Month: September 2020

Hope That At Least Four Republican Senators Will Delay A Vote To Replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg

This is a very depressing time, and Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell are adding to it by the outrageous rapid move to promote a Supreme Court nominee to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg so quickly.

With only six weeks until the election, and with the normal period before the process for a Supreme Court nominee being about 75 days, what is the hurry to do this?

In 2016, the Republicans refused to consider a Supreme Court nominee for an entire year, rather than allow Barack Obama to put Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court!

The argument was that in the year of a Presidential election, no replacement for the Court should be considered.

If the Court could do with eight members for a year, then they can do with only 8 members until January, when the next inauguration takes place.

No one can argue that if Donald Trump were to win a second term, of course, he could pick a replacement.

But if Joe Biden win the election, then the new President should make the choice for a lifetime appointment of about 30 years.

A hopeful sign is that two women Republican Senators—Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine—have stated that the elected President in November should make the appointment, and that they do not support a rapid replacement before the election or after if Joe Biden wins in November.

Collins has been very disappointing in supporting the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh in 2018, and she is in deep trouble in her Senate reelection campaign in Maine.

Murkowski does not have to face voters until 2022, and in the past, she won reelection to her seat against both a Republican and a Democrat in 2010, so she is more to be trusted than Collins.

But there is also Mitt Romney, who one would think is principled enough based on his opposition to Donald Trump, that he could be a third vote.

Four votes are needed, however, to stop a nominee from being confirmed for now, and Senate President Pro Tempore Chuck Grassley of Iowa, has said in the past he is against a replacement in an election year, so maybe he will also oppose a quick action.

There is also speculations that Cory Gardner, in a tough race in Colorado, might wish to avoid voting on a nominee before the election.

There are also those Senators seen as more moderate conservatives, but none of them can be relied upon: Rob Portman of Ohio, and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.

Of course, Mitch McConnell himself, and Lindsey Graham, both facing election in their states, had posed the same principle in 2016, but not now, so purely, both are hypocrites. One can hope that possibly their opponents will gain more funding and possibly defeat them, although the odds are long.

Then, there is Ted Cruz, a despicable piece of trash, who also said the same thing about election year appointments, but now is on a list of potential Supreme Court nominees, although Trump has said a woman will be selected next week!

All of the other Republicans running for reelection seem unlikely to show any principle, although Ben Sasse of Nebraska is one we could hope might do so, but seems unlikely to have the courage to take a stand.

So we may end up with a 6-3 Court, setting us back to the 19th century in so many ways, and if nothing else, it should encourage more than ever before for massive contributions to Democrats for the Senate and for Joe Biden nationally, as this nightmare of Donald Trump must come to an end in November!

Death Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Election Of Democratic President And Senate Ever More Urgent!

The shocking news of the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, which everyone was praying would not happen, makes the election of Joe Biden and a Democratic Senate ever more urgent.

With only 46 days to the election, and with people voting already early in a number of states, the push to replace her should not take place until after the election results are in!

And if Donald Trump loses and the Senate goes Democratic, it would be an outrage if a lame duck President and Republican controlled Senate were to ram through a replacement between November and January.

That is why no one can afford to ignore this election, as it is crucial for the future of the nation, in a way unlike any other in the past century!

Justice Ginsburg will be regarded as being in the top ten all time of Supreme Court Justices, and her loss is hard to replace, as she was a spokesman for the advancement of women and minorities, which desperately need a champion as she was. She was a role model and trail blazer for so many Americans!

This upcoming Senate battle is one for the ages, and the Court will become more than ever a major issue to be decided in six weeks from now!

Another Opportunity To Salute The New York Times, Today 169 Years Old, A True National Treasure To Freedom Of The Press!

This author and blogger has hailed the New York Times numerous times over its courage and principle in always seeking the truth, and has celebrated its birthday many times, and it is time to do so again, on its 169th Anniversary!

The New York Times is a true national treasure to freedom of the press, the best guardian against dictatorship and authoritarianism.

The paper has won 130 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper, and has saved America with its investigations and revelations on government and its leaders since the middle of the 19th century, along with the best, most thorough discussion of foreign affairs, as well as culture and finance.

It was responsible for exposing Watergate, along with its “sister” competitor, the Washington Post, which has won 69 Pulitzer Prizes, the second most of any newspaper, and founded on December 6, 1877, so almost 143 years old.

The fact that both newspapers are seen as the enemy of Donald Trump and crooked Republicans in 2020 is a badge of honor.

The New York Times–“All the News That’s Fit to Print”–will survive Donald Trump, and will report on all authoritarian regimes around the globe, as it has done through the years.

It is not a perfect newspaper, and neither is the Washington Post, and they have both admitted shortcomings over the years.

But to be well informed and understand public affairs, one MUST read the New York Times and Washington Post, or give up a claim to being knowledgeable on all kinds of public issues!

