Fidel Castro And Cuba

Mid April Full Of Historical Significance!

The middle days of April are full of historical significance, involving American history and the Presidency!

April 9 is the day of surrender of Robert E. Lee to Ulysses S. Grant to end, officially, the Civil War, in 1865.

April 12 is the beginning of the Civil War, with the attack at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, in 1861.

April 12 is also the day of the passing of Franklin D. Roosevelt in Warm Springs, Georgia, in 1945.

April 13 is the birthdate of Thomas Jefferson in 1743.

April 14 is the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, in 1865, and his death occurring the next morning, April 15.

April 17 saw the unsuccessful attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro, the infamous Bay of Pigs Invasion, under President John F. Kennedy’s administration, in 1961.

April 19 is the unofficial beginning of the American Revolution, occurring at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, in 1775.

The Republican Party Has Largely Gone Pro Russian, Complete Reversal Of History Since Joseph McCarthy!

In the Cold War years from 1945-1991, the Republican Party stood out for being anti Soviet Union, and for good reason, as that nation represented a threat to American national security and the stability of Europe, and a threat through their association with Fidel Castro’s Cuba.

The Republican Party also was captive to McCarthyism—the Red Scare of the 1950s under Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin—labeling liberals and progressives as if they were Communists allied with the Soviet Union. In that regard, they were reprehensible!

But who could imagine that Republicans who were once anti Communist, and also McCarthyites who ruined people’s lives with accusations that were unfounded, would over the 75 years since World War II, suddenly in large numbers become apologists for the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin?

Who would think they would sit back and allow Donald Trump to flirt with Putin, including helping him win a false election through Russian interference in 2016?

Who would think Fox News Channel and its anchors, including Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, and others, would give support to Putin and Russia as they threaten Ukraine and the stability of Europe in the present international crisis, which can be regarded as the greatest threat to world peace since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962?

George Orwell’s “1984” And The “Big Lie” Technique Of Totalitarian Governments (Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, et al), And Donald Trump 2018

We are now witnessing a President who evokes the novel “1984” by George Orwell, about the totalitarian mind and society.

He also has become a well known master of the “Big Lie” technique utilized by Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, the People’s Republic of China, Fidel Castro’s Cuba, and other totalitarian nations such as North Korea, and Vietnam, but also used now by Putin’s Russia, Turkey, Egypt, the Philippines and other autocracies.

The battle to preserve the American democratic republic we have is becoming more intense, as on the horizon, we could see Donald Trump taking brash actions, without adequate response by Congress and the courts.

His attack on journalism and the news media are a threat to all of us, as without a free press (both print and electronic), we are on the road to a dictatorship, which would be intolerable, and likely would lead to the outbreak of civil war, a horrifying thought, as it would cause total collapse of the American economy. It would lead to large numbers of dead and wounded (probably far greater in a nation now eleven times the population in 1860), and would make us a nation under constant threat and possible takeover by enemy nations, including Russia and China.

That is why the battle to change Congress in November is more urgent than at any time in modern history.

This is a question of life and death long term for this nation, which has been a beacon for many around the world.