Month: May 2021

Joe Biden Associated Press Public Opinion Poll Puts The President at 63 Percent!

The Associated Press Public Opinion Poll out today shows President Joe Biden’s ratings continue to soar.

Overall, Biden’s rating is at 63 percent, but on the COVID 19 Pandemic, he is even higher, at 71 percent, including 47 percent of Republicans.

Regarding the overall direction of the nation, the rating is 54 percent, the highest since 2017.

On the direction of the economy, the numbers are 57 percent.

However, on the issue of immigration and the problem at the Mexican border, only 43 percent support Biden.

48 percent support Biden on the issue of guns and mass shootings escalating, with 49 percent opposed.

And on foreign policy, 54 percent support the President on an area still in process of development.

Considering that Donald Trump NEVER reached 50 percent at any time since he first announced for President, and right up to now, it is clear Joe Biden is in very good shape, despite massive margins of Republicans remaining loyal to the twice impeached, twice loser of the popular vote 45th President!

Donald Trump And The Republican Party Are “A Clear And Present Danger” To America’s Future!

The worship and allegiance of most Republican Party officeholders to Donald Trump and the “Big Lie”, that Trump won the Presidential Election Of 2020, makes it clear that Trump and the party are “a clear and present danger” to America’s future.

As the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC makes clear, Trump and the Republican Party have become a Fascist party, with so many similarities to Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, Fascist Spain, Fascist Argentina, and a multitude of other Fascist dictatorships over the past century and still so now in Brazil, Hungary, Poland, the Philippines, and other dictatorships around the world!

The following characteristics make it clear that Trump and his party represent Fascism!

Powerful and continuing Nationalism
Disdain for Human Rights
Identification of Enemies as a Unifying Cause
Supremacy of the Military
Rampant Sexism
Controlled Mass Media
Obsession with National Security
Religion and Government Intertwined
Corporate Power Protected
Labor Power Suppressed
Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
Fraudulent Elections

Laurence W, Britt came up with this listing at Free Inquiry website on SecularHumanism.0rg in 2003!

A New Excuse For The January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection: “Foxitus” Or “Foxmania”!

As more insurrectionists who engaged in the US Capitol Attack on January 6, 2021 are arrested and facing court dates while in prison, a new defense for their seditionist behavior is emerging.

Now the claim is that they were manipulated by the influence of Fox News Channel—what is being called “Foxitus” or “Foxmania”.

This is laughable as it demonstrates their ignorance and demonstrates how easily manipulated they are by lies and conspiracy theories.

It also shows how Fox News Channel, and also OANN (One America News Network) and Newsmax TV, and a multitude of other right wing websites poison the atmosphere and lie incessantly about the truth regarding the Presidential Election of 2020, promoting the “Big Lie” that Donald Trump won.

However, ignorance and prejudice is no excuse, and all of the insurrectionists should be prosecuted and sentenced to ten years or more in prison as traitors to America and its democracy!

Republicans Will Rue Continuing Loyalty To Donald Trump, As It Will Destroy Their Party!

The Republican Party is in its death knells, and seems not to realize it.

The continuing loyalty of many sycophantic Republicans to a man who lost the popular vote massively two times, who was impeached twice, and had the only bipartisan impeachment in American history, is stunning.

The Republicans lost control of the House of Representatives in 2018 during the Presidency of Donald Trump, and then lost the Senate in 2020-2021, and lost five states Trump won in 2016—Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona.

139 House members and 8 Senators in the party voted to refuse to accept the victory of President Joe Biden in the Presidential Election of 2020, and in effect, incited and encouraged the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, causing the death of five people, including Capitol police officers.

And these traitors, seditionists, white supremacists, racists, nativists, misogynists continue to undermine American democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law four months later, and insist on promoting the “Big Lie” that Donald Trump won, and they refuse to accept the truth of Russian collusion in the Presidential Election of 2016.

They continue to back a Fascist authoritarian who has no interest in issues facing the nation, as a result of his failure to deal with the COVID 19 Crisis, and still has one third of the nation defying science, and promoting lawlessness, violence, and repudiation of common sense and facts!

There is a movement developing among responsible conservatives, including former office holders, some courageous members of Congress, and conservative spokesmen, who understand that Donald Trump and his extremist right wing movement is poisoning the atmosphere, promoting division and hatred, and threatening the political, economic, and social stability of the nation as it faces a multitude of challenges, both domestic and foreign.

So the “crazy” Trump followers in the Republican Party will rue the day they gave their loyalty to the madman in Mar A Lago, as it is in process of being destroyed!

Florida Needs A Democratic Governor And Senator After The Midterm Elections Of 2022!

The state of Florida, third largest in population, has become, sadly, a very RED state, totally corrupt and incompetent politically!

Florida Republicans are among the worst in the nation, now putting into place voting restrictions in a state which had no issues at all with the counting of the results of the Presidential Election of 2020.

It is hard to say who is the worst Republican officeholder.

Is it Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Rick Scott (former Governor), or northern Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz?

Or is it Governor Ron DeSantis, the “Mini Trump”, who is slavish to everything Donald Trump?

DeSantis copies Trump in every way imaginable, and sees himself as a Presidential candidate in 2024.

But so does Rubio, who tried for the Presidency before in 2016, was condemnatory of Trump in that year, and now is slavish to him.

And also planning to run is Rick Scott, who, until Ron DeSantis became Governor, was the worst Governor imaginable, but has now been surpassed in evil and divisiveness by DeSantis.

It is clear that Florida needs a Democratic Governor and Senator after the Midterm Elections of 2022, when DeSantis and Rubio come up for election.

Former Republican Governor Charlie Crist, now a Democrat, has announced for Governor, and it is expected that the only statewide Democratic officeholder, Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, will also run for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination.