Donald Trump Has No Regard For Human Life, Now Promoting Herd Immunity, Which Would Kill Millions Of Americans!

Donald Trump is so fixed on his own reelection that he has failed the nation in regards to the CoronaVirus Pandemic.

He has rejected science and scientists, and is pressuring the Centers For Disease Control and its leader, Dr Robert Redfield, who has said that the vaccine that is being worked on will not be readily available until second quarter or third quarter of 2021. But Donald Trump said Redfield is misled, and the vaccine will be available soon, which is a total lie.

Also, Redfield has said face masks are the best method, even more than a vaccine, to overcome the virus, but Trump refuses to promote face masks, and is contradicting Redfield, claiming he “misunderstood” the questions of reporters.

Now, additionally, a quack doctor, Dr. Scott Atlas, is promoting herd immunity, the infecting of at least 215 million Americans with the virus, as the best way to solve the crisis, but putting a minimum of 2.15 million people in likelihood of death, and possibly triple that!

Clearly, Donald Trump is promoting murder of a few million people, all for the purpose of being reelected, misleading the American people, and only appealing to his “Cult” of followers, who reject science.

The pressure is greater than ever that Donald Trump MUST be removed from office, as otherwise, the future of America is a Fascist dictatorship, ignoring science, and causing the death of more Americans than all of America’s wars combined.

This is a literal nightmare that we cannot escape from, as the election moves closer, now 47 days until November 3!

Could Donald Trump Resign Before The Election, Or After The Election Before The Inauguration?

There is some speculation that Donald Trump, who has been behind Joe Biden steadily in public opinion polls for many months, might be thinking of resigning before the election, rather than face defeat, which would be very hard for him psychologically. Or he could resign after the election before Inauguration Day on January 20, 2021.

Trump has a history of quitting, with six bankruptcies, and as bad as it would be for him to resign, it could be seen by him as better than the embarrassment of defeat, one that could be a massive landslide. Or he could take the action after defeat, in an attempt to avoid prosecution.

The plan being theorized is that Donald Trump would resign, let Vice President Mike Pence take over, and then be pardoned by Pence.

This situation would be unprecedented, very different than Richard Nixon resigning in August 1974, giving Gerald Ford a term of two years and five and a half months.

But that would upend the election process if it took place before the election, as there would not be time for Mike Pence to choose a running mate to replace himself, and would only insure a more humiliating defeat in November.

Whether before or after the election, it would give Mike Pence the shortest Presidency, except for William Henry Harrison’s one month in 1841.

And despite his sychophantic nature, would Mike Pence want it in history that in his four months or less Presidency, that he is noted for pardoning a President from the legion of crimes that he and Trump were engaged in?

And even if Pence gave a pardon, it would not include New York State charges of financial crimes and other crimes committed on New York property.

So there is no fool proof way out for Donald Trump, who now seems insured of trial and prison on a multitude of charges when he leaves office.

Such charges could not happen to a “better person”, utilizing sarcasm to its extreme!

Trump Is Behind Biden Nationally By 7 Points, And Fear, Panic, Hysteria, And Accusations Of Radicalism Are NOT Working!

Donald Trump has been behind Joe Biden all year, and presently is seven points behind Biden in national polls. The numbers between the two men have been very stable and consistent, amazingly so!

Trump has promoted fear, panic, hysteria, and accusations that Joe Biden is a radical and Kamala Harris, the black and Asian woman, is a danger as she is the power behind the throne, as if Joe Biden has no brain matter left, when it is precisely Donald Trump who has been acting very wacky and unstable, more so every day.

Again, Trump is using the psychological term of projection, looking in the mirror and then accusing Joe Biden of any one of Trump’s shortcomings.

It is not Joe Biden who threatens a radical government, as that is not his history!

It is Donald Trump who is promoting the concept of seizing absolute power as a Fascist, and defying the Constitution’s 22nd Amendment, which limits an elected President to two term as a maximum.

It is obvious that many different voting groups are seeing Trump as what he is—the criminal who has caused more deaths in peacetime than any President in history, and has presided over the most corrupt, venal government imaginable, and has done horrible damage to America domestically and in foreign policy.

Donald Trump will face prosecution and prison time, which he richly deserves as a traitor, and a tragedy as, by far, the worst President ever in the Oval Office!

Suburbia In 2020 Is Not Similar To Past Suburbia That Donald Trump Portrays!

Donald Trump talks about “Suburbia” as if is the 1950s and 1960s, when the suburbs outside of cities were developed, and were mostly white, often by restrictions by builders and by communities themselves.

No longer is “Suburbia” the same, as now it is no longer white exclusive, and instead is multi racial and multi religious, a true example of America, while cities tends to be more the very rich and the very poor.

