Cory Lewandowski is the campaign manager for Donald Trump, and he has great problems in controlling his hands and his emotions.
He, clearly, grabbed journalist Michelle Fields and bruised her arm at the end of a Trump press conference, but refuses to admit it, and apologize, so a case of battery has been brought by the Jupiter, Florida police department, which has video evidence of what happened.
So a court case has begun, and Trump fully backs his abusive aide, who has shown temper in the past, and tells his aide to fight it all the way in court.
This is a sign of just how dangerous Donald Trump is.
He argues he does not want to ruin the life of his campaign manager, but he could tell him, just admit the transgression, apologize, and move on, as that is all Michelle Fields would ask.
But no, Trump is incapable of admitting any faults or errors, and also wants to sue, and hints at a counter suit against Michelle Fields!
This proves how crazy Trump, an entitled inheritor of wealth is, and he needs his comeuppance, and this, hopefully, along with his crazy statements about foreign policy, and his statement that women who have abortions should go to prison, will help seal his fate!
It is disturbing how no possibility of apology or admission of error ever comes from his mouth! What will happen, god forbid, if he is President, and a blunder occurs, which he will be unwilling to confess to, and people will die, as a result?
It is also disturbing how he continues to promote disrespect of women, as he is a misogynist, and believes use of force in interpersonal relations, as well as foreign relations, is perfectly normal and acceptable!
Trump is out of control, and is the most dangerous Presidential candidate in all of American history!
I am publishing an article on History News Network to this effect on April 11, and it will be put on the blog under “Articles” shortly after for my readers who do not wish to access the History News Network website (
Saw a great editorial cartoon the other day. With all the juvenile shenanigans with Trump the last few weeks, the cartoon illustrated the campaign motto, “Make America Great Again” with the great x’d out and eight written in to make it; “Make America Eight Again”.
Welcome to the future USSA – Where women think it’s a feminine right to strip men of due process and presumption of innocence and to destroy men’s lives based on accusations alone.
In another example – The fraudulent statistics used to create the bogus “rape culture” hysteria on college campuses are the work of feminists too. Now you have college men being expelled whenever accused of sexual assault – via kangaroo courts made up of N Korea like feminist faculty – regardless of evidence being in the accused favor.
The Ghomeshi trial is another recent example – Where feminists are demanding that the justice system be modified to accommodate women that lie under oath, withhold evidence and collude to destroy men’s lives – because that’s women’s justified behavior when faced with patriarchy.
Feminism has become a cluster B personality disorder.
Totally disagree with Mark in regards to feminism.
Princess Leia, I allowed this on for reasons of discussion, not agreement!
I’m offended by Mark’s comment too, Leia. Feminism is not a bad thing.
In addition to being offended by the feminism = bad remark, I’m also offended that he takes rape and sexual assault as things to be taken lightly.
Feminism is about equality and treating women with respect. I don’t consider that in any way as being equivalent to Russia or North Korea.
More like welcome to Trump World.
Trump had his Miss Universe Paegent yanked from TV.
So, he has come up with an alternative: Miss Ogynst Paegent.
What is Ogynst, Paul? No clue, lol
Put the two words together, Professor..
Trump’s abortion comments exposes the Religious Right’s War on Women.