Former Orlando police chief and Congresswoman Val Demings is also expected to run for either Governor or Senator, and she could be a major threat to Marco Rubio, while Crist and Fried challenge DeSantis.

Elise Stefanik Sells Her Soul To Grab Third Ranking Position In House From Liz Cheney

New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik has sold her soul to Donald Trump at the young age of 36, grabbing the third ranking House Republican leadership position from Liz Cheney.

Starting off as a moderate Republican, Stefanik has now proved she is a sycophant, bowing to the Fascist dictator, Donald Trump, who is destroying the Republican Party.

By all rights, Stefanik should lose her seat, as she has no conscience, and cannot fathom that Liz Cheney is totally accurate in her view of the January 6 Capitol Insurrection.

Instead, Stefanik has swallowed the “Big Lie”, that Donald Trump won the Presidential Election of 2020 over Joe Biden, when more than 60 legal cases, and the Supreme Court, proved otherwise!

Stefanik is a traitor to American values, and will go down in history as having backed a criminal conspiracy, while Cheney will go down in history as a “Profile in Courage”.

This has nothing to do with whether one agrees with Cheney on her conservative values, which this author disagrees with profusely, but simply standing for American democracy and the Constitution against an authoritarian, Fascist take over that is destroying the heritage of the Republican Party in history!

Republican Party Survival Only Possible Long Term With Those Who Reject The “Big Lie” Of Donald Trump!

The Republican Party is at an historic crossroads.

If it continues to back the “Big Lie” of Donald Trump, that he won the Presidential Election of 2020, then it will be destroyed, and go into the dustbin of history, as no party can have its future based on a criminal President who was impeached twice, and lost the popular vote twice by massive margins, and only won the first time due to Russian collusion!

The January 6, 2021 Capitol Insurrection cannot be covered up, and dismissed, as it was an attack on American democracy at its core!

Anyone backing Donald Trump at this point is spoiled goods, and only is inciting division that endangers domestic tranquility, and is a direct threat for civil disorder.

Worship of a man is dangerous, and reminds us of Benito Mussolini and Fascist Italy; Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany; and Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union.

So the leadership of the future must be people such as Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and Lisa Murkowski, or else the need for a new conservative mainstream party is an urgency!

Donald Trump, The Republican Party, And Two “Big Lies”!

Donald Trump lost the national popular vote twice, by massive margins, much more than George W. Bush in 2000, Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876, Benjamin Harrison in 1888, and John Quincy Adams in 1824.

Together, he lost by nearly 10 million votes–2.85 million in 2016, and 7.1 million in 2020.

The “Big Lie” is that Donald Trump won EITHER time, 2016 and 2020.

It is clear that the Russians and Vladimir Putin helped to fix the election in 2016 in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, giving Trump the victory by a combined total of about 78,000 votes.

In 2020, Trump lost much more massively, even in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, along with Georgia and Arizona, but his party is perpetuating a myth that helped to provoke the Capitol Insurrection of January 6, 2021, for which Donald Trump should be held accountable and be in prison!

Conservatism and the Republican Party are being destroyed, and the idea that nearly 70 percent of Republicans in polls believe the “Big Lie”, and refuse to acknowledge Joe Biden won the Presidency is beyond any sense of reality. This undermines American democracy, rule of law, and respect for the Constitution.

The Republican Party officeholders, with the exception of a small group, including Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Adam Kinzinger, Lisa Murkowski, and a few others, has become a Fascist Party, a right wing Populist Party, a worshipper of Donald Trump, as if he is their Adolf Hitler or Benito Mussolini, unwilling or unable to accept the truth, and living in an alternate reality!

Mitt Romney Being Booed At Utah Republican Event Demonstrates How Loony The GOP Has Become!

This author, blogger and scholar was not thrilled by Mitt Romney during and after his 2012 Presidential campaign, but there has always been respect for his dignity, principles, and basic virtues.

Romney, like John McCain before him, were Republicans this author would not support, but always felt that they presented basic Republican principles in a respectable manner.

Such is not the case with Donald Trump, but it is now clear that the Republican party of history is dying rapidly.

The bitter attacks on John McCain in his last years in the Senate, and the nasty attacks on Mitt Romney for repudiating Trump and voting to convict him on impeachment charges demonstrated that the Republican Party is much like a Fascist Party, controlled and dominated by a lunatic and maniac who has no regard for American democracy.

For Mitt Romney to be booed at a Utah Republican state party event demonstrates how loony the GOP has become!

By all rights, Donald Trump should be in prison for inciting the January 6, 2021 Capital Insurrection, and yet we have crazy Trump followers in the Congress and the state legislatures who bow to him as if he was Benito Mussolini or Adolf Hitler.

One does not have to agree with Mitt Romney on issues to feel sad that he is being mistreated for having basic decency and admirable principles, so we are witnessing the destruction of the party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, as well as John McCain and Mitt Romney!

Elegant, Intelligent First Lady Dr. Jill Biden Restores Stature Of Her Position After Melania Trump

Dr. Jill Biden, the First Lady, has restored the stature of her position after the disaster of Melania Trump.

Dr. Biden is elegant, intelligent, compassionate, dignified, in line with former modern First Ladies of the past 50 years, including Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Bush, Nancy Reagan, Rosalynn Carter, and Betty Ford.

Melania Trump was an aberration, who demonstrated how unqualified she was to be First Lady, and will go down in First Lady history as one of the bottom few. She showed a lack of class, or any concern for the responsibilities of the position, and even did harm to the White House Rose Garden in her last year in the position.

Plans are moving forward to restore the Rose Garden to the way it was under Jacqueline Kennedy.

Donald and Melania Trump were a blip in the history of the Presidency, and Melania will disappear into the background when history of the First Ladies is updated and chronicled in the future!