman Allen West of Florida should have become Speaker of the House for the113th Congress, after his defeat by his constituents.

Having limits on gun magazines is equivalent of gay marriage and bestiality!

Most recently, Gohmert has advocated that a woman must carry full term a pregnancy, in which it is determined that the fetus has no brain function! Gohmert believes the woman has no right to terminate a pregnancy at any point after conception!

Can any sane person NOT see that Gohmert is a total lunatic, and needs to be forced to have a mental examination as to his mental stability?

Gohmert is an embarrassment to his own Republican colleagues, and yet his district keeps electing him, so what does that say about the First Congressional District of Texas?

The Republican Party Losing Its Future By Refusing To Accept Their Shortcomings And Promote Change!

The Republican Party is, obviously, suicidal, as it is taking the wrong and unpopular stand on so many issues:

Refusal to back any gun regulations, even after the Newtown Massacre, alienating many mothers and parents.

Refusal to move much on illegal immigration, alienating Hispanics and Latinos, and Asian Americans.

Refusal to stop attacks on women’s rights, alienating large numbers of educated, suburban and young women.

Refusal to stop the attack on Social Security and Medicare, alienating millions of people nearing retirement, and many senior citizens.

Refusal to recognize that gay rights and gay marriage are the future, and therefore, alienating both gays and lesbians and their supportive families and friends, while at the same time, many of these Republicans have been married more than once, and have no concept of “family values”.

Refusal to cooperate on creating a budget that will pass both houses, and face the reality that taxes will have to go up, even more so now that there is growing danger of war with North Korea and/or Iran.

Refusal to repudiate their own Tea Party extremists, who will destroy the party’s future, as they will defeat responsible conservatives, but be unable to win seats in the US Senate or the White House anytime soon. As it is, the Republicans could have won Senate seats in Nevada, Colorado and Delaware in 2010, and Indiana and Missouri in 2012, but Tea Party supporters promoted lunatic nominees over responsible conservatives, and because of that, the Democrats were able to gain seats and keep the majority!

The Republican Party is living in illusion, in denial, in a time warp, in a parallel universe, and they are allowing the evangelical right wing Christians and the radio talk show hosts and Fox News Channel to steer them so far to the right that the majority of the American people will repudiate them for the long run, until they finally get the message, that the nation is a centrist nation, unwilling to cater to right wing extremists!

Quinnipiac Poll: Hillary Clinton Would Defeat Jeb Bush And Marco Rubio In Florida In 2016 Presidential Poll

Bad news for the Republican Party: Two of their more viable candidates, both from the significant “swing” state of Florida, former Governor Jeb Bush, and Senator Marco Rubio, would lose big time to Hillary Clinton in their home state, an absolutely amazing result.

Clinton would defeat Bush by 51-40 and Rubio by 52-41, and former Governor Charlie Crist, who switched from Republican to Independent to Democrat, and is considering challenging Florida Governor Rick Scott for reelection in 2014, leads Scott by the massive margin of 50-34 percent.

This is far ahead, but portends bad news for Florida’s Governor next year, and for the GOP in 2016, if they cannot win Florida with candidates from Florida!

And since illegal immigration is a hot issue, and neither Bush nor Rubio nor Rand Paul nor really anyone else considering running, is unwilling to consider a pathway to citizenship for eleven million people, there is no way that, with the increasing Hispanic and Latino vote, that ANY Republican can win the White House anytime soon, not just in 2016 but beyond!

Mitt Romney “Aint” No George W. Bush! So Says Barack Obama, And He Is Right!

The most interesting discussion last night at the second Presidential debate was about Mitt Romney being compared to George W. Bush, the last Republican President.

Romney tried to show how he was different from Bush, and was pretty lame at that exercise.

But Barack Obama took advantage of the situation to say that Bush was not for making Medicare a voucher system; was for a plan for illegal immigrants to become citizens; did not suggest that the government get involved in contraception decisions of women; and was for a more “compassionat” conservatism than Romney!

Imagine–George W. Bush brought to a level where he stands out on some issues as BETTER than Mitt Romney!

There is no case for Romney as President, because he is a totally callous individual, and not likeable, which George W. Bush actually was, by comparison!

A New Type Of Republican: The “Drawbridge” Republicans (Wealthy And Wishing To Deny Others Becoming Wealthy)!

Columnist Matt Miller came up with a new term yesterday in the Washington Post for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan—two wealthy men who wish to “raise the drawbridge” so that others have no chance to become wealthy and be successful as they have been!

Their goal is to help the wealthy, and do everything to impoverish the middle class and the poor, by withdrawing the social safety net, and even raising taxes on those classes below the wealthy while creating the greatest maldistribution of wealth in the entire history of the United States, and NOT be embarrassed or upset about that reality!

As Miller says, both Romney and Ryan lack empathy, and do not seem to care how badly they appear. So Romney defiantly refuses to release more information about his taxes, despite the tradition of multiple years being released by all other Presidential candidates. And Ryan “forgets’ to include a great inheritance in his vetting materials required under government rules about Congressional income, and for Romney, when considering him for Vice President. He acts as if being worth $7 million through inheritances is something to be kept secret, while calling for cuts in Pell Grants and Food Stamps for our children, whether of college age or of younger age and needing nutrition!

