Ronna McDaniel Should Be Fired, Not Rewarded, For Opposing Truth About 2020 Presidential Election! :(

Ronna McDaniel, the head of the Republican National Committee from the election of Donald Trump in 2016 until a week ago, should not be rewarded for collaborating in the “Big Lie”, that Donald Trump won the Presidential Election of 2020!

It is shocking beyond understanding why NBC would hire her as a political commentator, when she was a collaborator in the January 6 2021 US Capitol Insurrection. She continued to defend Donald Trump right up until he called for her resignation, as he has taken over the Republican Party apparatus lock, stock, and barrel, destroying the heritage of the 170 year old party!

This is not Michael Steele, or Liz Cheney, or Adam Kinzinger or other Republicans who, with their conservative credentials, might disagree with Democrats and progressives on issues, but are loyal to the Constitution and rule of law.

Having such alternative ideas and debating them is part of the American tradition, but if anything, Ronna McDaniel should be facing prosecution, not rewards, for her unpatriotic, immoral, and unethical defense of Donald Trump’s illegalities nonstop for the past three plus years since Trump lost reelection!

NBC management, facing major revolt by all of the MSNBC commentators, needs to pay off Ronna McDaniel and fire her, and she should not be a paid commentator, distorting the truth about Donald Trump!

It was a massive public relations disaster that the corporate leaders of a major news organization should have committed such a massive blunder!

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