Deficit Reduction Commission

President Obama And The Deficit Reduction Commission

President Obama has signed an executive order creating a bipartisan commission to address the issue of deficit reduction.

This is a major initiative at a difficult time, when the country is in the midst of the Great Recession, and the budget is out of balance by an estimate of $1.6 Trillion dollars for the coming fiscal year.

We cannot forget that this deficit mess was caused by the Bush Administration fighting two wars and initiating a Medicare Part D prescription plan while lowering taxes for the upper class and failing to make the country realize that we must all make a commitment to our security and pay more taxes.

The irresponsible policies of George W. Bush have pushed us into this emergency, including the lack of regulation of corporations, banks, and insurance companies, and now we are faced with a major crisis in the midst of hard times.

But the President is smart to assert himself on this issue, as the Senate, after earlier indications that there would be a bipartisan effort, refused to overcome the filibuster with 60 votes, only gaining a few Republican votes and a total of 53 votes in total.

If the Senate is unable to be responsible, then the President is proper in intervening and overruling the Senate, which is becoming more and more an obstruction of major embarrassment!