These “Drawbridge” Republicans are the most selfish, greedy, heartless Presidential team in living memory, as John McCain showed concern for illegal immigrants, and George W. Bush promoted a prescription drug plan for the elderly, and made attempts at improving education.

Romney and Ryan offer no such programs or concerns, except for themselves and their class, an absolutely disgraceful situation!

Oh, and by the way, the news is out: Paul Ryan provided NO BUMP for Romney after ten days, and even Sarah Palin four years ago provided a temporary bump for John McCain! So there is a disaster in the making for the Republican Presidential ticket in November!

Republican Party Platform So Far To The Right Politically That It Cannot Appeal To Moderates And Independents!

The Republican Party is formulating its platform a week before the Republican National Convention in Tampa next week, and it is so far to the Right politically, that it will have the effect of alienating to moderates and Independents!

The platform denies any abortions, no matter whether due to rape, incest, or life of the mother.

The platform takes a harsh stand on immigration, in line with the Arizona and Alabama laws now being sued in federal court by the Justice Department.

The platform supports strict ID voters laws, designed to suppress the votes of the young, the elderly, the poor, and minorities.

The platform supports the Ryan budget, including the privatization of Medicare and the massive tax cuts for the wealthy, while cutting Food Stamps, Pell Grants, and other programs for the middle class and the poor.

The platform refuses to accept gay rights, including gay marriage, but also rejects any recognition of civil unions, keeping gay Americans second class citizens!

These are just some of the outrageous planks in the GOP platform, and it is impossible to imagine that sane people will wish to support such a vindictive, extremist platform that would be designed to undermine the rights, freedoms, and privileges of millions of Americans!

Moderate Republicans will flee from a party they no longer recognize, and Independents will, by large margins, swing over to the Democrats, because there will be no alternative choice that is rational and reasonable!

House Republicans And Attorney General Eric Holder: A Travesty of Justice And A “Lynching” Of Our First African American Attorney General!

It is shocking beyond belief that our first African American Attorney General Eric Holder, under our first African American President of the United States, Barack Obama, is facing a contempt of Congress vote on Thursday, the same day the Supreme Court issues its judgment of Obama Health Care legislation!

What has Eric Holder done wrong? He has refused to release internal documents regarding the failed, so called, “Fast and Furious” Mexican Drug Running setup begun by the Bush Administration, which sadly ended in the death of a border agent. Holder had held numerous meetings with the committee headed by California Republican Congressman Darrell Issa, and given documents, and Issa well knows that nothing corrupt has occurred, but is still on a rampage to destroy Holder’s reputation!

Holder, by withholding some sensitive documents, is doing nothing different than any Attorney General in the past, and many Attorneys General, including those under Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush, have been involved in controversial activities, that never led to a move to cite for contempt of Congress.

Rather than deal with the jobs issue, the Republican House under Speaker John Boehner is running amuck, making for the most disgraceful Congress in many decades, and helping to cause the lowest public opinion rating for Congress in history, since polls began!

Even if Holder is cited for contempt of Congress, that will simply make him a victim of his race, and the prejudice against Barack Obama.

Holder has been an excellent Attorney General, fighting against the discriminatory immigration laws of Arizona and Alabama; battling against the attempt in Florida and elsewhere to cut people from the voting rolls; and taking other stands that conservatives and Republicans hate!

If Speaker John Boehner has any sense, he will work to prevent such a contempt citation, and push Darrell Issa to stop his bullying, but sadly it is unlikely to happen, but will reverberate on the Republicans in November!

Trying To Decipher The “Republican” Brain: Crazy, Lacking In Reality And Ethics

Republicans used to be a reputable major political party, and have a lot to be proud of in their history of 158 years.

But there is little to be proud of in 2012, as Republicans seem to have lost their minds, their ethics, their morality, their ability to understand reality!

How else to explain the following:

A vast majority of Republicans believe Barack Obama was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, is a Socialist, a Fascist, a Communist, and wishes to destroy America.

The deficit issue began with Barack Obama, ignoring $2 trillion investment in failed wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and $1.3 trillion in tax cuts to the top two percent of the population under George W. Bush.

The Federal budget can be balanced with only program cuts, not tax increases ever again.

Global warming is a hoax, and evolution is just a theory, and God will always protect all of us from harm from the climate, and mankind walked the earth alongside dinosaurs.

Iraq caused September 11, and we found Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

Since there is no body, how do we know that Osama Bin Laden was really killed by US Navy Seals?

Contraception is evil, and knowledge to adolescents about sex is evil, and it is all a plot to promote gay sex and abortions.

All Hispanics and Latinos are illegal immigrants, and they are all criminal elements that must be deported en masse.

Barack Obama is easily the most corrupt President we have ever had in American history, including Richard Nixon, and George W. Bush.

The collapse of Wall Street in 2008 was due to too much regulation, and was caused by Democrats and liberals.

The entire New Deal and Great Society is unconstitutional, and needs to be repealed, and return us to the days of states rights, instead of a powerful national government.

America was designed to be a theocracy, and we are a Christian Republic, and if we follow Jesus Christ, we will be just fine.

Science is atheism, and should be dismissed as propaganda to turn America away from God and Jesus Christ.

The list goes on, but this is enough to tell any sane person that the GOP has gone amuck in its craziness about the real world we live in!