Charlie Melancon

Louisiana Senator David Vitter, Backing The “Birthers”: A Cover For His Scandals! :(

Louisiana Republican Senator David Vitter is running for reelection, and faces a competitive race against a moderate Democrat, Congressman Charlie Melancon.

Vitter has plenty of “skeletons in his closet”, having been implicated in a scandal involving a “Madam” that he was a regular client of over a period of years, and the fact that one of his congressional aides was involved with death threats and assault on a woman, and yet he worked for Vitter for another two years until his recent resignation! 🙁

So to cover up these stories, or take attention off them, Vitter has now distinguished himself by legitimizing the “Birther” wingnuts who claim that Barack Obama was not born in the United States, but rather in Kenya, despite the Hawaii state government under Republican Governor Linda Lingle asserting that such charges are false, and publishing on line the birth certificate of the President!

For that alone, plus the scandals he has been involved in, the people of Louisiana should retire Vitter and put a decent Congressman, who has been tormented by the oil spill’s effect on his state, Charlie Melancon , into the US Senate for the next six years!