Clinton Health Care Plan

Rick Perry, The Democrat: The Ultimate Phoniness, Exploiting For His Own Ambition!

The author has never really understood how adults, who should have their political and philosophical views settled by the mid to late 20s at the latest, can suddenly have an “epiphany” in their 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond and change their views 180 degrees!

This has happened to many former Democrats who will claim that the party “left them”, an easy but ridiculous excuse, since if one believes the basic values of the Democratic Party, then to switch to the Republican Party is purely opportunism, cynicism, naked ambition, and willingness to exploit people’s fears and insecurities!

So enter Texas Governor Rick Perry, a former Democrat, who was Texas state director of the Al Gore Presidential campaign in 1988!

And enter Rick Perry, who in 1993, wrote an extremely supportive letter to First Lady Hillary Clinton, supporting, with great enthusiasm, the Clinton Health Care Plan, which failed of passage in 1994!

And enter Rick Perry, who now cannot have a decent word for ANY federal social safety net program, including Medicare and Social Security, and has proposed Texas secede from the Union! He has also condemned the whole 20th century series of social and economic reforms, and wants the 16th Amendment, the Federal income tax, to be repealed!

Does Rick Perry have any principles? If you believe that, the author will offer up a bridge that he is willing to sell to you–the old joke about the Brooklyn Bridge!