Alec Baldwin

Interesting Survey On NYC Mayoralty Race For 2013

In a poll of NYC voters on who should run for Mayor in 2013, at a time when Mayor Michael Bloomberg will retire after 12 years,, very unusual results were reported.

While City Council President Christine Quinn (who is lesbian) has 23 percent in the polls; former City Controller Bill Thompson (who is African American) has 15 percent; and present City Controller John Liu (who is Asian American) has 9 percent; what is more interesting is that a third of those in the poll want former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer to run, and that a quarter of those in the poll want former Congressman Anthony Weiner; and only 18 percent want actor Alec Baldwin to enter the race.

What does this say about NYC voters? Do they really want a disgraced former Governor and a disgraced former Congressman to be their Mayor–even more than a well known actor and comedian? Isn’t the idea of the first woman Mayor who is gay; a black Mayor to follow up on David Dinkins; and an Asian American Mayor enough exciting?

No one is denying that Spitzer and Weiner may want vindication that they can come back from sex scandals, but somehow the alternatives, including Alec Baldwin, and the three city officials, seem like a more amenable set of choices!