So when Donald Trump talks about saving white suburban women from “dangerous” and “lawless” minorities that are plotting to destroy their neighborhoods, he is inciting fear and hysteria!

And white Suburbia, and particularly white women who are educated, find Donald Trump obnoxious, so the once likely Republican “Suburbia” is now trending toward Democrats, as they did in the midterm Congressional Elections of 2018.

Trump is living in the mythical past, while he is only interested in stoking fear and hysteria, and in November, he will be repudiated by the voters as a true monster, who should face prosecution upon leaving office for massive crimes against his own people!

Joe Biden Is A Role Model For Young People, While Donald Trump Is NOT A Role Model For Anyone!

The greatest tragedy long term of the horrible person we have in the White House now is that he is NOT a role model for anyone!

Getting away from his policies for a minute, Donald Trump is a person who clearly is a massive liar, more than 20,000 times in office in three and a half years, by count of the Washington Post.

Trump is also a racist big time, since the 1970s with housing in Queens County, New York, and labeling the “Central Park Five” guilty before trial, and unwilling to concede after DNA investigation years later that the five young men who went to prison were innocent, even after they left prison. He continues to promote that all black men are hoodlums and dangerous to white suburbia.

Trump also labels all Latinos in a negative manner since he began his campaign against Mexicans and Mexican Americans, and has separated innocent children and babies at the border through the abusive ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and CBP (Customs and Border Patrol) agencies. He has also talked about “S hole nations” in Africa, and attacked Asian Americans, and the land rights of native Americans. Only a racist would not see this to be so, that Trump is a racist and a nativist, in a manner and intensity of no other American President!

Trump is also a misogynist, who has had a love life of cheating and abuse of women much greater than any other American President, including those we know had scandalous love lives. He is the only President to have had three wives and two divorces, and even cheated on his third wife right after his son was born, by affairs with two porn stars. So his morality is zilch!

So Donald Trump is a disgrace, and no role model for children, as he encourages young boys and men to be abusive and reckless with young girls and women. This is a matter that affects the psyches of young girls and women, that they are supposed to be, according to the Trump viewpoint, taken advantage of and abused by boys and men!

This is a tremendous tragedy for the nation, to have such a man in the White House!

We have the alternative of Joe Biden, who has led a life of responsibility, morality, ethics, decency, compassion, and empathy, and as a great parent and husband. While no person is perfect in every action and utterance, Joe Biden is indeed a great role model for young men and women, and will grace the office of the Presidency in a way in which we can again believe the Presidency is a role model for the nation!

Cuban Americans Are Distinctly Republican, But Competition For The Vote Of Other Latinos Is Strongly Democratic

It is well known that the majority of Cuban Americans have been conservative and supporters of the Republican Party, since the first migration of Cubans to South Florida in 1959, and particularly after the failed Bay of Pigs fiasco under President John F. Kennedy in 1961.

And yet, younger Cubans are much more Democratic, as this scholar and professor discovered in his classes over the years.

Still, the effect of Fidel Castro and his brother Raul Castro permeate the strong anti Communism of Cuban Americans in Florida, New Jersey, New York and California, major centers of Cuban Americans. But Cubans are only about 4 percent of all Latino Americans.

Other Latino Americans still tend to be strongly Democratic, so it is expected Joe Biden will win the vast majority of Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and other Latino groups from Latin America, with the one exception of Venezuelans.

Florida will be more complex because of the strength of the Cuban vote in South Florida, but the growing Puerto Rican presence, especially in central Florida in the last few years, makes it a real competition for both Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Elsewhere, the Mexican American vote, and population (which is two thirds of all Latinos in America), makes it likely that Arizona may turn “Blue” and that Texas will be much more competitive than ever in the past thirty years. And Georgia and North Carolina also will be tight races due to Latinos.

Already, California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado are strongly Democratic.

So the battle for the Latino vote is very much to be noticed in this upcoming Presidential election, and in Senate and House races.

Anarchy, Chaos, Mayhem: The Donald Trump Presidency!

The best description of the Donald Trump Presidency is that it is a time of anarchy, chaos, mayhem!

The man in office is dangerous, unpredictable, and seems certifiably crazy, and yet the Cabinet and Vice President Mike Pence have gone along with his insanity, and are complicit in his crimes against humanity!

The nightmare is not over, as one cannot be sure that Trump will not find an illegal, unethical manner, with foreign collusion and voter suppression methods, to win a second term, although that seems highly unlikely, more than ever.

But the crisis if Trump loses, and refuses to concede or leave office, then we will have a situation that has never occurred before, as in every close contest and even challenge on the Presidency, including 1876, 2000, and 2016, the result was accepted, even if grudgingly.

But Donald Trump is not Samuel Tilden, Al Gore, or Hillary Clinton, and is sure to create anarchy, chaos, and mayhem even to the last minute of the term, sadly!